1 安装

1.1 Tar包安装


wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.8.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz

  tar xvfz influxdb-1.8.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz

$ su - tigk
$ tar xvfz /opt/package/influxdb-1.8.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /home/tigk/.local/
$ cd /home/tigk/.local
$ mv influxdb-1.8.0-1/ influxdb



influxd          influxdb服务器
influx           influxdb命令行客户端
influx_inspect   查看工具
influx_stress    压力测试工具
influx_tsm       数据库转换工具(将数据库从b1或bz1格式转换为tsm1格式)


[tigk@fbi-local-02 .local]$ mkdir /data/tigk/influxdb/conf
[tigk@fbi-local-02 .local]$ cp /home/tigk/.local/influxdb/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf  /data/tigk/influxdb/conf/
[tigk@fbi-local-02 .local]$ cd /data/tigk/influxdb/conf/influxdb.conf
[tigk@fbi-local-02 influxdb]$ mkdir meta
[tigk@fbi-local-02 influxdb]$ mkdir data
[tigk@fbi-local-02 influxdb]$ mkdir wal



# reporting-disabled = false	# 该选项用于上报influxdb的使用信息给InfluxData公司,默认值为false
# bind-address = ""	# 备份恢复时使用,默认值为8088
### [meta]
  dir = "/data/tigk/influxdb/meta"  # meta数据存放目录
  # retention-autocreate = true  # 用于控制默认存储策略,数据库创建时,会自动生成autogen的存储策略,默认值:true
  # logging-enabled = true  # 是否开启meta日志,默认值:true
### [data]
  dir = "/data/tigk/influxdb/data"  # 最终数据(TSM文件)存储目录
  wal-dir = "/data/tigk/influxdb/wal"  # 预写日志存储目录
  # wal-fsync-delay = "0s" #在同步写入之前等待的总时间,默认0s
  # index-version = "inmem" #用于新碎片的切分索引的类型。
  # trace-logging-enabled = false #跟踪日志记录在tsm引擎周围提供了更详细的输出
  # query-log-enabled = true  # 是否开启tsm引擎查询日志,默认值: true
  # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  # cache-max-memory-size = "1g"  # 用于限定shard最大值,大于该值时会拒绝写入,默认值:1000MB,单位:byte
  # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  # cache-snapshot-memory-size = "25m"  # 用于设置快照大小,大于该值时数据会刷新到tsm文件,默认值:25MB,单位:byte
  # cache-snapshot-write-cold-duration = "10m"  # tsm引擎 snapshot写盘延迟,默认值:10Minute
  # compact-full-write-cold-duration = "4h"  # tsm文件在压缩前可以存储的最大时间,默认值:4Hour
  # max-concurrent-compactions = 0 #压缩并发的最大数量,默认设置为0表示runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)*50% ,否则以设置的非零值为准
  # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  # max-index-log-file-size = "1m" #限制索引日志文件大小
  # max-series-per-database = 1000000  # 限制数据库的级数,该值为0时取消限制,默认值:1000000
  # max-values-per-tag = 100000  # 一个tag最大的value数,0取消限制,默认值:100000
  # tsm-use-madv-willneed = false #如果为true,mmap的建议值MADV_WILLNEED会被提供给内核
### [coordinator]
  # write-timeout = "10s"  # 写操作超时时间,默认值: 10s
  # max-concurrent-queries = 0  # 最大并发查询数,0无限制,默认值: 0
  # query-timeout = "0s"  # 查询操作超时时间,0无限制,默认值:0s
  # log-queries-after = "0s"  # 慢查询超时时间,0无限制,默认值:0s
  # max-select-point = 0  # SELECT语句可以处理的最大点数(points),0无限制,默认值:0
  # max-select-series = 0  # SELECT语句可以处理的最大级数(series),0无限制,默认值:0
  # max-select-buckets = 0  # SELECT语句可以处理的最大"GROUP BY time()"的时间周期,0无限制,默认值:0
### [retention]
  # enabled = true  # 是否启用该模块,默认值 : true
  # check-interval = "30m" # 检查时间间隔,默认值 :"30m"
### [shard-precreation]
  # enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 : true
  # check-interval = "10m"  # 检查时间间隔,默认值 :"10m"
  # advance-period = "30m"  # 预创建分区的最大提前时间,默认值 :"30m"
  # store-enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  # store-database = "_internal" # 默认数据库:"_internal"
  # store-interval = "10s" # 统计间隔,默认值:"10s"
### [http]
  # enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  # bind-address = ":8086" # 绑定地址,默认值 :":8086"
  # auth-enabled = false # 是否开启认证,默认值:false
  # realm = "InfluxDB" # 配置JWT realm,默认值: "InfluxDB"
  # log-enabled = true  # 是否开启日志,默认值:true
  # suppress-write-log = false #在启用日志时是否抑制HTTP写请求日志
  # access-log-path = "" #当启用HTTP请求日志时,该选项指定了路径。