status code / exited with status code / every code meaning / 各代码含义(UNIX LINUX MAC IPHONE)
Message: "the requested operation was successfully completed"
Explanation: There were no problems detected with the requested operation.
Recommended Action:
None, unless this was a database backup performed through a database extension product (for example, NetBackup for Oracle or NetBackup for SQL Server). In those instances, code 0 means the backup script that started the backup ran without error. However, you must check other status as explained in the related NetBackup manual to see if the database was successfully backed up.
Message: "the requested operation was partially successful"
Explanation: A problem that may require corrective action was detected during the requested operation.
Recommended Action:
Check the All Log Entries report and also the progress log (if there is one).
Some of the problems that can show up under Status Code 1 are:
· A file or directory path that is more than 1023 characters long.
· Could not open a file.
· On a UNIX system, NetBackup could not get the link name of a file.
· On a UNIX system, NetBackup could not process a sparse file.
· Read error encountered in a file.
· File is of an unknown type.
· On a UNIX system, the lstat system call fails on a file that is eligible to be backed up. This may be a permission problem.
· On UNIX, a file could not be locked that has mandatory locking enabled.
Message: "none of the requested files were backed up"
Explanation: A backup or archive could not back up any of the files in the file list.
Recommended Action: Verify that the files exist and you have read access to them.
· On UNIX clients, check to see if the files or directories would be excluded because of an entry in /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list.
· On PC clients, check the exclude list per the instructions in the user's guide for the client.
· On Windows NT clients, verify that the account used to start the NetBackup Client service has read access to the files.
If you are backing up a network drive or a UNC (universal naming convention) path, use the Services application in the Windows NT Control Panel to verify that the NetBackup Client service does not start under the SYSTEM account. The SYSTEM account cannot access network drives.
To back up network drives or UNC paths, change the NetBackup Client service startup to log in as a user that has permission to access network drives.
Message: valid archive image produced, but no files deleted due to non-fatal problems
Explanation: The backup portion of the archive command reported problems so the files were not deleted.
Recommended Action: Examine the progress log of the archive on the client to determine if you need to retry the archive after correcting the problem. If the problem is not serious and the files were backed up, you can manually delete the files. To verify which files were backed up, use the NetBackup client-user interface in restore mode and browse the files in the archive.
A possible cause for files not being deleted is that you do not have the necessary permissions. NetBackup cannot delete files unless you are either the user that owns the files, a superuser on UNIX, or an administrator on Windows NT.
Message: archive file removal failed
Explanation: The backup portion of the archive completed was successful but the delete failed.
Recommended Action: Verify that you have permission to delete the files and that the read-only flag is not set for the files. On UNIX clients, verify that you have write permission to the directories that contain the files. Since the backup was successful, you can delete the files that were backed up (or have the system administrator delete the files if you do not have the necessary permissions).
Message: the restore failed to recover the requested files
Explanation: There were errors that caused the restore to fail.
Recommended Action:
1. Examine the progress log on the client for messages on why the restore failed. Also, check the All Log Entries report on the server.
2. On Windows NT and UNIX, check ownership and permission on directories where files will be restored.
3. Correct problems that you find and retry the restore.
Message: the backup failed to back up the requested files
Explanation: Errors caused the user backup to fail.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that you have read access to the files. Check the progress log on the client for messages on why the backup failed. Correct problems and retry the backup.
2. On Windows NT clients, verify that the account used to start the NetBackup Client service has read access to the files.
3. On Macintosh clients, this code can be due to multiple backups being attempted simultaneously on the same client. Some possible solutions are:
o Adjust the backup schedules.
o If the client is only in one class, set the general class attribute, Maximum Jobs per Class, to 1.
o Set the NetBackup global attribute, Maximum Jobs Per Client, to 1 (note that this limits all clients in all classes).
4. For a UNIX database extension client (for example, NetBackup for Oracle), this can mean a problem with the script that is controlling the backup.
Check the progress report on the client for a message such as "Script exited with status code = number" (the number will vary). The progress log also usually names the script.
Check the script for problems. Also, check the troubleshooting logs created by the database extension. See the NetBackup guide that came with the database extension for information on the scripts and troubleshooting logs.
Message: the archive failed to back up the requested files
Explanation: Errors caused the user archive to fail.
Recommended Action:
Verify that you have read access to the files. Check the progress log on the client for messages on why the archive failed. Correct problems and retry the archive.
On Windows NT clients, verify that the account used to start the NetBackup services has read access to the files.
Message: unable to determine the status of rbak
Explanation: On DomainOS clients, rbak is used to do restores. If rbak does not exit with a status message, NetBackup cannot determine whether the restore worked or not.
Recommended Action: Check for a new core file to see if rbak aborted. Check the ps output to see if rbak is hung. If so, kill it and try again. Check the progress log for any unusual messages from rbak.
Message: an extension package is needed but was not installed
Explanation: A NetBackup extension product is required in order to perform the requested operation.
Recommended Action: Install the required extension product.
Message: allocation failed
Explanation: Allocation of system memory failed because there is insufficient system memory available. This could be caused by the system being overloaded with too many processes and not enough physical or virtual memory.
Recommended Action: Free up memory by terminating unneeded processes that consume memory. Add more swap space or physical memory.
Message: system call failed
Explanation: A system call failed. This status code is used for a generic system call failure that does not have its own status code.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the All Log Entries and Problems reports to determine which system call failed and other information about the error.
2. A frequent cause is that the server's file system is full. For example, if you see a message similar to the following in the Problems report or bpdbm activity log:
06/27/95 01:04:00 romb romb db_FLISTsend failed: system call failed (11)
06/27/95 01:04:01 romb romb media manager terminated by parent process
06/27/95 01:05:15 romb romb backup of client romb exited with status 11 (system call failed)
On UNIX systems, run a df command on the /usr/openv/netbackup/db directory.
If the df command does not reveal the problem, check the bpdbm activity logs or do a grep for the message system call failed
in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error/*
On Windows NT systems, verify there is room in the disk partition where NetBackup is installed.
3. Verify that the system is not running out of virtual memory. If virtual memory is the problem, shut down unused applications or increase the amount of virtual memory.
To increase virtual memory on Windows NT, 98, and 95:
a. Display the Control Panel.
b. Double-click System.
c. On the Performance tab, set Virtual Memory to a higher value.
4. Check for a semaphore problem. This error can be caused by the system not having enough semaphores allocated. This is most commonly seen on Solaris 2 servers when an RDBMS is also running.
The symptoms of the problem vary. In some cases, error messages in the NetBackup log indicate a backup failure due to an error in semaphore operation; another symptom is the inability of the NetBackup Device Manager service Media Manager device daemon, ltid, to acquire a needed semaphore (this is the NetBackup Device Manager service on Windows NT).
System requirements vary; thus, no absolute recommendations can be made. One customer running both NetBackup and ORACLE on their Solaris server made the following changes to their /etc/system file and then rebooted the system (boot -r); the changes were found to be adequate:
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=300
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=300
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=300
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=600
Set these attributes to a value great enough to provide resources to all applications on your system.
5. Check for a shared memory problem. This error can occur if the system cannot allocate enough shared memory. This usually occurs when you use multiplexing, which increases the shared memory requirements. A symptom is an entry similar to the following in a NetBackup log (or report) could not allocate enough shared memory
If you see this type of message, refer to the vendor documentation for your platform for instructions on increasing the amount of shared memory on your system.
Because system requirements vary, we can make no absolute recommendations, other than to use values great enough to provide resources to all applications. Although, in at least one instance, the following was found to be adequate on a Sun platform:
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=8388608
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=600
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=300
After making the changes to the /etc/system file on the Sun platform and rebooting with boot -r, the problem was resolved. Note that in the above, shminfo_shmmin must be less than or equal to 100 for NetBackup processes to run.
6. Examine other activity logs or the progress log on the client.
7. If a backup on a Windows NT NetBackup client fails with status code 11 and the client is using Open Transaction Manager (OTM) for open file management, it is possible that the error was caused by the OTM cache file being full. If this is the case and bpbkar activity logs are turned on, a message similar to the following should appear at the end of the backup:
04/28/99 11:27:56 AM: [216]: ERR - OTM Error:0xe0001005
04/28/99 11:27:59 AM: [216]: INF - OTM Terminate - disabled for all processes
04/28/99 11:27:59 AM: [216]: FTL - Backup operation aborted!
If this error is encountered, you may need to increase either the initial OTM cache size or the maximum OTM cache size, depending on the requirements of your installation and your usage of OTM.
Message: file open failed
Explanation: An open of a file failed.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup Problems report. Try to determine the file and why the error occurred. A possible cause is a permission problem with the file. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code. Then, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: file read failed
Explanation: A read of a file or socket failed. Possible causes include:
· I/O error reading from the file system.
· Read of an incomplete or corrupt file.
· Socket read failing. A socket read failure can be caused by a network problem or a problem with the process that is writing to the socket.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on where and why the problem occurred.
2. For a FlashBackup client, check the /var/adm/messages log for errors like the following:
Mar 24 01:35:58 bison unix: WARNING: sn_alloccache: cache /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s3 full - all snaps using this cache are now unusable
This indicates that the cache partition is not large enough. If possible, increase the size of the cache partition. Or, if multiple backups are using the same cache, either reduce the number of concurrent backups by rescheduling some of them or reschedule the entire backup to a time when the file system is less active.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: file write failed
Explanation: A write to a file or socket failed.
Recommended Action:
Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on where and why the problem occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
The following are some possible causes:
· I/O error writing to the file system
· Write to a socket failed. This can be caused by a network problem or a problem with the process reading from the socket.
· Writing to a full disk partition.
Message: file close failed
Explanation: A close of a file or socket failed.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on where and why the problem occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: unimplemented feature
Explanation: The specified operation is unimplemented. This error should not occur through normal use of NetBackup.
Recommended Action: Save all error information and call customer support.
Message: pipe close failed
Explanation: Close of a pipe failed, when one process tries to start a child process.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: getservbyname failed
Explanation: A call to getservbyname() failed. The getservbyname() function uses the name of the service to find a service entry in the services file (or NIS services map on UNIX if it is configured).
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on why the failure occurred.
2. On a UNIX system, check that /etc/services and NIS services map (if applicable) have entries for the NetBackup services: bpcd, bpdbm, and bprd.
3. On a Windows NT system, verify that the %SystemRoot%/system32/drivers/etc/services file shows the correct entries for the NetBackup internet processes: bpcd, bpdbm, and bprd.
Ensure that the NetBackup Client Service Port Number and NetBackup Request Service Port Number on the Network tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box match the settings in the services file. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57). The values on the Network tab are written to the services file when the NetBackup Client service starts. Also, see "Verifying Host Names and Services Entries" on page 31.
4. Check the level of network activity. An overloaded network can cause this error.
5. If the above actions do not reveal the problem, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
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Message: invalid command parameter
Explanation: One or more command parameters were not valid. This error can occur when a master and its slave servers or a master server and a client have different levels of NetBackup installed. For example, if a NetBackup master server has NetBackup 3.2 and the slave server has NetBackup 3.0. This error can also occur if the wrong parameters are used when executing a command line.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues.
2. If the error occurs when executing a command on the command line, verify that the parameters are valid.
3. Compare the NetBackup version level on the server to that on the clients:
o On UNIX NetBackup servers and clients, check the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version file.
o On Windows NT NetBackup servers, check the install_path/netbackup/version.txt file or the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
o On Microsoft Windows clients, check the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
o On NetWare target clients, check the Version entry in the bp.ini file. If the client software is earlier than 3.0, verify that the client is in a Standard type class.
o On Macintosh clients, check the version file in the bin folder in the NetBackup folder in the Preferences folder.
4. If the above actions do not reveal the problem, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: socket open failed
Explanation: A socket open failed.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. If you cannot determine the cause from the Problems report, create activity log directories for the processes that returned this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
2. On Sun Solaris, verify that all operating system patches are installed (see the Operating Notes section of the NetBackup Release Notes - UNIX).
3. On Windows NT, verify that the recommended service packs are installed.
Message: socket close failed
Explanation: A socket could not be closed.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. If you cannot determine the cause from the Problems report, create activity log directories for the processes that could have returned this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
2. On Sun Solaris, verify that all operating system patches are installed (see the Operating Notes section of the NetBackup Release Notes - UNIX).
3. On Windows NT, verify that the recommended service packs are installed.
Message: socket read failed
Explanation: A read operation from a socket failed.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. If you cannot determine the cause from the Problems report, create activity log directories for the processes that could have returned this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
2. Corrupt binaries are one possible cause for this error. For example, in one instance, the following was seen in the bpsched activity log.
get_num_avail_drives: readline failed: socket read failed (23)
get_stunits: get_num_avail_drives failed with stat 23
Loading a fresh bptm from the install media resolved the problem.
3. On Sun Solaris, verify that all operating system patches are installed (see the Operating Notes section of the NetBackup Release Notes - UNIX).
4. On Windows NT, verify that the recommended service packs are installed.
Message: socket write failed
Explanation: A write operation to a socket failed.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. If you cannot determine the cause from the Problems report, create activity log directories for the processes that could have returned this status code. Then retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
2. A possible cause could be a high network load. For example, this has been seen in conjunction with Cannot write to STDOUT when a Windows NT system that is monitoring network load has detected a high load and sent an ICMP packet to other systems that says the route being used by those systems was disconnected. The log messages were similar to the following:
01/31/96 14:05:23 ruble from client ERR - Cannot write to STDOUT. Err no= 242: No route to host
01/31/96 14:05:48 ruble successfully wrote backup id crabtree.null.com_0823125016, copy 1, fragment 1, 440864 Kbytes at 628.538 Kbytes/sec
01/31/96 14:05:51 netbackup CLIENT CLASS Remote3SysFullW SCHED Sirius EXIT STATUS 24 (socket write failed)
3. On Sun Solaris, verify that all operating system patches are installed (see the Operating Notes section of the NetBackup Release Notes - UNIX).
