2011-03-16 01:37 LINUX:解压问题tar: Child returned status 1解压某个文件时#tar -zxvf xxxxx.tar.gz出现下面的错误提示:gzip: stdin: not in gzip formattar: Child returned status 1tar: Error exit delayed from previous errorsYou used "tar -zxvf" for the second command. the 'z' option tells tar to use gzip to uncompress the file. Since you already uncompressed it in the first command, gzip doesn't know what to do with it, and it consequently croaks. Tar stops because gzip encountered a problem. So, with the file you have now, you would extract it with:tar -xvf xxxxxx.x.x.tarI would go back and re-gzip the tar file though (to save space):gzip xxxxxx.x.x.tartar -zxvf xxxxxx.x.x.tar.gz想刨根问底的可以查下他的意思,在看下TAR 指令的用法,。总之:我出现这个错误时,就是把指令改为:tar -xvf xxxx.tar.gz然后指令就运行了。。若此法不管用,只能再想别的方法了




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