如influxd不能访问指定的路径,它将记录一个错误并将请求日志写入stderr
  # write-tracing = false  # 是否开启写操作日志,如果置成true,每一次写操作都会打日志,默认值:false
  # pprof-enabled = true  # 是否开启pprof,默认值:true
  # debug-pprof-enabled = false  # 是否开启pprof,默认值:true
  # https-enabled = false # 是否开启https ,默认值 :false
  # https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem" # 设置https证书路径,默认值:"/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  # https-private-key = ""# 设置https私钥,无默认值
  # shared-secret = "" # 用于JWT签名的共享密钥,无默认值
  # max-row-limit = 0 # 配置查询返回最大行数,0无限制,默认值:0
  # max-connection-limit = 0  # 配置最大连接数,0无限制,默认值:0
  # unix-socket-enabled = false  # 是否使用unix-socket,默认值:false
  # bind-socket = "/var/run/influxdb.sock" # unix-socket路径,默认值:"/var/run/influxdb.sock"
  # max-body-size = 25000000 #客户端请求主体的最大值,以字节为单位。0无限制,默认值0
  # max-concurrent-write-limit = 0 #并发处理的最大写入次数,0无限制,默认值0
  # max-enqueued-write-limit = 0 #排队等待处理的最大数量,0无限制,默认值0
  # enqueued-write-timeout = 0 #在队列中等待处理的最长时间,0或者setting max-concurrent-write-limit=0无限制,默认值0
### [ifql]
  # enabled = true# 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  # log-enabled = true# 是否开启日志,默认值:true
  # bind-address = ":8082" #ifql RPC服务使用的绑定地址默认是8082
### [logging]
  # format = "auto" #日志格式,默认是自动
  # level = "info" #日志级别默认info
  # suppress-logo = false #当程序启动时,会抑制打印出来的logo输出
### [subscriber]
  # enabled = true	# 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  # http-timeout = "30s"	# http超时时间,默认值:"30s"
  # insecure-skip-verify = false	# 是否允许不安全的证书
  # ca-certs = ""	# 设置CA证书
  # write-concurrency = 40	#设置并发数目,默认值:40
  # write-buffer-size = 1000 	# 设置buffer大小,默认值:1000
### [[graphite]]
  # enabled = false# 是否启用该模块,默认值 :false
  # database = "graphite"# 数据库名称,默认值:"graphite"
  # retention-policy = "" # 存储策略,无默认值
  # bind-address = ":2003"# 绑定地址,默认值:":2003"
  # protocol = "tcp"# 协议,默认值:"tcp"
  # consistency-level = "one" # 一致性级别,默认值:"one
  # batch-size = 5000 # 批量size,默认值:5000
  # batch-pending = 10# 配置在内存中等待的batch数,默认值:10
  # batch-timeout = "1s" # 超时时间,默认值:"1s"
  # udp-read-buffer = 0# udp读取buffer的大小,0表示使用操作系统提供的值,如果超过操作系统的默认配置则会出错。 该配置的默认值:0
  # separator = "." # 多个measurement间的连接符,默认值: "."
  # tags = ["region=us-east", "zone=1c"] #将被添加到所有指标的默认标签。这些可以在模板级别上覆盖或者从指标中提取的标签
  # templates = [  
  #   "*.app env.service.resource.measurement",
  #   # Default template
  #   "server.*",
  # ]
### [collectd]
  # enabled = false# 是否启用该模块,默认值 :false
  # bind-address = ":25826"  # 绑定地址,默认值: ":25826"
  # database = "collectd"# 数据库名称,默认值:"collectd"
  # retention-policy = "" # 存储策略,无默认值
  # typesdb = "/usr/local/share/collectd" # 路径,默认值:"/usr/share/collectd/types.db"
  # security-level = "none" #安全级别
  # auth-file = "/etc/collectd/auth_file"
  # batch-size = 5000 #从缓存中批量获取数据的量,默认值:5000
  # batch-pending = 10 #可能在内存中等待的批次的数量,默认值:10
  # batch-timeout = "10s" #即使没有达到缓冲区的限制,至少要刷新一下,默认值:"10s"
  # read-buffer = 0 #udp读取buffer的大小,0表示使用操作系统提供的值,如果超过操作系统的默认配置则会出错。默认值:0
  # parse-multivalue-plugin = "split" #两种处理方式split和join,split会分到不同的表中,join会将记录作为一个单独的记录处理。默认是split
### [opentsdb]
  # enabled = false# 是否启用该模块,默认值 :false
  # bind-address = ":4242"# 绑定地址,默认值:":4242"
  # database = "opentsdb"  # 默认数据库:"opentsdb"
  # retention-policy = ""# 存储策略,无默认值
  # consistency-level = "one" # 一致性级别,默认值:"one"
  # tls-enabled = false # 是否开启tls,默认值:false
  # certificate= "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem" # 证书路径,默认值:"/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  # log-point-errors = true# 出错时是否记录日志,默认值:true
  # batch-size = 1000 #从缓存中批量获取数据的量,默认值:1000
  # batch-pending = 5 #可能在内存中等待的批次的数量,默认值:5
  # batch-timeout = "1s" #即使没有达到缓冲区的限制,至少要刷新一下,默认值:"1s"
### [[udp]]
  # enabled = false# 是否启用该模块,默认值 :false
  # bind-address = ":8089" # 绑定地址,默认值:":8089"
  # database = "udp"# 数据库名称,默认值:"udp"
  # retention-policy = "" # 存储策略,无默认值
  # precision = "" #接收点的时间点的精度("" or "n", "u", "ms", "s", "m", "h")
  # batch-size = 5000#从缓存中批量获取数据的量,默认值:5000 
  # batch-pending = 10 #可能在内存中等待的批次的数量,默认值:10
  # batch-timeout = "1s" #即使没有达到缓冲区的限制,至少要刷新一下,默认值:"1s"
  # read-buffer = 0# udp读取buffer的大小,0表示使用操作系统提供的值,如果超过操作系统的默认配置则会出错。 该配置的默认值:0 
### [continuous_queries]
  # enabled = true# 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  # log-enabled = true# 是否开启日志,默认值:true
  # query-stats-enabled = false #控制查询是否被记录到自我监控数据存储中
  # run-interval = "1s" # 时间间隔,默认值:"1s"
### [tls]
  # ciphers = [
  # ]
  # min-version = "tls1.2"
  # max-version = "tls1.2"