4. On Windows NT, verify that the recommended service packs are installed.
Message: cannot connect on socket
Explanation: A process timed out while connecting to another process for a particular operation. This problem can occur when a process tries to connect to the NetBackup request daemon (bprd) or database manager daemon (bpdbm) and the daemon is not running (On Windows NT, these daemons are the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services). It can also occur if the network or server is heavily loaded and has slow response time.
Recommended Action:
1. On a UNIX NetBackup master server, verify that the bprd and bpdbm processes are running. If these processes are not running, start them. On a Windows NT master server, verify that the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services are running. If these services are not running, start them.
If the above processes are running, examine the All Log Entries report for the time of the failure to determine where the failure occurred.
o If you cannot view the report, or you get a cannot connect on socket error when trying to view it, verify again that the NetBackup Database Manager daemon (or service) is running. Then, create an activity log directory for bpdbm, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
o If you can view the report and have not found an entry related to this problem, create activity log directories for the related processes that were running when the error first appeared (this process will frequently be bpbrm). Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
2. Verify that the server list specifies the correct master server.
o On Windows NT, 98, and 95 systems, the master server is designated as Current on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box.
To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
o On UNIX, and Macintosh systems, the master server is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file.
o On NetWare target and OS/2 clients, the master server name is the first SERVER entry in the bp.ini file.
If you change the server list on a master server, stop and restart the NetBackup database manager and request daemons (UNIX) or the NetBackup Database Manager and NetBackup Request Manager services (Windows NT).
3. Check the services file.
On UNIX, verify that the /etc/services file (and NIS services if NIS is used) has entries for the NetBackup services: bpcd, bpdbm, and bprd. On Windows NT, verify that the %SystemRoot%/system32/drivers/etc/services file has the correct entries for bpcd, bpdbm, and bprd.
Also, verify that the NetBackup Client Service Port Number and NetBackup Request Service Port Number on the Network tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box match the settings in the services file. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57). The values on the Network tab are written to the services file when the NetBackup Client service starts. Also, see "Verifying Host Names and Services Entries" on page 31.
4. On Sun Solaris, verify that all operating system patches are installed (see the Operating Notes section of the NetBackup Release Notes - UNIX).
5. On Windows NT, verify that the recommended service packs are installed.
Message: client/server handshaking failed
Explanation: A process on the server encountered an error when communicating with the client. This error indicates that the client and server were able to initiate communications, but encountered difficulties in completing them. This problem can occur during a backup or a restore.
Recommended Action: Determine which activity encountered the handshake failure by examining the All Log Entries report for the appropriate time period. Determine the client and server that had the handshake failure.
For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: child process killed by signal
Explanation: A child of the process reporting this error was killed. This can occur because the backup job was terminated or the child process was terminated by another error. This problem can also occur if a NetBackup process was terminated through Task Manager or another utility.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that you suspect of returning this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity log.
Message: failed trying to fork a process
Explanation: A fork of a child process failed (on UNIX) or a CreateProcess failed (on Windows NT). This may be due to:
· An overloaded system
· Insufficient swap space or physical memory
· Too many processes running on the system.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create activity log directories for the processes that you suspect of returning this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: failed trying to exec a command
Explanation: A command could not be executed. This can occur because the permissions of the command do not allow it to be executed, or there is lack of system resources such as memory and swap space.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred.
2. Check the permissions on the command to be executed.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
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Message: could not get passwd information
Explanation: Could not get the passwd entry for a user.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log for the process that you suspect of returning this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity log.
Message: could not set user id for process
Explanation: Could not set the user ID of a process to that of the requesting user. NetBackup executes client processes as the requesting user.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that you suspect of returning this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity log.
Message: could not set group id for process
Explanation: Could not set the group ID of a process to the requesting user group. NetBackup executes client processes with the group ID of the requesting user.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that you suspect of returning this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity log.
Message: failed while trying to send mail
Explanation: An E-mail notification of backup, archive, or restore results has failed. The E-mail could not be sent to the administrator's address as specified by the E-mail global attribute, or in the case of a UNIX client, an E-mail address specified with USEMAIL in the client's bp.conf file.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that you suspect of returning this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity log.
Message: failed waiting for child process
Explanation: The bpsched process encountered a failure while waiting for a child process to complete.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for clues on where and why the failure occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log for the process that you suspect of returning this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity log.
Message: cannot make required directory
Explanation: Could not create a required directory. Possible causes are:
· A process does not have permission to create the directory
· The path to the directory is not valid
· An IO error occurs
· There was no space available on the device containing the directory
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report to determine which directory could not be created and why it could not be created. In particular, check for a full disk partition.
2. Check the permissions on the parent directory and verify that NetBackup services are started with a "Logon as" account that has permission to create the directory.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: failed trying to allocate memory
Explanation: Allocation of system memory failed. This error occurs when there is insufficient system memory available. This could be caused by the system being overloaded with too many processes and there is not enough physical and virtual memory.
Recommended Action: Free up memory by terminating unneeded processes that consume a lot of memory. Add more swap space or physical memory.
Message: operation requested by an invalid server
Explanation: A request was made to the NetBackup request daemon (bprd) or NetBackup database manager daemon (bpdbm) by an invalid slave server or Windows NT administration client. On Windows NT, these daemons are the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services.
Recommended Action:
Examine the NetBackup All Log Entries report for the time of this error to determine which system was trying to connect to the master server. If the server is a valid slave server, verify that the storage unit for the slave server is defined. Also, verify that the server or Windows NT administration client has a server list entry on the master server.
If necessary, update the server list. On a UNIX master server, add a SERVER = slave_server_name to the bp.conf file. slave_server_name is the host name of the slave server. On a Windows NT master server, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface. Then, click Configure on the Actions menu and add the slave server to the list on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box (also, see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 38).
If a server or Windows NT administration client has more than one host name (for example, if it has multiple network interfaces), verify that the master server has a server list entry for each of them.
If you change the server list on a UNIX master server, you must stop and then restart the NetBackup Request daemon (bprd) and NetBackup Database Manager daemon (bpdbm) for the changes to take effect. If you change the server list on a Windows NT master server, stop and then restart the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services.
Message: could not get group information
Explanation: Could not get the group entry describing a UNIX user group.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues on why the error occurred. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for the process that returned this status code, retry the operation, and check the resulting activity log.
Message: client name mismatch
Explanation: The name that the client used in a request to the NetBackup server did not match the client name configured in the class on the server.
Recommended Action: Change either the NetBackup client name setting on the client (see the applicable NetBackup users guide) or the one in the class configuration on the server so the two match.
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Message: network connection broken
Explanation: The connection between the client and the server was broken. This status code can also appear if the connection is broken between the master and slave server during a backup.
Recommended Action:
1. Try pinging the client from the server. If this is not possible, check for loose connections or other network problems.
2. Verify that the server list settings are correct on both the client and the server. If the backup involves a slave server, verify that these entries are correct on both the master and slave server. For example, if a slave server does not have a server list entry for the master, it does not accept connections from the master.
o On Windows NT, 98, and 95 systems, the master server is designated as Current on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
o On UNIX, and Macintosh systems, the master server is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file.
o On NetWare target and OS/2 clients the master server name is the first SERVER entry in the bp.ini file.
If you change the server list on a UNIX master server, you must stop and then restart the NetBackup Request daemon (bprd) and NetBackup Database Manager daemon (bpdbm) for the changes to take effect. On Windows NT, stop and restart the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services.
3. Status code 40 can also be due to the operator denying a mount request.
Message: network connection timed out
Explanation: The server did not receive any information from the client for too long a period of time.
Recommended Action:
1. On a UNIX or Windows NT clients, check for the following problems with the bpbkar client process.
o •The bpbkar client process is hung on a file that has mandatory locking set. For this case, add the following to the client's bp.conf file:
and as root on the client execute:
touch /usr/openv/netbackup/bpbkar_path_tr
mkdir /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbkar
Then retry the operation. The names of the files are logged in the activity log file in the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbkar directory before bpbkar processes them. The last file in the log will be the file that is causing problems.
Note: Also, use the above procedure for other, "unknown" bpbkar hangs. If the problem is due to mandatory file locking, you can have NetBackup skip the locked files by setting LOCKED_FILE_ACTION to SKIP in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on the client.
o •The bpbkar client process is not hung, but due to the files and directories it is scanning, it has not replied to the server within CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT or CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT. This has been seen to occur during backups when directories have thousands of unmodified files; it has also been seen when backing up file systems or directories that reside on optical disk, which is considerably slower than magnetic disk.
For this case, try adding or modifying the CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT and CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT values in the server's /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file. The default for the CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT and CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT is 300 seconds if unspecified.
Use your system's ps command and monitor CPU utilization to help decide which of the above conditions exist.
When you are through investigating the problem, delete the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbkar directory, since the log files can become quite large and are not deleted automatically. Also delete /usr/openv/netbackup/bpbkar_path_tr so you do not generate larger log files than needed the next time you create directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbkar.
2. If the server cannot connect to the client, create bpcd or bpbkar (UNIX and Windows NT only) activity log directories on the client, retry the operation, and check the resulting logs. If these logs do not provide a clue, create a bpbrm activity log on the server, retry the operation again, and check the resulting activity log.
If the bpbrm log has entries similar to the following:
bpbrm hookup_timeout: timed out waiting during the client hookup
bpbrm Exit: client backup EXIT STATUS 41: network connection timed out
then the problem is in the routing configuration on the server. Verify that the client IP address is correct in the name service that is being used. On UNIX, if both NIS and DNS files are used, verify that they match. Also, see "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
3. If you are using an AIX token ring adapter and the routed daemon is running, the timeout can occur because the token ring adapter creates dynamic routes, causing the routed daemon to crash.
4. For a FlashBackup client, this can happen if the file system being backed up is very large and has a very large number of files. It can also occur if a large number of concurrent data streams are active at the same time. The corrective action is to add CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file and set it to increase the timeout interval.
Message: network read failed
Explanation: An attempt to read data from a socket failed.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that both the client and the server are operational.
2. Perform "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
3. Check the Problems report for clues.
Message: unexpected message received
Explanation: The client and server handshaking was not correct.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the correct version of software is running on the client and the server.
2. Enable detailed activity logging:
o On the server, create a bpbrm activity log directory.
o On clients, create a bpcd activity log directory (created automatically on Macintosh clients).
o Increase the amount of debug information included in the logs as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
3. Retry the operation and examine the logs.
Note: If you are using bpstart_notify scripts on UNIX or Windows NT clients, verify that messages are not being written to stdout or stderr.
Message: network write failed
Explanation: An attempt to write data to a socket failed.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the Problems report for information about the error.
2. Verify that the client and servers are operational and connected to the network.
3. Create an activity log directory for the process that reported the problem and the operation. Examine the resulting activity log file for detailed troubleshooting information.
4. Perform "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
Message: request attempted on a non reserved port
Explanation: An attempt was made to access a client from a nonreserved port.
Recommended Action: Verify that the latest software is installed on the client and server.
· On UNIX NetBackup servers and clients, check the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version file.
· On Windows NT NetBackup servers, check the install_path/netbackup/version.txt file or the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
· On Microsoft Windows clients, check the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
· On NetWare target clients, check the Version entry in the bp.ini file.
· If this is a NetBackup for NetWare client and has a version of NetBackup earlier than 3.0, verify that the client is in a Standard type class.
· On Macintosh clients, check the version file in the bin folder in the NetBackup folder in the Preferences folder.
Message: server not allowed access
Explanation: The server is trying to access the client but the server is not listed on the client as a valid server.
Recommended Action: If the server is a valid server, add its name to the client's server list:
· On Windows NT, 98, and 95 clients, add the server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
· On UNIX, and Macintosh clients, add a SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. • On NetWare target and OS/2 clients add a SERVER entry in the bp.ini file.
If you continue to have problems, review "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21 and "Verifying Host Names and Services Entries" on page 31.
Message: host is unreachable
Explanation: An attempt to connect to another machine failed.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the name service (or services) being used by the client is configured to correctly resolve the host names of the NetBackup server.
2. Verify that the name service (or services) being used by the server is configured to correctly resolve the host name of the NetBackup client.
3. Try to ping the client from the server and the server from the client.
4. If you continue to have problems, perform "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
Message: client hostname could not be found
Explanation: The system function gethostbyname() failed to find the client's host name.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the client name is correct in:
o The NetBackup class configuration on the master server.
o The General and Clients tabs in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box on Microsoft Windows and NetWare nontarget clients. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
o The bp.conf file on UNIX and Macintosh clients.
o The bp.ini file on OS/2 and NetWare target clients.
2. On clients and servers, verify that the name service is set up to correctly resolve the NetBackup client names. On UNIX clients, verify that the client's host name is in the /etc/hosts file or the YP hosts file or NIS maps.
Message: client did not start
Explanation: The client failed to start up correctly.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that software is installed on the client and it is the correct version. If necessary, reinstall the client software.
2. Check for full file systems on the client.
3. Enable detailed activity logging on the client:
o Create bpcd and bpbkar (UNIX or Windows NT only) activity log directories.
o On a UNIX client, add the VERBOSE option to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.
o On PC clients, increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
4. Retry the operation and examine the resulting logs.
5. On UNIX systems, use the UNIX sum command to check for corrupt binaries.
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Message: client process aborted
Explanation: The client backup aborted. One instance when this code appears is if a NetBackup master or slave server is shut down or rebooted when a backup or restore is in process.
