

文件名: sendSip.php

function SendSip(){
        $sip_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/sipp set var_date 1468911702";
        exec($sip_cmd, $return, $result);
        file_put_contents("/tmp/send_sip", var_export($return,true) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);

上面的函数在linux环境下,我手动执行,php sendSip.php, 则能正常返回信息,但是我讲这个命令加入crontab中去执行的时候,就很神奇的报出 Error opening terminal:unknown 这个错误。害我纠结了很久,最后发现我linux下的的$TERM的值为xterm,然后crontab执行的时候,$TERM的值为dump,然后导致会报出上面的错误。最后查看官方的php文档才找到和这个相关的东西,谷歌百度都是废物啊。

http://php.net/manual/de/function.exec.php 这是php官方文档对于exec方法的解读。主要看下面截图的内容,翻译就是有的shell命令可能需要你去设置终端环境:


string exec(string command, string [array], int [return_var]);

Command – 需要执行的命令
Array – 是输出值
return_var –是返回值0或1,如果返回0则执行成功,返回1则执行失败。

还有一个技巧就是使用管道命令, 使用 2>&1, 命令就会输出shell执行时的错误到$output变量, 输出该变量即可分析。

GitHub 加速计划 / term / terminal
94.53 K
8.17 K
The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
最近提交(Master分支:2 个月前 )
d04381ec "HighContrast" is not a possible requested theme. So `_UpdateBackgroundForMica()` would force the settings UI to be light or dark. To fix this, we just check if we're in high contrast mode and, if so, we don't bother setting the requested theme. 8 天前
e83434ff Turns out that having the styles for the KeyChordText and ParsedCommandLineText be empty for high contrast mode caused the issue. Since we're already using theme resources for the colors, we automatically adjust properly to whatever the high contrast theme is (Thanks XAML!). Bonus points: - we didn't need the theme dictionaries anymore, so I just moved them to the ResourceDictionary directly - ParsedCommandLineTextBlockStyle isn't used. So I removed it altogether. Validated command palette with multiple high contrast themes. See PR thread for demo. Closes #17914 8 天前