   cd {influxdb目录}

$ cd /home/tigk/.local/influxdb/usr/bin/
$ ./influxd -config /data/tigk/influxdb/conf/influxdb.conf 


$ netstat -tunlp|grep 8086
(No info could be read for "-p": geteuid()=1005 but you should be root.)
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      -

  修改端口 bind-address = “:8085”


$ nohup ./influxd -config /data/tigk/influxdb/conf/influxdb.conf &


$ ./influx -port 8085
Connected to http://localhost:8085 version 1.8.0
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.0


> create user "tigk" with password 'tigk' with all privileges
> show users
user admin
---- -----
tigk true

2 使用

2.1 常用命令

  (1)命令展示influx –help

$ ./influx –help
unknown arguments: –help
Usage of influx:
			Display the version and exit.
  -path-prefix 'url path'
			Path that follows the host and port
  -host 'host name'
			Host to connect to.
  -port 'port #'
			Port to connect to.
  -socket 'unix domain socket'
			Unix socket to connect to.
  -database 'database name'
			Database to connect to the server.
  -password 'password'
			Password to connect to the server.  Leaving blank will prompt for password (--password '').
  -username 'username'
			Username to connect to the server.
			Use https for requests.
			Set this when connecting to the cluster using https and not use SSL verification.
  -execute 'command'
			Execute command and quit.
  -type 'influxql|flux'
			Type specifies the query language for executing commands or when invoking the REPL.
  -format 'json|csv|column'
			Format specifies the format of the server responses:  json, csv, or column.
  -precision 'rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns'
			Precision specifies the format of the timestamp:  rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns.
  -consistency 'any|one|quorum|all'
			Set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all
			Turns on pretty print for the json format.
			Import a previous database export from file
			How many points per second the import will allow.  By default it is zero and will not throttle importing.
			Path to file to import
			Set to true if the import file is compressed


    # Use influx in a non-interactive mode to query the database "metrics" and pretty print json:
    $ influx -database 'metrics' -execute 'select * from cpu' -format 'json' -pretty

    # Connect to a specific database on startup and set database context:
    $ influx -database 'metrics' -host 'localhost' -port '8086'

  Influx是连接influxdb的一个CLI程序,在本地成功安装influxdb后,influxdb启动,influx命令就可以直接使用。Influxdb默认在8086端口运行。Influx cli默认使用localhost:8086连接。可以使用-host和-port选项,连接到其他机器或者端口。

$ ./influx -port 8085
Connected to http://localhost:8085 version 1.8.0
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.0


CREATE DATABASE database_name建立数据库
USE database_name使用database_name 库
INSERT cpu,host=host_name,region=cn value=66插数据入cpu measurement,标签host=host_name,region=cn, field是value=66
SELECT “host”, “region”, “value” FROM “cpu”从cpu measurement查询数据
SELECT * FROM “cpu”从cpu measurement查询所有数据

  Influxdb是一个时序数据库,其保存metric的在某一系列时间点的状态。这些点状态包含时间戳,一个所谓的“measurement”名称,至少一个称为filed的键值对,以及0到多个标签(如 host=bigdata01)。

<measurement>[,<tag-key>=<tag-value>...] <field-key>=<field-value>[,<field2-key>=<field2-value>...] [unix-nano-timestamp]


cpu,host=bigdata01,region=cn value=66

payment,device=mobile,product=Notepad,method=credit billed=88,licenses=2i 1434067469156329323

GitHub 加速计划 / li / linux-dash
A beautiful web dashboard for Linux
最近提交(Master分支:3 个月前 )
186a802e added ecosystem file for PM2 4 年前
5def40a3 Add host customization support for the NodeJS version 4 年前