Recommended Action:
1. Enable detailed activity logging:
o Create a bpbkar activity log directory (UNIX or Windows NT only).
o Create a bpcd activity log directory (this log is created automatically on Macintosh clients.
o On UNIX clients, add the VERBOSE option to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.
o On PC clients, increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
2. Retry the operation and examine the resulting logs.
3. On UNIX clients, check for core files in the / directory.
4. On UNIX clients, check the system log (/usr/adm/messages on Solaris) for system problems.
5. This problem can sometimes be due to a corrupt binary.
On UNIX clients, use the UNIX sum command to check the bpcd, bpbkar, and tar binaries, located in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin on the client. Reinstall them if they are not the same as in the client directory under /usr/openv/netbackup/client on the server.
On a Windows NT client, check the bpinetd.exe, bpcd.exe, bpbkar32.exe, and tar32.exe executables located in the install_path/NetBackup/bin folder on the client. Reinstall the client if these executables are not the same size as on other Windows NT clients or are not at the same release level or do not have the same NetBackup patches applied as other Windows NT clients.
Message: timed out waiting for database information
Explanation: The database process did not respond within five minutes.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the NetBackup Database Manager daemon (service on Windows NT) is running.
2. Verify that there is space in the file system that contains the NetBackup databases.
3. Create bpbrm and bpdbm activity log directories on the server and retry the operation.
4. Look in the activity log files to find more information on the problem.
Message: timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume
Explanation: The requested volume was not mounted before the timeout expired. This error can also occur if the volume happens to be a cleaning tape but was not specified as a cleaning tape.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the requested volume is available and an appropriate drive is ready and in the UP state.
2. If this occurs during a read operation (restore, duplicate, verify), the drives could be busy. Try increasing the media mount timeout specified by the NetBackup global attribute in order to allow more time for mounting and positioning the media.
3. Verify that the tape is not a cleaning tape that is configured as a regular volume.
4. When the robot is controlled by an Automated Cartridge System, verify that the ACSLS system is up.
5. If this is an initial installation, refer to "Common Configuration Problems" in chapter 2.
6. On Windows NT, check the Event Viewer Application log for error messages that indicate why the tape mount did not complete. On UNIX, check the system log.
Message: backup restore manager failed to read the file list
Explanation: The backup and restore manager (bpbrm) could not read the list of files to back up or restore.
Recommended Action: Verify that the server software has been installed correctly on the master server and all slave servers. If that is not the problem:
1. Create bpbrm and bpsched activity log directories on the server.
2. On a UNIX NetBackup server, add the VERBOSE option to the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT NetBackup server, set the Verbose option on the Troubleshooting tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the server and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
3. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs for detailed troubleshooting information.
Message: timed out connecting to client
Explanation: The server could not complet e the connection to the client. The accept system call timed out after 60 seconds.
Recommended Action:
1. For a Macintosh or NetWare target client, verify that the server is not trying to connect when a backup or restore is already in progress on the client. These clients can handle only one NetBackup job at a time.
On a Macintosh, you can check for activity by examining the NetBackupListen file in the following folder on the startup disk of the Macintosh client: :System Folder:Preferences:NetBackup:logs:inetd:log.mmddyy
2. On a Sequent platform, verify that the system has the correct level of TCP/IP.
3. Perform "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
4. On UNIX clients, verify that the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd binary exists and that it is the correct size.
Message: permission denied by client during rcmd
Explanation: The UNIX client does not have the server's name in its /.rhosts file.
Recommended Action: Add the server name to the /.rhosts file on the UNIX client.
Message: client's network is unreachable
Explanation: The server got ENETUNREACH when trying to connect to the client.
Recommended Action: Try to ping the client from the server. Check the IP address for the client. If you still have problems, talk to your network administrator.
Message: client connection refused
Explanation: The client refused a connection on the port number for bpcd. This can occur because there is no process listening on the bpcd port or there are more connections to the bpcd port than the network subsystem can handle with the listen() call.
Recommended Action:
1. For Windows NT NetBackup servers:
a. Verify that the bpcd and bprd port numbers in the %SystemRoot%/system32/drivers/etc/services file on the server matches the setting on the client.
b. Verify that the NetBackup Client Service Port Number and NetBackup Request Service Port Number on the Network tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box match the bpcd and bprd settings in the services file. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the server and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57). The values on the Network tab are written to the services file when the NetBackup Client service starts.
c. Verify that the NetBackup Client service is running.
2. For UNIX servers, verify that the bpcd port number on the server (either NIS services map or in /etc/services) matches the number in the client's services file.
3. For a Macintosh or NetWare target client, verify that the server is not trying to connect when a backup or restore is already in progress on the client. These clients can handle only one NetBackup job at a time.
4. Perform "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
Message: can't connect to client
Explanation: The server was unable to connect to the client.
Recommended Action: Perform "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
Message: access to the client was not allowed
Explanation: The master or slave server is trying to access the client, but the server is not recognized by the client as a valid server.
Recommended Action:
1. If the server is a valid server, verify that it is in the server list on the client. If necessary add it as follows:
o On Windows NT, 98, and 95 clients, add the server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
o On UNIX, and Macintosh clients, add a SERVER entry in the bp.conf file.
o On NetWare target and OS/2 clients add a SERVER entry in the bp.ini file.
If you change the server list on a UNIX master server, you must stop and then restart the NetBackup Request daemon (bprd) and NetBackup Database Manager daemon (bpdbm) for the changes to take effect. On Windows NT, stop and restart the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services.
2. On Windows NT clients, enable bpinetd activity logging as follows:
a. Create a bpinetd activity log directory on the client.
b. Increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
c. Retry the backup and examine the resulting logs to determine the cause of the failure.
1. On all but Macintosh clients, enable bpcd activity logging as follows:
a. Create a bpcd activity log directory on the client.
b. On a UNIX client, add the VERBOSE option to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.
c. On PC clients, increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
d. Retry the backup and examine the resulting logs to determine the cause of the failure.
2. On Macintosh clients, check the inetd and bpcd activity logs. Both logs are created automatically.
o Check the inetd log to see if NetBackupListen is running.
o Check the bpbkar and tar messages in the bpcd log file. To increase the amount of information included in the logs, set the loglevel parameter in the mac.conf file to a higher value.
1. Check the bpcd activity log to determine the server's peername and what comparisons are being made. The bpcd process compares NetBackup server list entries to the peername of the server attempting the connection and rejects the connection if the names are different. If necessary, change the server list entry on the client to match the peername.
2. On Windows NT clients, check the following:
o Verify that NetBackup for Windows NT software was installed under a Windows NT administrator account.
If NetBackup is under another type of account, reinstall it under an administrator account. The installation will complete successfully under a non-administrator account but the NetBackup Client service is not added to Windows NT and the NetBackup server cannot access the client.
o Verify that the Windows NT TCP/IP service specifies the domain server that resolves names for the subnet that contains the NetBackup servers. UNIX and Windows NT clients are frequently not on the same subnet and use different domain servers. When this condition exists the NetBackup servers and Windows NT clients may be able to ping one another, but the server is still unable to access the Windows NT client.
3. If the preceding steps do not resolve this problem, see "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
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Message: client cannot read the mount table
Explanation: The backup process on the client could not read the list of mounted file systems.
Recommended Action:
1. Execute a df to see if the system can read the mount table.
2. On an SCO system, code 60 can occur because the mount-point path name exceeds 31 characters, which is the maximum allowed on an SCO system. The bpbkar activity log on the client will show a message similar to the following:
bpbkar build_nfs_list: FTL - cannot statfs net Errno: 42406
To eliminate these errors for future backups, create a mount point with a shorter name and symbolically link the long name to the short name.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bpbkar activity log directory, retry the operation, and examine the resulting log.
Message: wbak was killed
Explanation: The wbak process on the Apollo was killed.
Recommended Action: Try the backup again.
Message: wbak exited abnormally
Explanation: The wbak process on the Apollo exited abnormally.
Recommended Action: Try running wbak by hand to determine the source of the problem. Direct the output of the wbak command to /dev/null to avoid filling up your file system and use the following parameters:
-l -nhi -pdtu -stdout -nwla and -full or -af date
Message: process was killed by a signal
Explanation: A kill signal was sent to the client process.
Recommended Action: This is usually caused by someone intentionally terminating a backup.
Message: timed out waiting for the client backup to start
Explanation: The client did not send a ready message to the server within the allotted time.
Recommended Action:
1. 1. On all but Macintosh clients, enable bpcd activity logging as follows:
a. Create a bpcd activity log directory on the client.
b. On a UNIX client, add the VERBOSE option to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.
c. On PC clients, increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
2. 2. On Macintosh clients, check the inetd and bpcd activity logs. Both logs are created automatically.
o Check the inetd log to see if NetBackupListen is running.
o Check the bpbkar and tar messages in the bpcd log file. To increase the logging level, set the loglevel parameter in the mac.conf file to a higher value.
1. On a UNIX or Windows NT client, create the bpbkar activity log directory on the client.
2. On Windows NT clients, verify that the NetBackup Client service is running.
3. On a UNIX client, use the ps command to check for a client process that is using too much CPU time.
4. Retry the backup and examine the activity logs for clues on the cause of the failure.
Message: client timed out waiting for the continue message from the media manager.
Explanation: The tape manager, bptm reported that the media did not load and position within the allotted time.
Recommended Action: Verify that the requested volume is available and the required device is in an UP state.
For detailed debug information:
1. Create a bptm activity log directory on the server.
2. On a UNIX NetBackup server, add the VERBOSE option to the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT NetBackup server, set the Verbose option on the General tab in the Master Server Properties dialog box (see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
3. Retry the operation and check the bptm activity log file for information on the drive, robot, and tape that is causing the timeout.
4. On a Windows NT NetBackup server (master or slave), check the Event Viewer Application log for error messages that indicate why the tape mount did not complete.
Message: client backup failed to receive the CONTINUE BACKUP message
Explanation: The client bpbkar process did not receive the message from the server that indicates that the server is ready to continue.
Recommended Action:
Verify that the server did not crash. If that is not the problem and you need more information:
1. On UNIX and Windows NT clients, enable bpbkar activity logging.
a. Create a bpbkar activity log directory.
b. On a UNIX client, add the VERBOSE option to the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT client, set Verbose on the Troubleshooting tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
2. On other PC clients except Macintosh, create an activity log directory for bpcd (the bpcd log is created automatically on Macintosh). To increase the amount of information that appears in the logs, see the logging topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
3. On the master server create bpsched and bpbrm activity log directories. If there are slave servers involved, create a bpbrm activity log directory on them.
4. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: client backup failed to read the file list
Explanation: The client could not read the list of files to back up.
Recommended Action: First, verify that the server did not crash. If that is not the problem and you need more information:
1. Set up activity logging:
a. On the server, create a bpbrm activity log directory.
b. On UNIX and Windows NT clients, create a bpbkar activity log directory.
c. On other PC clients except Macintosh, create an activity log directory for bpcd (the bpcd log is created automatically on Macintosh). To increase the amount of information that appears in the logs, see the logging topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
2. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: client timed out waiting for the file list
Explanation: The client did not receive the list of files to back up within the allotted time. This list comes from the server.
Recommended Action: First, verify that the server did not crash. If that is not the problem and you need more information:
1. Set up activity logging:
a. On the server, create a bpbrm activity log directory.
b. On UNIX and Windows NT clients, create a bpbkar activity log directory.
c. On other PC clients except Macintosh, create an activity log directory for bpcd (the bpcd log is created automatically on Macintosh). To increase the amount of information that appears in the logs, see the logging topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
2. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: invalid file list specification
Explanation: The file list received from the server had invalid entries.
Recommended Action: Check the class file list. If wildcards are used, verify there are matching bracket characters ([ and ]). If the file list contains UNC (Universal Naming Convention) names, ensure they are properly formatted.
Message: an entry in the file list expanded to too many characters
Explanation: The wildcards used in one of the file list entries caused too many files to be specified.
Recommended Action: Change the wildcards in the file list to specify fewer files.
Message: none of the files in the file list exist
Explanation: The files in the file list did not match any of the files on the client. This error can occur when there is only one file in the file list and the file cannot be backed up due to an I/O error.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the correct file list is specified for this client.
2. On Windows NT clients, verify that the account used to start the NetBackup Client service has read access to the files.
If you are backing up a network drive or a UNC (universal naming convention) path, use the Services application in the Windows NT Control Panel to verify that the NetBackup Client service does not start under the SYSTEM account. The SYSTEM account cannot access network drives. To back up network drives or UNC paths, change the NetBackup Client service startup to log in as a user that has permission to access network drives.
3. Check the All Log Entries report for clues.
4. Set up activity logging:
o • On UNIX and Windows NT clients, create an activity log directory for bpbkar.
o • On other PC clients except Macintosh, create an activity log directory for bpcd (the bpcd log is created automatically on Macintosh).
To increase the amount of information that appears in the logs, see the logging topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
5. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: the client type is incorrect in the configuration database
Explanation: The class type attribute in the class configuration indicates that the client is one type, but the installed software is for another type.
Recommended Action: Verify that the class type attribute for the class is correct. Also, for UNIX, do not place Apollo and standard clients in the same class.
Message: bpstart_notify failed
Explanation: The bpstart_notify script returned a nonzero exit code.
Recommended Action: Check the bpstart_notify script on the client to see if it performs as desired.
Message: client timed out waiting for bpstart_notify to complete
Explanation: The bpstart_notify script on the client took too long.
Recommended Action: Try to speed up the bpstart_notify script or set the BPSTART_TIMEOUT on the server to a value that is larger than the default.Set BPSTART_TIMEOUT in the bp.conf file on a UNIX NetBackup server. On a Windows NT NetBackup server, use the Configure - NetBackup window to set Backup Start Timeout (see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
Message: client timed out waiting for bpend_notify to complete
Explanation: The bpend_notify script on the client took too long.
