在Qt官网上,Qt for Embedded Linux Fonts模块已经说的很清楚了,搞了好多天大哭

Qt for Embedded Linux Fonts

Qt for Embedded Linux uses the FreeType 2 font engine to produce font output. The formats supported depends on the locally installed version of the FreeType library. In addition, Qt for Embedded Linux supports the Qt Prerendered Font formats (QPF and QPF2): light-weight non-scalable font formats specific to Qt for Embedded Linux. QPF2 is the native format of Qt for Embedded Linux. QPF is the legacy format used by Qt/Embedded 2.x and 3.x. Several of the formats may be rendered using anti-aliasing for improved readability.


When Qt for Embedded Linux applications run, they look for fonts in Qt's lib/fonts/ directory. Qt for Embedded Linux will automatically detect prerendered fonts and TrueType fonts. For compatibility, it will also read the legacy lib/fonts/fontdir file.


Nokia provides support for the legacy QPF format for compatibility reasons. QPF is based on the internal font engine data structure of Qt/Embedded versions 2 and 3.

Note that the file name describes the font, for example helvetica_120_50.qpf is 12 point Helvetica while helvetica_120_50i.qpf is 12 point Helvetica italic.


The Legacy fontdir File

For compatibility reasons Qt for Embedded Linux supports the fontdir file, if present. The file defines additional fonts available to the application, and has the following format:

 name file renderer italic weight size flags

nameThe name of the font format, e.g.,Helvetica, Times, etc.
fileThe name of the file containing the font, e.g., helvR0810.bdf, verdana.ttf, etc.
rendererSpecifies the font engine that should be used to render the font, currently only the FreeType font engine (FT) is supported.
italicSpecifies whether the font is italic or not; the accepted values are y or n.
weightSpecifies the font's weight: 50 is normal, 75 is bold, etc.
sizeSpecifies the font size, i.e., point size * 10. For example, a value of 120 means 12pt. A value of 0 means that the font is scalable.
flagsThe following flag is supported:
  • s: smooth (anti-aliased)

All other flags are ignored.



simhei_10 simhei_ms.ttf FT n 50 100 su
simhei_11 simhei_ms.ttf FT n 50 110 su
simhei_12 simhei_ms.ttf FT n 50 120 su
simhei_13 simhei_ms.ttf FT n 50 130 su
simhei_14 simhei_ms.ttf FT n 50 140 su
simhei_15 simhei_ms.ttf FT n 50 150 su
simhei_16 simhei_ms.ttf FT n 50 160 su

QFont font;





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