Recommended Action: Try to speed up the bpend_notify script or set BPEND_TIMEOUT on the server to a value that is larger than the default. Set BPEND_TIMEOUT in the bp.conf file on a UNIX NetBackup server. On a Windows NT NetBackup server, use the Configure - NetBackup window to set Backup End Timeout.
Message: client timed out reading file
Explanation: A fifo was specified in the file list and no data was produced on the fifo within the allotted time.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the process produces the data on the named fifo is started correctly.
2. Set the CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option on the server to a value that is larger than the default. The CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option is in the bp.conf file on a UNIX NetBackup server and in the registry on a Windows NT NetBackup server.
Message: execution of the specified system command returned a nonzero status
Explanation: An immediate command returned a nonzero status.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the command is specified correctly.
2. Execute the command manually to see if the desired result is produced.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, set up activity logging:
a. On UNIX and Windows NT clients, create an activity log directory for bpbkar.
b. On other PC clients except Macintosh, create an activity log directory for bpcd (the bpcd log is created automatically on Macintosh). To increase the amount of information that appears in the logs, see the logging topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
c. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity log.
Message: afs/dfs command failed
Explanation: Indicates an AFS vos command failure.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems Report for additional information on why the command failed.
2. The bpbkar activity log shows the command that was executed. Create an activity log directory for bpbkar. Retry the operation and retry the resulting activity log.
3. Try executing the vos command manually to duplicate the problem.
Message: Media Manager device daemon (ltid) is not active
Explanation: If the server is UNIX, the The Media Manager device daemon,ltid, is not running. If the server is Windows NT, the NetBackup Device Manager service is not running.
Recommended Action:
1. On Windows NT, use the Activity Monitor or the Services application in the Windows NT Control Panel to see if the NetBackup Device Manager service is running. If it is not running, start it. To enable verbose logging, place VERBOSE on a line by itself in the install_path/Volmgr/vm.conf file before starting the service.
2. On UNIX, use vmps to see if ltid is running and if necessary start it in verbose mode with the following command:
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid -v
Or, add a VERBOSE entry to the Media Manager configuration file, /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf. Create the vm.conf file if necessary.
3. On UNIX, check the system logs to verify that ltid starts.
Note: ltid or the NetBackup Device Manager service is used only if devices are attached to the system.
Message: Media Manager volume daemon (vmd) is not active
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) could not communicate with the NetBackup Volume Manager service (Windows NT) or the Media Manager volume daemon (UNIX). This communication is required for most operations.
Recommended Action:
Verify that the Media Manager device daemon (ltid) and the volume daemon (vmd) are running. Start them if necessary.
On Windows NT:
Verify that both the NetBackup Device Manager service and the NetBackup Volume Manager service are running. Start them if necessary.
Note: ltid or the NetBackup Device Manager service is used only if devices are attached to the system.
Message: media manager killed by signal
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) was terminated by another process or a user.
Recommended Action: This should not occur in normal operation. If you want to terminate an active backup, use the NetBackup Activity Monitor (on Windows NT) or the job monitor (on UNIX).
When backing up a DomainOS client (for example, Apollo), this has been seen to occur after the server has not received anything on the socket for at least 300 seconds, thus causing a client read timeout and breaking the connection. The bpbkar activity log had an entry similar to the following:
13:22:49 [1347] <16> bpbkar: ERR - Extra output - - ECONNRESET
Connection reset by peer (UNIX/errno status)
Increasing the CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT value (in this instance to 900) has resolved this problem.
Message: media open error
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) could not open the device or file that the backup or restore must use.
Recommended Action:
1. For additional information, check the following:
o NetBackup Problems report
o System log (UNIX)
o Event Viewer Application log (Windows NT)
2. Typically, this status code indicates a drive configuration problem that allows more than one process at a time to open the device.
On UNIX, the problem could be due to:
o Two (or more) devices were configured that are really the same physical device (for different densities perhaps). Verify that none of the /dev files used for these devices have the same major or minor numbers.
o Links exist in the file system that are allowing users access to the drives.
o The physical configuration for the drives was modified (xdevadm, tpconfig, or vm.conf) and the Media Manager device daemon, ltid, was not restarted. Verify the configuration and start ltid.
On Windows NT, the problem could be that the Media Manager device configuration was modified but the NetBackup Device Manager service was not restarted. Verify the configuration and restart the NetBackup Device Manager service.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information:
a. Create an activity log directory for bpdm (if the device is disk) or bptm (if the device is tape).
b. On UNIX, restart ltid in the verbose mode by executing: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid -v
Or, add a VERBOSE entry to the Media Manager configuration file, /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf. Create the vm.conf file if necessary.
c. On Windows NT, enable verbose logging by adding VERBOSE on a line by itself in the install_path/Volmgr/vm.conf file. Then, stop and restart the NetBackup Device Manager service.
d. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity log files.
Message: media write error
Explanation: The system's device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup was writing to removable media or a disk file.
Recommended Action:
1. For additional information, check the following:
o NetBackup Problems report to determine the device or media that caused the error
o System and error logs for the system (UNIX)
o Event Viewer Application and System logs (Windows NT)
2. If NetBackup was writing backups to a disk file, verify that the disk has enough space for the backup.
For NetBackup database backup to a disk path on a UNIX system, you may be trying to write a image greater than two gigabytes. File sizes greater than two gigabytes is a limitation on many UNIX file systems. Tape files do not have this limit.
3. If the media is tape or optical disk, check for:
o A defective or dirty drive, in which case, clean it or have it repaired (refer to the tpclean command for robotic drives).
o The wrong media type. Verify that the media matches the drive type you are using. On an optical drive, the platters may not be formatted correctly.
o Defective media. If this is the case, use the bpmedia command to set the volume to the FROZEN state so it is not used for future backups.
o Incorrect drive configuration. Verify the Media Manager and system configuration for the drive.
For example, on UNIX the drive could be configured for fixed mode when it must be variable mode. See the Media Manager Device Configuration Guide for more information.
Message: media read error
Explanation: The system device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup was reading from tape, optical disk, or a disk file.
Recommended Action:
1. For additional information, check the following:
• NetBackup Problems report to determine the device or media that caused the error
• System and error logs for the system (UNIX)
• Event Viewer Application and System logs (Windows NT)
2. Check for the following:
• A defective or dirty drive. Clean it or have it repaired (see the tpclean command for cleaning).
• Incorrect drive configuration. Verify the Media Manager and system configuration for the drive.
For example, on UNIX the drive could be configured for fixed mode when it must be variable mode. See the Media Manager Device Configuration Guide for more information.
• Defective media. In this case, you may not be able to recover all the data on the media. Use the bpmedia command to set the volume to the FROZEN state so it is not used for future backups.
• The wrong media type. Verify that the media matches the drive type you are using.
Message: media position error
Explanation: The system's device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup was positioning media (tape or optical disk).
Recommended Action:
1. For additional information, check the following:
• NetBackup Problems report to determine the device or media that caused the error
• System and error logs for the system (UNIX)
• Event Viewer Application and System logs (Windows NT)
2. Check for the following:
• A defective or dirty drive. Clean it or have it repaired (see the tpclean command for cleaning).
• Incorrect drive configuration. Verify the Media Manager and system configuration for the drive.
For example, on UNIX the drive could be configured for fixed mode when it must be variable mode. See the Media Manager Device Configuration Guide for more information.
• Defective media. In this case, some data may be lost. Use the bpmedia command to set the volume to the FROZEN state so it is not used for future backups.
• The wrong media type. Verify that the media matches the drive type you are using.
Message: media close error
Explanation: The system's device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup was closing a tape or optical disk.
Recommended Action:
1. For additional information, check the following:
• NetBackup Problems report to determine the device or media that caused the error
• System and error logs for the system (UNIX)
• Event Viewer Application and System logs (Windows NT)
2. Check for the following:
• A defective or dirty drive. Clean it or have it repaired (see the tpclean command for cleaning).
• Defective media. In this case, some data may be lost. Use the bpmedia command to set the volume to the FROZEN state so it is not used for future backups.
Message: Auspex SP/Backup failure
Explanation: NetBackup detected a problem when backing up an Auspex FastBackup client.
Recommended Action: Check the All Log Entries report. If more details are required, create bptm and bpbrm activity log directories on the server. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting log files. This error is usually due to a configuration problem.
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Message: media manager received no data for backup image
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) received no data when performing a backup or archive. This can occur for incremental backups where no data was backed up because no files have changed.
Recommended Action:
1. For additional information, check the following:
• NetBackup Problems report to determine the device or media that caused the error
• System and error logs for the system (UNIX)
• Event Viewer Application log (Windows NT)
2. Verify the Media Manager and system configuration for the drive.
For example, on UNIX the drive may not be set for variable mode in a case where that mode is required by NetBackup. Check the Media Manager Device Configuration Guide for drive configuration information.
3. Verify that the Media Manager configuration for the backup device matches what is specified for the storage unit in the NetBackup class.
4. Verify that you are using the correct media in the drive.
5. For detailed debug information, create a bpdm or bptm activity log directory (whichever applies) on the server. If the client is Windows NT, also create a bpbkar activity log directory on the client. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs. Retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log file.
Message: fatal NB media database error
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) received an error while reading or updating its media database.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the All Log Entries report for more information.
2. Check the NetBackup Media Lists report to see if the database is intact. If the database is not intact, consider reloading it from the latest NetBackup database backup volume.
3. Verify that the disk partition on which the database resides has enough space.
4. If the above actions do not explain the problem, check the NetBackup Problems report.
5. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bptm activity logdirectory on the server and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log file.
6. Contact customer support and send appropriate problem and activity log sections.
Message: media manager detected image that was not in tar format
Explanation: When performing a restore, the tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) could not find a tar header at the offset it expected.
Recommended Action:
1. Perform a bpverify of the affected image to determine if it is written correctly.
2. Check the NetBackup Problems report for additional information about the error.
3. Verify the Media Manager and system configuration for the drive. For example, on some UNIX systems, for example, if you do not configure the drive for variable-mode block size writes, backup images written to the media produce this error when an attempt is made to restore the image. For example, you see the following sequence of events:
• Backup succeeds
• Verify succeeds
• Restore fails
The bptm activity log shows an error similar to
00:58:54 [2304] <16> write_data: write of 32768 bytes indicated only 29696 bytes were written, errno = 0
In this case, configure the drive for variable-mode block sizes and suspend media written on that device. See the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.
The images written to those media may be restorable (this is platform dependent), but single file restores are almost guaranteed to fail. You can choose to expire these media and regenerate the backups, or you can attempt to duplicate the images on these media to another device and then expire the original copy.
4. Error code 92 has been encountered on some relabeled and value-added 8-mm tape drives where the drive's microcode incorrectly processes a "forward space record" SCSI command.
5. If the problem is not one of the above, create an activity log directory for either bpdm or bptm and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log file.
Message: media manager found wrong tape in drive
Explanation: When loading a volume for a backup or restore, the tape manager (bptm) found a volume loaded that did not have the expected tape header. This can indicate that volumes in a robot are not in the slots indicated in the Media Manager volume configuration.
Recommended Action:
• If the volume is in a robot and the robot supports barcodes, perform a Compare Contents with Volume Configuration (Verify Robot Contents on UNIX). The resulting report shows which media ID was found and validates its slot number with what is in the Media Manager volume configuration. Then, either change the physical location in the robot or change the volume configuration to show the correct slot.
• If the volume was mounted on a nonrobotic drive, verify that the correct volume was mounted and assigned.
Message: cannot position to correct image
Explanation: When searching for a backup image to restore, the tape manager (bptm) did not find the correct backup ID at the expected position on the volume. This can indicate a drive hardware problem.
Recommended Action:
1. Try the restore on another drive if possible.
2. For additional information, check the following:
• NetBackup Problems report to determine the device or volume thatcaused the error
• System and error logs for the system
• Event Viewer Application and System logs (Windows NT)
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for bptm and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log files.
Message: requested media id not found in NB media database and/or MM volume database
Explanation: An operation was requested on a media ID for which NetBackup does not have a record. An example of this is using bpmedia to suspend or freeze a media ID that does not exist.
Recommended Action: Run a NetBackup Media List report to determine the valid media IDs. Then, retry the command with a valid media ID.
Message: unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) could not allocate a new volume for backups. This indicates that the storage unit has no more volumes available in the volume pool for this backup.
Recommended Action:
Check the NetBackup Problems report to determine the storage unit that is out of media.
1. If the storage unit is a robot and there are empty slots, add more volumes (remember to specify the correct volume pool).
• If there are no empty slots, move some media to nonrobotic and then add new volumes.
• If you are having difficulty keeping track of your available volumes, try the available_media script:
On UNIX, this script is in:
This script lists all volumes in the Media Manager volume configuration, and augments that list with information on the volumes currently assigned to NetBackup.
2. If the storage unit and volume pool appear to have media, verify the following:
• Volume is not FROZEN or SUSPENDED.
Check for this condition by using the NetBackup Media List report. If the volume is frozen or suspended, use the bpmedia command to unfreeze or unsuspend it (if that is desired).
• Volume has not expired or exceeded its maximum number of mounts.
• Volume Database Host name for the device is correct.
If you change the Volume Database Host name, stop and restart the Media Manager device daemon, ltid, (if the server is UNIX) or the NetBackup Device Manager service (if the server is a Windows NT system).
• The correct host is specified for the storage unit in the NetBackup configuration.
The host connection should be the server (master or slave) that has drives connected to it.
• The Media Manager volume configuration has media in the correct volume pool and unassigned or active media is available at the required retention level.
Use the NetBackup Media List report to show the retention levels, volume pools, and status (active and so on) for all volumes. Use the NetBackup Media Summary report to check for active volumes at the correct retention levels.
3. In some configurations, the NetBackup bptm process is rejected when requesting media from the vmd process (NetBackup Volume Manager service on Windows NT) because that processcannot determine the name of the host that is making the request.
This can be due to incorrect network configuration involving:
• Multiple network interfaces
• /etc/resolv.conf on those UNIX systems that use it
• Running DNS and not having reverse addressing configured
4. Create bptm and vmd activity log directories and retry the operation.
5. Examine the bptm activity log to verify that bptm is connecting to the correct system. If an error is logged, examine the vmd log.
On UNIX, the vmd log is:
On Windows NT, the vmd log is:
6. If this is a new storage unit, and this is the first attempt to use it, stop and restart NetBackup on the master server.
Note: The bptm activity logs (in verbose mode) usually show the NetBackup media selection process.
Message: requested media id is in use, cannot process request
Explanation: An operation was requested on a media ID that is in use. An example of this is attempting to suspend or freeze a volume while it is being used for a backup or restore.
Recommended Action: Retry the command when the volume is not in use. Use the Device Monitor to determine if the volume is in use (on UNIX you can also use xdevadm).
Message: error requesting media (tpreq)
Explanation: The tape manager and optical manager (bptm) received an error when requesting a media mount from the NetBackup Device Manager service on Windows NT or the Media Manager device daemon (ltid) on UNIX.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup Problems report to determine the reason for the failure. The most common cause is that the NetBackup Device Manager service on Windows NT or the Media Manager device daemon (ltid) on UNIX is not running. Start it if necessary.
Message: NDMP backup failure
Explanation: None of the paths in your NDMP class file list were backed up successfully.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup All Log Entries report for more information. A possible cause for this error is that none of the backup paths exist on the NDMP host.
Message: system error occurred while processing user command
Explanation: A system call failed in bparchive, bpbackup, bplist, or bprestore.
Recommended Action:
1. Enable activity logging for bparchive, bpbackup, bplist, or bprestore (as appropriate) by creating activity log directories for them.
On UNIX, if a nonroot user is having problems, verify that the directory created has mode 666. Look for and correct any reported errors.
2. Retry the operation and check the resulting logs.
If the logs do not reveal the problem, use the command line version of the command and correct any problems that are reported on stderr.
Message: failed opening mail pipe
Explanation: The process that attempts to send mail could not open the pipe to the server.
Recommended Action: Verify that mail is configured on the client. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bpcd activity log directory and retry the operation. Check the resulting bpcd activity log.
Message: failed closing mail pipe
Explanation: The process that sends mail could not close the pipe to the server.
Recommended Action: Verify that mail is configured on the client. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bpcd activity log directory and retry the operation. Check the resulting bpcd activity log.
Message: file pathname exceeds the maximum length allowed
Explanation: The path name built by using the current working directory exceeds the maximum path length allowed by the system.
Recommended Action: Shorten the current working directory path length.
Message: invalid file pathname found, cannot process request
Explanation: One of the file paths to be backed up or archived is not valid.
Recommended Action: Verify that full path names are used (they start with / on UNIX), and they are less than the maximum path length for the system. Also, verify that the files exist and the permissions allow NetBackup to access them.
Message: /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf not found
Explanation: On Windows NT, NetBackup could not read the registry entries that were created during installation. On UNIX, /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file does not exist.
Recommended Action: Reinstall NetBackup software on the client or create the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file with at least the following lines:
SERVER = server_name
CLIENT_NAME = client_name
Message: SERVER was not specified in /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
Explanation: On UNIX, the SERVER = server_name line is missing in the bp.conf file. On Windows NT, the server list contains no entries. Recommended Action:
• On a UNIX client, add the following line to the top of the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file:
SERVER = server_name
• On a Microsoft Windows or nontarget NetWare client, add the server name on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
• On an OS/2 or NetWare target client, add the server name to the bp.ini file.
• On a Macintosh client, add the SERVER = server_name line to the bp.conf file in the NetBackup folder in the Preferences folder.
Message: no files specified in the file list
Explanation: A restore was requested with no files in the file list.
Recommended Action: Specify at least one file to be restored.
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Message: cannot find configuration database record for requested NB database backup
Explanation: The program that backs up the NetBackup internal databases (called catalogs on Windows NT) could not find the attributes that indicate which media IDs to use or paths to back up. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for additional information about the error.
2. For detailed troubleshooting information, create admin and bpdbm activity log directories and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity logs.
3. Contact customer support and send appropriate problem and activity log sections detailing the error.
Message: no media is defined for the requested NB database backup
Explanation: NetBackup attempted to back up its internal databases (called catalogs on Windows NT) and there were no media IDs defined in the database backup configuration (called catalog backup on Windows NT).
Recommended Action: Add the media IDs to the NetBackup database backup configuration. Verify that the media IDs are in the NetBackup volume pool.
Message: specified device path does not exist
Explanation: The NetBackup internal databases (called catalogs on Windows NT) were backed up by using the bpbackupdb command line and specifying a raw device file that does not exist.
Recommended Action: Retry the command using a valid device file name.
Message: specified disk path is not a directory
Explanation: NetBackup attempted to back up its internal databases (called catalogs on Windows NT) and the backup attributes were set to dump to a disk. However, the disk file path already exists and is not a directory.
Recommended Action: Specify a different disk path for the database backup or delete the file that already exists.
Message: NB database backup failed, a path was not found or is inaccessible
Explanation: One or more of the paths specified in the database backup configuration could not be backed up (the databases are called catalogs on Windows NT).
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for additional information about the error. Some possible causes are:
• The path does not exist.
• On a UNIX system, there is a symbolic link in one of the paths.
2. After determining which path could not be accessed, correct the path names in the database backup configuration.
Message: another NB database backup is already in progress
Explanation: Only one NetBackup database backup may be active at any given time.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: NB database backup header is too large, too many paths specified
Explanation: Too many paths were specified in the NetBackup database backup configuration to fit in a fixed-size media header. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Recommended Action: Delete some of the paths from the database backup configuration.
Message: specified media or path does not have a valid NB database backup header
Explanation: The bprecover command was issued and the media ID specified does not have valid database backup data.
Recommended Action: Validate that the correct media ID is being used.
Message: system error occurred
Explanation: An error occurred that prevents the product from operating in a consistent fashion. This error is usually related to a system call.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for additional information about the error.
2. Check the system log for reported problems.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create bpdbm, bpsched, bptm, and bprd activity log directories on the master server and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity logs.
Message: client is not validated to use the server
Explanation: The client name, as determined from the connection to the server, did not match any client name in the NetBackup configuration and there was no altnames configuration for this client on the master server. A client and server that have multiple network connections can encounter this problem if the name by which the client is configured is not the one by which its routing tables direct connections to the server.
Recommended Action:
1. Examine the NetBackup Problems report.
2. Create an activity log directory for bprd and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log to determine the connection and client names.
Depending on the request type (restore, backup, and so on.), you may need or want to:
• Change the client's configured name.
• Modify the routing tables on the client.
• On the master server, set up an altnames directory and file for this client (see the NetBackup System Administrator's Guide - UNIX).
• On a UNIX master server, create a soft link in the NetBackup image database.
3. Review "Verifying Host Names and Services Entries" on page 31.
Message: invalid request
Explanation: One of two explanations exist.
• A request was made that is unrecognized. This usually results from different versions of NetBackup software being used together.
• If a client receives this error in response to a list or restore request, it means that the DISALLOW_CLIENT_LIST_RESTORE or DISALLOW_CLIENT_RESTORE option exists in the bp.conf file on a UNIX NetBackup server or registry on a Windows NT NetBackup server. These options deny list and restore requests from all NetBackup clients.
Recommended Action:
1. If you suspect that the software versions are the problem, verify that all NetBackup software is at the same version level.
• On UNIX NetBackup servers and clients, check the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version file.
• On Windows NT NetBackup servers, check the install_path/netbackup/version.txt file or the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
• On Microsoft Windows clients, check the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
• On NetWare target clients, check the Version entry in the bp.ini file. If the client software is earlier than 3.0, verify that the client is in a Standard type class.
• On Macintosh clients, check the version file in the bin folder in the NetBackup folder in the Preferences folder.
2. If the server is denying list and restore requests, remove the DISALLOW_CLIENT_LIST_RESTORE and DISALLOW_CLIENT_RESTORE options from the bp.conf file on a UNIX NetBackup server or registry on a Windows NT NetBackup server. Then, stop and restart the NetBackup request daemon (UNIX) or NetBackup Request Manager service (Windows NT).
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create bpdbm, bprd, and admin activity log directories. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: client is not validated to perform the requested operation
Explanation: This is usually caused by a request to restore files to a client other than the one that made the request and the request did not come from the root user (administrator on Windows NT) on a NetBackup server.
Recommended Action: Retry the operation as a root user (administrator on Windows NT) on the master server. Also see status code 131.
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Message: user id was not superuser
Explanation: The process was started by a user or process that did not have root privileges (on UNIX) or administrator privileges (on Windows NT).
Recommended Action: If desired, give the user or process administrator privileges (on Windows NT) or root privileges (on UNIX) and retry the operation.
Message: file path specified is not absolute
Explanation: The file specification must be an absolute path.
Recommended Action: Correct the file specification and retry the command.
Message: file does not exist
Explanation: This code is reserved for future use.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: invalid command protocol
Explanation: An ill-formed request was made to the NetBackup request daemon (UNIX) or Request Manager service (Windows NT). This can be due to mismatched versions of the product, corrupted network communication, or to a non-NetBackup process sending data across the port for the daemon or service.
Recommended Action: Examine the NetBackup error logs to determine the system that was the source of the data and on that system determine the process that initiated the request. If it was a NetBackup process, verify that the process or command is compatible with the version of software on the server.
Message: invalid command usage
Explanation: This status code is due to a NetBackup process being started with improper options or an incompatibility in the product.
Recommended Action: Either correct the command or verify that all NetBackup binaries are at the same version level.
Message: daemon is already running
Explanation: There is another copy of the process executing.
Recommended Action: Terminate the current copy of the process and then restart the process.
Message: cannot get a bound socket
Explanation: The daemon (service on Windows NT) could not bind to its socket. A system call failed when the daemon UNIX) or service (Windows NT) attempted to bind to its configured port number. This is usually caused by another process having acquired the port before the daemon or service started.
Recommended Action:
1. Examine the NetBackup Problems and All Log Entries reports.
2. Create bprd and bpdbm activity log directories and retry the operation.
Check the resulting logs to see the system error message resulting from the attempt.
If another process has the port, use other system commands to determine the process. Based on this research, either change the port number in your services file or map or terminate the process that has acquired the port.
On UNIX, another possible cause for this error is terminating bprd or bpdbm with the kill command. The recommended way to stop bprd is with the terminate options in, xbpadm. To stop bpdbm, use the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm -terminate command. Using the kill command to stop these processes can leave them unable to bind to their assigned ports the next time they are started.
To identify a bprd or bpdbm problem, look for lines similar to the following in the activity log for the respective process:
<16> getsockbound: bind() failed, Address already in use (114)
<32> listen_loop: cannot get bound socket. errno = 114
<4> terminate: termination begun...error code = 146
Similar entries can appear in the reports.
3. If the problem persists longer than ten minutes, it is possible that it will be necessary to reboot the server.
Message: required or specified copy was not found
Explanation: The requested copy number of a backup or archive image cannot be found.
Recommended Action: Correct the request to specify a copy number that does exist.
Message: daemon fork failed
Explanation: A NetBackup service could not create a child process due to an error received from the system. This is probably an intermittent error based on the availability of resources on the system.
Recommended Action:
1. Restart the service at a later time and investigate system problems that limit the number of processes.
2. Check the Event Viewer Application and System logs (Windows NT).
Message: termination requested by administrator
Explanation: The process is terminating (or has terminated) as a direct result of a request from an authorized user or process.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: Backup Exec operation failed
Explanation: The Global Data Manager console has reported that a Backup Exec job (backup, archive, or restore) did not complete normally.
Recommended Action: Consult the Backup Exec job history on the Backup Exec server for details.
Message: required value not set
Explanation: An incomplete request was made to the bpdbm process (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT). This usually occurs because different versions of software are being used together.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that all software is at the same version level.
2. For detailed troubleshooting information, create bpdbm and admin activity log directories and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity logs.
Message: server is not the master server
Explanation: This status code is reserved for future use.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: storage unit characteristics mismatched to request
Explanation: A backup was attempted and the storage unit selected for use had characteristics that were not compatible with the backup type.
Recommended Action: Verify that the characteristics of the storage unit involved are appropriate for the backup attempted:
• For an NDMP class type, verify that a storage unit of type NDMP is defined and the NDMP host value matches the host name of the client. For example, if the NDMP class specifies toaster as the client, the configuration for the storage unit must specify toaster as the NDMP host.
• For a class type other than NDMP, verify that the class specifies a Media Manager or Disk type storage unit.
Message: failed accessing daemon lock file
Explanation: The process could not lock its lock file because an error was received from a system call. This lock file synchronizes process activities (for example, preventing more than one daemon from executing at a time).
Recommended Action:
1. Examine the NetBackup error log to determine why the system call failed and correct the problem. It could be a permission problem.
2. If the error log does not show the error, create an activity log directory for bprd, bpdbm, or bpsched (depending on which process encountered the error) and retry the operation. Examine the resulting activity log.
Message: licensed use has been exceeded
Explanation: This status code is reserved for future use.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: authentication failed
Explanation: A problem was encountered when two systems were attempting to authenticate one another.
Recommended Action: See the NetBackup System administrator's Guide - UNIX for more information on the files and commands mentioned here.
1. Ensure that the authentication libraries exist:
Windows NT, 98, 95:
UNIX (except HP-UX):
UNIX (HP-UX only):
:System Folder:Extensions:libvopie.dll
:System Folder:Extensions:libnoauth.dll
2. Check the methods_allow.txt files on the systems that are having problems to ensure that authentication is enabled. The files are in the following locations:
Windows NT, 98, 95:
:System Folder:Preferences:NetBackup:var:auth
3. On the systems that are having the authentication problem, remove the remote host that is not being authenticated from the methods_allow.txt file.
For example, if hosta and hostb are having the problem, remove hosta from the file on hostb and vice versa.
Retry the operation.
• If the problem still exists, it indicates connection problems not related to authentication.
• If connections are now successful, proceed to the next step.
4. Execute bpauthsync -vopie on the master server to resynchronize the key files on the systems.
On Windows NT:
install_path/NetBackup/bin/admincmd/bpauthsync -vopie -servers
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpauthsync -vopie -servers
5. Add back the names removed in step 3 and retry the operation.
6. Create activity log directories for the processes involved in authentication between NetBackup systems. These include:
• On the server, create activity log directories for bprd, bpdbm, bpcd.
• On the client, create activity log directories for bpbackup, bprestore,
bpbkar (Windows NT only).
Retry the operation and check the logs.
Message: unable to mount media because it is in a DOWN drive or misplaced
Explanation: A restore was attempted and the volume required for the restore was in a DOWN drive in a robot. Or, the slot that should contain the volume is empty.
Recommended Action:
• If volume is in a DOWN drive, remove it and place it in its designated slot. Then, retry the restore.
• If the volume is in the wrong slot, use a robot inventory option to reconcile the contents of the robot with the Media Manager volume configuration.
Message: NB image database contains no image fragments for requested backup id/copy number
Explanation: A restore was attempted and NetBackup has no record of fragments associated with the backup ID that has the files.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup Problems report for additional information about the error. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for either bpdm or bptm (whichever applies) and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: backups are not allowed to span media
Explanation: An end of media (EOM) was encountered while the backup image was being written. The backup was terminated because the NetBackup DISALLOW_BACKUPS_SPANNING_MEDIA option was present in bp.conf on UNIX or the registry on Windows NT. The backup will be retried automatically with a different volume if this is allowed by the backup tries attribute in the NetBackup global attribute configuration.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: cannot find requested volume pool in Media Manager volume database
Explanation: A backup to a nonrobotic drive was attempted and the tape manager (bptm) could not find or add the specified volume pool.
Recommended Action: Verify the Media Manager volume configuration. Check the NetBackup Problems report for more information about the error. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bptm activity log directory and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: cannot overwrite media, data on it is protected
Explanation: A database backup was attempted to a volume that could not be overwritten because it contains data that NetBackup, by default, does not overwrite (tar, cpio, ANSI, and so on).
Recommended Action: Replace the volume with a new one or set the NetBackup ALLOW_MEDIA_OVERWRITE option to the appropriate value.
Message: media id is either expired or will exceed maximum mounts
Explanation: A backup or database backup was attempted and the volume selected for use has reached its maximum number of mounts as specified in the Media Manager volume configuration. For a regular backup, the volume is automatically set to the SUSPENDED state and not used for further backups. For a NetBackup database backup, the operation terminates abnormally.
Recommended Action: If the volume was suspended, wait until it expires and then replace it. For NetBackup database backups, replace the media.
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Message: media id must be 6 or less characters
Explanation: An operation, such as using bpmedia to suspend or freeze a media ID was attempted and the media ID specified was longer than six alpha-numeric characters.
Recommended Action: Retry the command with a valid media ID.
Message: cannot read media header, may not be NetBackup media or is corrupted
Explanation: When loading a volume for a backup or restore, the tape manager (bptm), did not find the expected tape header. This can mean that a volume in a robotic device is not in the slot number shown in the Media Manager volume configuration or that a read error (I/O error) occurred.
Recommended Action:
1. If the volume is in a robot that supports barcodes, verify the robot contents by using a Media Manager robot inventory option.
2. If the volume was mounted on a nonrobotic drive, verify that the correct volume was mounted and assigned.
3. Check the NetBackup Problems report. If a fatal read error occurred, attempt the operation again using another drive, if possible.
Message: cannot read backup header, media may be corrupted
Explanation: When searching for a backup image to restore, the tape manager (bptm) could not find the correct backup ID at the position on the media where NetBackup expected it to be. This can indicate a drive hardware problem.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for clues as to what caused the error.
2. Try the restore on another drive if possible.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for bptm and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: media manager system error occurred
Explanation: An abnormal condition occurred causing a tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) failure. This should not occur under normal circumstances.
Note: If this occurs on a Sequent platform and you are attempting to back up more than four gigabytes of data, save all your logs and call VERITAS technical support. For other platforms perform the recommended actions described below.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report to see if it shows the cause of the problem. If you see a Problems report message similar to "attempting to write 32767 bytes, not a multiple of 1024" save all logs and call VERITAS customer support.
2. On UNIX, if this occurs during a restore, it may be that the tape drive is incorrectly configured to write in fixed length mode when it should write in variable length mode.
Verify your drive's configuration, comparing it to what is recommended in the Media Manager Device Configuration Guide (also see Step 7 of this procedure).
If your configuration incorrectly specifies fixed length mode, change the configuration to specify variable length mode and suspend media that were written on that device. The images written to those media may be restorable (this is platform dependent), but single file restores are almost guaranteed to fail.
3. If you see the problem with only one client, verify that the client binaries are correct, especially those for bpcd.
4. Can you read or write any other images on this media?
If so, the check the following reports for clues:
• Images on Media report
• Media Contents report
5. Verify the following:
• The media by using the NetBackup image verify option.
• That you are using the correct media type for the device.
6. Check the system or console log for errors (on UNIX) or the Event Viewer Application log (on Windows NT).
7. For detailed debug information, create an activity log directory for either bptm or bpdm (whichever applies) and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
If the bptm activity log shows an error similar to
00:58:54 [2304] <16> write_data: write of 32768 bytes indicated only 29696 bytes were written, errno = 0
it may be that the tape drive is configured to write in fixed length mode rather than variable length mode, and the image being written encountered the end-of-media.
Take the corrective action suggested in Step 2.
Message: not all requested files were restored
Explanation: When restoring files from an image, the bptm or bpdm process detected a fatal error condition and terminated the restore before it completed. This should not occur under normal circumstances.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report and the progress log on the client for additional information about the error
2. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for either bptm or bpdm (whichever applies) and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: cannot perform specified media import operation
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) detected an error condition when attempting to import a specific backup image. Possible reasons for this are:
• Media ID is already active in the NetBackup media database on this server
• Media ID is not in the Media Manager volume configuration
•Fatal t ape manager ( bptm) error occurred
• Total image was not obtained from Phase 1 of import
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report to find the exact cause of the failure.
2. Try the following:
• If the media ID is already active, duplicate all images on the original media ID to another volume. Then, manually expire the original media and redo the import.
• If the media ID is not present in the Media Manager volume configuration, add it.
• If a fatal bptm error occurred, verify that the Media Manager volume daemon (vmd) is active on UNIX or the NetBackup Volume Manager service is active on Windows NT.
• If the entire image is not present, perform import phase 1 on the media IDs that have the remainder of the image.
Message: could not deassign media due to Media Manager error
Explanation: The tape manager (bptm) could not successfully deassign a media ID.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the NetBackup Problems report for the cause of the problem.
2. Verify that the Media Manager volume daemon (vmd) is active on UNIX or the NetBackup Volume Manager service is active on Windows NT.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create an activity log directory for bptm and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: media id is not in NetBackup volume pool
Explanation: NetBackup attempted a backup of its databases and the media ID specified for the database backup was not in the NetBackup volume pool. Volumes for database backups must be in the NetBackup volume pool.
Recommended Action: Check the Media Manager volume configuration to verify that the media IDs are present and in the NetBackup volume pool.
Message: density is incorrect for the media id
Explanation: An operation such as "list contents" was attempted on an invalid media ID, such as a cleaning tape. Another possibility is that a media ID in the NetBackup database backup configuration does not match the media type entered in the Media Manager volume configuration.
Recommended Action: Check the volume configuration and the NetBackup database backup configuration and correct any problems found.
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Message: tar was successful
Explanation: tar returned a successful exit status.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: tar received an invalid argument
Explanation: One of the parameters passed to tar was not valid. Recommended Action:
On a UNIX client:
• Ensure that the tar command in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin is the one provided by NetBackup. If you are in doubt, reinstall it.
•Check /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version on the client to verify that the client is running the correct level software. If the software is not at the correct level, update the software per the directions in the NetBackup release notes.
On a Windows NT client, create a tar activity log directory, retry the operation, and check the log.
On a Macintosh client, check the version file that is in the bin folder in the NetBackup folder in the Preferences folder. If the software is not at the correct level, install the correct software as explained in the installation guide.
Message: tar received an invalid file name
Explanation: tar cannot write to the file that is specified with the -f parameter.
Recommended Action:
1. Create a bpcd activity log directory on the client (on a Macintosh NetBackup creates the log automatically).
2. On a Windows NT client, create a tar activity log directory.
3. Increase the logging level on the client:
• On a UNIX client, add the VERBOSE option to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.
• On PC clients, increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
4. Rerun the operation, check the resulting activity logs for the parameters passed to tar and call customer support.
Message: tar received an invalid archive
Explanation: The data passed to tar was corrupt.
Recommended Action:
• If the problem is with a UNIX client, create a /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/tar activity log directory on the client and rerun the operation.
a. Check the tar activity log file for error messages that explain the problem.
b. Reboot the client to see if this clears the problem.
c. When you are through investigating the problem, delete the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/tar directory on the client.
• If the problem is with a Microsoft Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh client:
a. Create a bpcd activity log directory on the client (on a Macintosh NetBackup creates the log automatically).
b. On a Windows NT client, create a tar activity log directory.
c. Increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
d. Rerun the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
e. Reboot the client to see if it clears the problem.
Message: tar had an unexpected error
Explanation: A system error occurred in tar.
Recommended Action:
• If the problem is with a UNIX client, create a /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/tar activity log directory on the client and rerun the operation.Create a /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/tar directory on the client and rerun the operation.
a. Check the tar activity log file for error messages that explain the problem.
b. Reboot the client to see if this clears the problem.
c. When you are through investigating the problem, delete the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/tar directory on the client.
• If the problem is with a Microsoft Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh client:
a. Create a bpcd activity log directory on the client (on a Macintosh NetBackup creates the log automatically).
b. Increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
c. On a Windows NT client, create a tar activity log directory.
d. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
e. Reboot the client to see if it clears the problem.
Message: tar did not find all the files to be restored
Explanation: There were files in the tar file list that were not in the image.
Recommended Action:
• If the problem is with a UNIX client:
a. Enable bpcd activity logging by creating the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpcd directory on the client.
b. Rerun the operation, check the resulting bpcd log file for the parameters passed to tar, and call customer support.
• If the problem is with a Microsoft Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh client: a. Create a bpcd activity log directory on the client (on a Macintosh NetBackup creates the log automatically).
b. Increase the debug or log level as explained in the activity log topics in Chapter 3, "Using the Logs and Reports."
c. On a Windows NT client, create a tar activity log directory.
d. Retry the operation.
e. Check the resulting activity logs for the parameters passed to tar and call customer support.
Message: tar received no data
Explanation: The media manager did not send data to tar.
Recommended Action:
1. Retry the operation and check the progress log on the client for error messages that reveal the problem.
2. Verify that the tape is available and readable.
3. Verify that that the drive is in an UP state. Use the Device Monitor (on UNIX xdevadm can also be used)
4. For detailed troubleshooting information:
a. Create a bptm activity log on the server.
b. On a Windows NT client, create a tar activity log.
c. Retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: the server is not allowed to write to the client's filesystems
Explanation: The client is not allowing writes from the server.
Recommended Action:
Perform the following to perform restores or install software from the server.
• On a UNIX client, delete DISALLOW_SERVER_FILE_WRITES from the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.
• On a Microsoft Windows or NetWare nontarget client, select Allow Server Directed Restores on the General tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
• On a Macintosh client, delete DISALLOW_SERVER_FILE_WRITES from the bp.conf file in the NetBackup folder in the Preferences folder.
• On a NetWare target client, set ALLOW_SERVER_WRITE to yes in the bp.ini file.
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Message: found no images or media matching the selection criteria
Explanation: A verify, duplicate, or import was attempted and no imagesmatching the search criteria were found in the NetBackup database.
Recommended Action: Change the search criteria and retry.
Message: no images were successfully processed
Explanation: A verify, duplicate, or import was attempted and failed for all selected images.
Recommended Action: Check the NetBackup Problems report for the cause of the error. To obtain detailed troubleshooting information, create an admin activity log directory and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: the maximum number of jobs per client is set to 0
Explanation: The NetBackup Maximum Jobs per Client global attribute is currently set to 0. Setting the value to 0 disables backups and archives.
Recommended Action: To enable backups and archives, change the global attribute value to the desired nonzero setting.
Message: client backup was not attempted
Explanation: A backup job was in the NetBackup scheduler's worklist but was not attempted.
Recommended Action:
1. Retry the backup either immediately with a manual backup or allow the normal scheduler retries.
2. For additional information, check the All Log Entries report. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bpsched activity log directory on the master server. After the next backup attempt, check the activity log. Some actions to perform are:
• Verify that the vmd and ltid daemons (UNIX) or the NetBackup Volume Manager and NetBackup Device Manager services (Windows NT) are running.
• Look for a problem in an earlier backup that made the media or storage unit unavailable.
Message: client backup was not attempted because backup window closed
Explanation: A backup or archive operation that was queued by the backup scheduler was not attempted because the backup window was no longer open.
Recommended Action:
• If possible, change the schedule to extend the backup window for this class and schedule combination so it does not occur again.
• If the backup must be run, use the Manual Backup command on the Class menu in the Backup Policy Management window to perform the backup. Manual backups ignore the backup window.
• If the backup must be run, use the NetBackup administration interface command for manual backups to perform the backup. Manual backups ignore the backup window.
Message: the specified schedule does not exist in the specified class
Explanation: A user backup or archive request has specified the exact class and schedule to use when performing a backup. The class exists but does not contain the schedule.
· On Microsoft Windows and NetWare nontarget clients, you can specify a class or schedule on the Backups tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
· On UNIX and Macintosh clients, you can specify a class or schedule by using the bp.conf options, BPBACKUP_CLASS or BPBACKUP_SCHED. • On NetWare target clients, you can specify a class or schedule in the bp.ini file.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the client progress log (if available) to determine the class and schedule that were specified.
2. Check the configuration on the master server to determine if the schedule is valid for the class. If the schedule is not valid, either add the schedule to the class configuration or specify a valid schedule on the client.
Message: no active classes contain schedules of the requested type for this client
Explanation: A user backup or archive has been requested, and this client is not in a class that has a user backup or archive schedule.
Recommended Action:
Determine if the client is in any class that has a schedule of the appropriate type (either user backup or archive).
• If the client is in such a class, check the general class attributes to verify that the class is set to active.
• If the client is not in such a class, either add a schedule of the appropriate type to an existing class that has this client or create a new class that has this client and a schedule of the appropriate type.
Message: operation not allowed during this time period
Explanation: A user backup or archive has been requested and this client is not in a class that has a user backup or archive schedule with an open backup window. This error implies that there is an appropriate class and schedule combination for this client.
Recommended Action: Determine the classes to which this client belongs that also have a schedule of the appropriate type (either user backup or archive).
· If possible, retry the operation when the backup window is open.
· If the backup window is not open during appropriate time periods, adjust a backup window for a schedule in one of the classes.
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Message: scheduler found no backups due to run
Explanation: When checking the class and schedule configuration, the NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) did not find any clients to back up. This could be due to:
• No backup time windows are open (applies only to full and incremental schedules).
• Classes are set to inactive.
• The clients were recently backed up and are not due for another backup (based on Frequency setting for the schedules).
• Classes do not have any clients.
Recommended Action: Usually, this message can be considered informational and does not indicate a problem. However, if you suspect a problem:
1. Examine the NetBackup All Log Entries report to see if there are any messages in addition to one indicating that the scheduler found nothing to do.
2. Examine the class configuration for all classes or the specific class in question and determine if any of the reasons mentioned in the Explanation section above apply.
3. To obtain detailed troubleshooting information, create a bpsched activity log directory on the master server and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: handshaking failed with server backup restore manager
Explanation: A process on the master server encountered an error when communicating with the media server (either the master or a slave server). This error means that the master and media server processes were able to initiate communication, but encountered difficulties in completing them. This problem can occur during a backup, restore, or media list in a single or multiple server configuration.
Recommended Action:
1. Determine the activity that encountered the handshake failure by examining the NetBackup All Log Entries report for the appropriate time period. If there are slave servers, determine if:
• The handshake failure was encountered between the master and a slave server.
• Only the master server was involved.
2. If necessary, create the following activity log directories for the following:
• bpcd on the NetBackup media server (either master or slave).
• If the error was encountered during a backup operation, bpsched on the master server.
• If the error was encountered during a restore operation, bprd on the master server.
• If the error was encountered during a media list operation, admin in the NetBackup logs/admin directory on the master server.
3. Retry the operation and examine the resulting activity logs for information on why the error occurred.
Message: timed out connecting to server backup restore manager
Explanation: A process on the master server timed out while trying to initiate communications with the media server (either the master or a slave server). This problem can occur during a backup or restore in either a single or multiple server configuration.
Recommended Action: Determine which activity encountered the connection timeout failure by examining the All Log Entries report for the appropriate time period. If there are slave servers, determine if the timeout occurred between the master and a slave or if only the master was involved.
1. Verify that the schedule specifies the correct storage unit.
2. Execute the ping command from one host to another by using the following combinations:
• From the master server, ping the master and all slave servers by using the host names found in the storage unit configuration.
• From each of the slave servers, ping the master server by using the host name specified in the NetBackup server list. On a UNIX server, this is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT server, the master is designated as the Current server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the server and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
3. Verify that the master server can communicate with bpcd on the host that has the storage unit.
After each backup, the scheduler checks the storage unit to see how many drives are available (in case the backup caused a drive to be automatically downed). If bpsched cannot communicate with bpcd, it sets the number of available drives in that storage unit to 0 and further backups to that storage unit fail.
The available drives remain at 0 until the scheduler is initialized again. Therefore, even if bpcd seems to be operating correctly now, check the bpsched and bpcd activity logs (see below) for records of an earlier failure.
4. See "Testing Slave Server and Clients" on page 18 and "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
5. If necessary, create activity log directories for the following processes and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs on the master server:
• If the error occurred during a backup operation, check the bpsched activity logs. Also, check the bpcd activity logs.
• If the error occurred during a restore operation, check the bprd activity logs.
Message: server backup restore manager's network is unreachable
Explanation: A process on the master server could not connect to a particular host on the network when trying to initiate communication with the media server for a particular operation. This problem can occur during a backup or restore in either a single or multiple server configuration.
Recommended Action: Determine which activity encountered the network unreachable failure by examining the All Log Entries report for the appropriate time frame. If there is more than one NetBackup server (that is, one or more slave servers) determine if the network unreachable failure was encountered between the master and a slave server or if only the master server was involved. Execute the ping command from one host to another by using the following combinations:
1. From the master server, ping the master and all slave servers by using the host names in the storage unit configuration.
2. From each of the slave servers, ping the master server host by using the host name specified in the NetBackup server list. On a UNIX server, this is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT server, the master is designated as the Current server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
3. See "Testing Slave Server and Clients" on page 18 and "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
4. If necessary, create activity log directories for the following processes and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs on the master server:
• If the error occurred during a backup, check the bpsched activity logs.
• If the error occurred during a restore, check the bprd activity logs.
Message: connection refused by server backup restore manager
Explanation: The media server refused a connection on the port number for bpcd. This error can be encountered during a backup or restore.
Recommended Action: Execute the ping command from one host to anotherby using the following combinations: Note: Also, see "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
1. From the master server, ping the master and all slave servers by using the host names in the storage unit configuration.
2. From each of the slave servers, ping the master server by using the name specified in the NetBackup server list. On a UNIX server, this is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT server, the master is designated as the Current server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the server and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
3. On UNIX servers, verify that the bpcd entries in /etc/services or NIS on all the servers are identical. Verify that the media server is listening on the correct port for connections to bpcd by running one of the following commands (depending on platform and operating system):
netstat -a | grep bpcd
netstat -a | grep 13782 (or the value specified during the install)
rpcinfo -p | grep 13782 (or the value specified during the install)
On UNIX servers, you may have to change the service number for bpcd in /etc/services and the NIS services map and send SIGHUP signals to the inetd processes on the clients.
/bin/ps -ef | grep inetd
kill -HUP the_inetd_pid
/bin/ps -aux | grep inetd
kill -HUP the_inetd_pid
Note: On a Hewlett-Packard UNIX platform, use inetd -c to send a SIGHUP to inetd.
4. On Windows NT servers:
a. Verify that the bpcd entries are correct in:
b. Verify that the NetBackup Client Service Port Number and NetBackup Request Service Port Number on the Network tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box match the settings in the services file. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57). The values on the Network tab are written to the services file when the NetBackup Client service starts.
c. Stop and restart the NetBackup services.
5. See "Testing Slave Server and Clients" on page 18 and "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
6. If necessary, create activity log directories for the following processes and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs on the master server:
o If the error occurred during a backup operation, check the bpsched activity logs.
o If the error occurred during a restore operation, check the bprd activity logs.
Message: cannot connect to server backup restore manager
Explanation: A process on the master server could not connect to a process on a host on the network while trying to initiate communication with the server that has the storage unit for a particular operation. This problem can occur during a backup or restore in either a single or multiple server configuration. This can also occur when the scheduler process (bpsched) is building its list of available storage units to use during backups.
Recommended Action: Execute the ping command from one host to another by using the following combinations:
Note: Also, see "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
1. From the master server, ping the master and all slave servers by using the host names in the storage unit configuration.
2. From each of the slave servers, ping the master server by using the name specified in the NetBackup server list. On a UNIX server, this is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT server, the master is designated as the Current server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup,Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
3. On a UNIX server, verify that the bpcd entry in /etc/services or NIS on all the servers are identical. Verify that the media server is listening on the correct port for connections to bpcd by running one of the following commands (depending on platform and operating system):
netstat -a | grep bpcd
netstat -a | grep 13782 (or the value specified during the install)
rpcinfo -p | grep 13782 (or the value specified during the install)
4. On Windows NT servers:
a. Verify that the bpcd entries are correct in the services file:
b. Verify that the NetBackup Client Service Port Number and NetBackup
Request Service Port Number on the Network tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box match the settings in the services file. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure-NetBackup Window" on page 57). The values on the Network tab are written to the services file when the NetBackup Client service starts.
c. Stop and restart the NetBackup services.
5. See "Testing Slave Server and Clients" on page 18 and "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
6. Create a bpcd activity log directory on the server that has the storage unit and retry the operation. Then, check for additional information in the resulting activity log.
Message: access to server backup restore manager denied
Explanation: The master server is trying to start a process on another server (or itself) and the master server does not appear in the Netbackup server list on that server. On a UNIX server, the master is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT server, the master is designated as the Current server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box.
To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the master server appears as a server in its own server list as well as being listed on all slaves.
If you change the server list on a master server, stop and restart the NetBackup database manager and request daemons (UNIX) or the NetBackup Database Manager and NetBackup Request Manager services (Windows NT).
2. If necessary, create activity log directories for the following processes and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs on the master server:
o If the error occurred during a backup operation, check the bpsched activity logs.
o If the error occurred during a restore operation, check the bprd activity logs.
Message: error obtaining date of last backup for client
Explanation: An error occurred when the backup scheduler (bpsched) tried to obtain the date of the last backup for a particular client, class, and schedule combination.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that the NetBackup database manager (bpdbm) process (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT) is running.
2. Examine the All Log Entries report for the appropriate time frame to gather more information about the failure.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create activity log directories for bpsched and bpdbm on the master server and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs.
Message: failed reading user directed file list
Explanation: An error occurred when the backup scheduler (bpsched) attempted to read the list of files requested for a user backup or archive. This error indicates either a client-server communication problem, or a system problem on the master server where the NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) is running.
Recommended Action: For detailed troubleshooting information, create activity log directories for bpsched and bprd on the master server and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs.
Message: error creating or getting message queue
Explanation: An error occurred when the backup scheduler (bpsched) attempted to create an internal message queue construct for interprocess communication. This error indicates a problem on the master server and is most likely due to a lack of system resources for System V interprocess communication.
Recommended Action: Create a bpsched activity log directory on the master server and retry the operation. Then, determine the type of system failure by examining the error message in the bpsched activity log.
On UNIX servers, also gather the output of the ipcs -a command to see what system resources are currently in use.
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Message: error receiving information on message queue
Explanation: An error occurred when one of the backup scheduler (bpsched) processes attempted to receive a message from another bpsched process on an internal message queue construct. This error indicates a problem on the master server and is likely due to problems with or a lack of system resources for System V interprocess communication.
Recommended Action: Create a bpsched activity log directory on the master server and retry the operation. Then, determine the type of system failure by examining the error message in the bpsched activity log on the master server. On UNIX servers, also gather the output of the ipcs -a command to see what system resources are currently in use.
Message: scheduler child killed by signal
Explanation: A backup scheduler (bpsched) child process, which interacts with the backup restore manager (bpbrm) on the media server, was terminated. This can occur because of system administrator action.
Recommended Action: Create an activity log directory for bpsched on the master server and retry the operation. Then, to determine the cause of the child termination, examine the messages in the bpsched activity log.
Message: error sending information on message queue
Explanation: The backup scheduler (bpsched) encountered an error when attempting to attach to an already existing internal message queue construct for interprocess communication. This error indicates a problem on the master server and is likely due to a lack of system resources for System V interprocess communication.
Recommended Action: Create a bpsched activity log directory on the master server and retry the operation. Then, determine the type of system failure by examining the error message in the bpsched activity log. On a UNIX server, also, gather the output of the ipcs -a command to see what system resources are currently in use.
Message: no storage units available for use
Explanation: The NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) did not find any of its storage units available for use. Either all storage units are unavailable or all storage units are configured for "on demand only" and the class and schedule does not require a specific storage unit.
Recommended Action:
1. Examine the Backup Status and All Log Entries report for the appropriate time period to determine the class or schedule that received the error.
2. Verify that the storage unit's drives are not down or waiting for media from a previous operation that did not complete.
3. Examine the storage unit configuration to verify that all the storage units do not have their "Concurrent Jobs" attribute set to 0.
4. Verify that the robot number and host name in the storage unit configuration matches the Media Manager device configuration.
5. Determine if all storage units are set to "On Demand Only" for a class and schedule combination that does not require a specific storage unit. If this is the case, either specify a storage unit for the class and schedule combination or turn off "On Demand Only" for a storage unit.
6. If the storage unit is on a UNIX NetBackup slave server, it could indicate problem with bpcd. Check /etc/inetd.conf on the slave server to verify that the bpcd entry is ok. If the storage unit is on a Windows NT NetBackup slave server, verify that the NetBackup Client service has been started on the Windows NT NetBackup slave server.
7. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bpsched activity log directory on the master server and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity log.
Message: regular bpsched is already running
Explanation: The NetBackup scheduler (bpsched) performs periodic checking of the class and schedule configuration to determine if there are new backups due. Error 214 indicates that when a new instance of NetBackup starts, it finds that a scheduler process is already checking the class and schedule configuration.
Recommended Action: Usually, no action is required for this condition. However, NEVER kill bpsched before doing some checking. For example, bpsched could be calling bpdbm (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT) to clean up and compress the databases. To determine what the running bpsched is currently doing, examine the bpsched activity log on the master server. If necessary, enable bpsched activity logging by creating a bpsched activity log directory on the master server and retrying the operation. To check for backups do the following:
On a UNIX master server:
1. Check for active or queued backups by using the job monitor.
2. Check for active bp processes with bpps. This reveals if there are bpbrm or bptm processes running and a backup is active.
3. If there is no reason for bpsched to be running, then use kill -HUP to terminate it.
On a Windows NT NetBackup master server:
Message: failed reading global config database information
Explanation: During the periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, the NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) was unable to read the global configuration parameters.
Recommended Action:
1. On a UNIX master server, verify that the NetBackup database manager (bpdbm) process is running. On a Windows NT master server, verify that the NetBackup Database Manager service is running.
2. Attempt to view the global configuration settings by using the the NetBackup administration interface.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create activity log directories for bpsched and bpdbm on the master server and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs.
Message: failed reading retention database information
Explanation: During its periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, the NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) could not read the list of retention levels and values.
Recommended Action:
1. On a UNIX master server, verify that the NetBackup database manager (bpdbm) process is running. On a Windows NT master server, verify that the NetBackup Database Manager service is running.
2. For detailed troubleshooting information, create activity log directories for bpsched and bpdbm on the master server and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs.
Message: failed reading storage unit database information
Explanation: During its periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, the NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) could not read the storage unit configuration.
Recommended Action:
1. On a UNIX server, verify that the NetBackup database manager (bpdbm) process is running. On a Windows NT server, verify that the NetBackup Database Manager service is running.
2. Attempt to view the storage unit configuration by using the NetBackup administration interface.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create activity logs for bpsched and bpdbm on the master server and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs. Ensure that the correct master server is being specified for the connection.
Message: failed reading class database information
Explanation: During the periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, the NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) could not read the class (backup policy) configuration.
Recommended Action:
1. On a UNIX server, verify that the NetBackup database manager (bpdbm) process is running. On a Windows NT server, verify that the NetBackup Database Manager service is running.
2. Attempt to view the class configuration by using the NetBackup administration interface.
3. For detailed troubleshooting information, create activity log directories for bpsched and bpdbm on the master server and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity logs. Ensure that the correct master server is being specified for the connection.
Message: the required storage unit is unavailable
Explanation: The class or schedule for the backup requires a specific storage unit, which is currently unavailable. This error also occurs for other attempts to use the storage unit within the current backup session.
Recommended Action: Examine the Backup Status and All Log Entries report for the appropriate time period to determine the class or schedule that received the error. Then, examine the specific class and schedule configuration to determine the required storage unit.
1. Verify that the schedule specifies the correct storage unit and the storage unit exists.
2. Verify that the Media Manager device daemon (ltid) is running (if the server is UNIX) or the NetBackup Device Manager service is running (if the server is a Windows NT system). Use bpps on UNIX and the Activity Monitor on Windows NT.
3. Verify that the Number of Drives attribute for the storage unit is not set to 0.
4. If the storage unit is a tape or optical disk, verify that at least one of the drives is in the UP state. Use the Device Monitor (on UNIX xdevadm can also be used).
5. Verify that the robot number and host in the storage unit configuration matches what is specified in the Media Manager device configuration.
6. Verify that the master server can communicate with the bpcd process on the server that has the storage unit.
a. Verify that bpcd is listening on the port for connections.
On a UNIX server, executing
netstat -a | grep bpcd
should return something similar to the following:
*.bpcd *.* 0 0 0 0 LISTEN
Do this on the server where the storage unit is connected.
On a Windows NT NetBackup server, executing
netstat -a
prints out several lines of output. If bpcd is listening, one of those lines is similar to the following:
TCP myhost:bpcd LISTENING
Do this on the server where the storage unit is connected.
b. If bpcd seems to be operating correctly, create bpsched and bpcd activity log directories and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity logs for records of an earlier failure.
After each backup, the scheduler checks the storage unit to see how many drives are available (in case the backup caused a drive to be automatically downed). If bpsched cannot communicate with bpcd, it sets the number of available drives in that storage unit to 0 and further backups to that storage unit during this backup session will fail. The number of available drives remains at 0 until the scheduler is initialized again.
7. c. If the cause of the problem is not obvious, perform some of the steps in "Resolving Network Communication Problems" on page 21.
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Message: database system error
Explanation: The bpdbm process (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT) could not create a directory path for its configuration databases due to the failure of a system call. This is usually due to a permission problem or an "out of space" condition.
Recommended Action: Create an activity log directory for bpdbm and retry the operation. Check the resulting activity log for information.
Message: continue
Explanation: This status code is used in coordinating communication between various NetBackup processes and normally does not occur. If the logs show that it is associated with a subsequent error, it usually indicates a communication problem. In this case, concentrate your troubleshooting efforts on the subsequent error.
Recommended Action: Determine the cause of the status code that follows this one.
Message: done
Explanation: This status code is used in coordinating communication between various NetBackup processes and is normally not seen. If the error logs show that it is associated with a subsequent error, it usually indicates a communication problem. In this case, concentrate your troubleshooting efforts on the subsequent error.
Recommended Action: Determine the cause of the status code that follows this one.
Message: an invalid entry was encountered
Explanation: A request to the bpdbm process (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT) had invalid or conflicting information. This is usually a result of using software from different versions together, but can also be caused by incorrect parameters on a command.
Recommended Action: Verify that all NetBackup software is at the same version level and the command parameters are specified correctly. If neither of these is the problem, obtain detailed troubleshooting information by creating a bpdbm activity log directory and retrying the operation. Check the resulting activity log.
Message: there was a conflicting specification
Explanation: A request to the bpdbm process (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT) had conflicting information. This is usually a result of using software from different version levels together.
Recommended Action: Verify that all NetBackup software is at the same version level. If that is not the problem, obtain detailed troubleshooting information by creating bpdbm and admin activity log directories and retrying the operation. Check the resulting activity logs.
Message: text exceeded allowed length
Explanation: A request containing text that exceeds a buffer size was made to the bpdbm process (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT). This is usually a result of using software from different version levels together.
Recommended Action: Verify that all NetBackup software is at the same version level. If that is not the problem, create activity log directories for bpdbm and admin. Then, retry the operation and examine the resulting activity logs.
Message: the entity already exists
Explanation: The configuration already has an entity with the same name or definition. For example, you see this status if you try to add a new class when an existing class has the same name or definition (attributes, clients, and so on).
Recommended Action: Correct your request and re-execute the command.
Message: no entity was found
Explanation: The item requested was not in the database. For example, the entity could be a file or class information.
Recommended Action: A common cause for this problem is a query that has no matching images. Specify different parameters or options for the operation and try it again.
Message: unable to process request
Explanation: An inconsistency exists in the database or a request was made that would be improper to satisfy.
Recommended Action:
1. If this involves a slave server, verify that its server list specifies the correct master server. On a UNIX server, the master server is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows NT server, the master is designated as the Current server on the Servers tab in the NetBackup Configuration dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and click Configure on the Actions menu (also see "Using the Configure - NetBackup Window" on page 57).
2. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a bpdbm activity log directory and retry the operation. Then, check the resulting activity log.
Message: events out of sequence - image inconsistency
Explanation: A request was made which, if satisfied, would cause the image database to become inconsistent.
Recommended Action: Obtain detailed troubleshooting information by creating an activity log directory for bpdbm. Then, retry the operation, save the resulting activity log, and call customer support.
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Message: the specified class does not exist in the configuration database
Explanation: The specified class name does not exist.
Recommended Action: Correct your parameters or options and retry the operation.
Message: schedule windows overlap
Explanation: The start and duration times specified for one day of the schedule overlap with another day of the schedule.
Recommended Action: Correct the schedule to eliminate the overlapping backup windows.
Message: a protocol error has occurred
Explanation: This is an intermediate status code that usually precedes another status code. It indicates that either the bpdbm process (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT) or the process communicating with it has received unexpected information.
Recommended Action: Create an activity log directory for bpdbm. Then, retry the operation, save the activity log, and call customer support.
Message: premature eof encountered
Explanation: This is an intermediate status code that usually precedes another status code and is associated with a problem in network communication.
Recommended Action: During a restore, this means that tar (on the client) received a stream of data that was not what it expected. If this is a new configuration, verify that the tape drive is configured for variable mode (see the Media Manager Device Configuration Guide).
If the communication failure is not due to an interrupt on a client system, save all error information and call customer support.
Message: communication interrupted
Explanation: This is an intermediate status code that usually precedes another status code and is associated with a problem in network communication. A process, either server or client, received an interrupt signal.
Recommended Action: Save all error information and call customer support.
Message: inadequate buffer space
Explanation: This code usually indicates a mismatch between server and client software versions.
Recommended Action:
1. Verify that all NetBackup software is at the same version level. Update earlier versions of NetBackup software.
· On UNIX NetBackup servers and clients, check the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version file.
· On Windows NT NetBackup servers, check the install_path/NetBackup/version.txt file or the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
· On Microsoft Windows clients, check the About NetBackup command on the Help menu.
· On NetWare target clients, check the Version entry in the bp.ini file. If the client software is earlier than 3.0, verify that the client is in a Standard type class.
· On Macintosh clients, check the version file in the bin folder in the NetBackup folder in the Preferences folder.
2. If the problem persists, save all error information and call customer support.
Message: the specified client does not exist in an active class within the configuration database
Explanation: A client name was not specified or the specified client does not exist.
Recommended Action: Activate the required class, correct the client name, or add the client to a class that meets your needs. After making the correction, retry the operation.
Message: the specified schedule does not exist in an active class in the configuration database
Explanation: The specified schedule does not exist in the NetBackup configuration.
Recommended Action: Activate the required class, correct the schedule name, or create a schedule in a class that meets your needs. After making the correction, retry the operation.
Message: the database contains conflicting or erroneous entries
Explanation: The database has an inconsistent or corrupted entry.
Recommended Action: Obtain detailed troubleshooting information for bpdbm (NetBackup Database Manager service on Windows NT) by creating an activity log directory for it. Then, retry the operation, save resulting activity log, and call customer support.
Message: the specified client does not exist in the specified class
Explanation: The specified client is not a member of the specified class.
Recommended Action: Correct the client name specification, specify a different class, or add the required client name to the class. After making the correction, retry the operation.
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Message: no schedules of the correct type exist in this class
Explanation: The appropriate schedule was not found in the specified class. For example, a user backup specified a class name but no user backup schedule exists in that class.
Recommended Action: Specify a different class or create a schedule of the needed type in the class. After making the correction, retry the operation.
Message: the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request
Explanation: The schedule that was specified for an immediate manual backup is not for a full nor an incremental backup. It must be one of these.
Recommended Action: Specify only full or incremental schedules for manual backups. If one does not exist in the class, create one.
Message: operation would cause an illegal duplication
Explanation: Processing the request would cause a duplicate database entry. This is usually due to a mistake in specifying media IDs for NetBackup database backups.
Recommended Action: Check the error reports to determine the specific duplication that would occur. Correct the settings for the operation and retry it.
Message: the client is not in the configuration
Explanation: The specified client name was not in the database.
Recommended Action: Either correct the client name or add the client to the desired class.
Message: main bpsched is already running
Explanation: A bpsched process tried to become the main backup scheduler but another process is currently in this mode.
Recommended Action: None.
Message: the specified class is not of the correct client type
Explanation: A user backup specified a class that is not the type required for the client.
Recommended Action: Retry the operation by specifying a class that is the correct type for the client. If such a class does not exist, create one.
Message: no active classes in the configuration database are of the correct client type
Explanation: A user backup request was not satisfied because no active classes were the type required for the client.
Recommended Action: Create or activate an appropriate class so the user backup request can be satisfied.
Message: the specified class is not active
Explanation: Backups for the specified class are disabled because the class is inactive.
Recommended Action: Activate the class and retry the operation.
Message: there are no active classes in the configuration database
Explanation: No active class was found that would satisfy the request.
Recommended Action: Activate the appropriate class and retry the operation.
Message: the file list is incomplete
Explanation: The server timed out while waiting for the client to finish sending the file list, or a sequencing problem occurred.
Recommended Action: Obtain additional information by first creating activity logs and then attempting to recreate the error. The activity logs to create are as follows:
· On the server, bptm, bpbrm, and bpdbm.
· On UNIX and Windows NT clients, bpbkar.
· On other clients, bpcd.
To increase the amount of information included in the logs. See "Activity Logs on PC Clients" on page 67.
Message: the image was not created with TIR information
Explanation: This is an internal error and should not be seen by customers. Recommended Action: Obtain detailed troubleshooting information by creating activity logs for bptm and bpdbm on the server. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: the tir information is zero length
Explanation: For a true-image backup, the client sent no file information to the master server. NetBackup discovered this condition when it attempted to write the TIR information to media.
Recommended Action:
1. Check the file list for the class and the exclude and include lists on the client to verify that the client has files that are eligible for backup. For example, this status code can appear if the exclude list on the client excludes all files.
2. To obtain detailed troubleshooting information, create activity logs for bptm and bpdbm on the server. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting activity logs.
Message: server name not found in the bp.conf file
Explanation: This error should not occur through normal use of NetBackup.
Recommended Action: Save all error information and call customer support.

