
Terminal快捷键 功能

Tab 自动补全

Ctrl+a 光标移动到开始位置

Ctrl+e 光标移动到最末尾

Ctrl+k 删除此处至末尾的所有内容

Ctrl+u 删除此处至开始的所有内容

Ctrl+d 删除当前字符

Ctrl+h 删除当前字符前一个字符

Ctrl+w 删除此处到左边的单词

Ctrl+y 粘贴由 Ctrl+u , Ctrl+d , Ctrl+w 删除的单词

Ctrl+l 相当于clear,即清屏

Ctrl+r 查找历史命令

Ctrl+b 向回移动光标

Ctrl+f 向前移动光标

Ctrl+t 将光标位置的字符和前一个字符进行位置交换

Ctrl+& 恢复 ctrl+h 或者 ctrl+d 或者 ctrl+w 删除的内容

Ctrl+S 暂停屏幕输出

Ctrl+Q 继续屏幕输出

Ctrl+Left-Arrow 光标移动到上一个单词的词首

Ctrl+Right-Arrow 光标移动到下一个单词的词尾

Ctrl+p 向上显示缓存命令

Ctrl+n 向下显示缓存命令

Ctrl+d 关闭终端

Ctrl+xx 在EOL和当前光标位置移动

Ctrl+x@ 显示可能hostname补全

Ctrl+c 终止进程/命令

Shift +上或下 终端上下滚动

Shift+PgUp/PgDn 终端上下翻页滚动

Ctrl+Shift+n 新终端

alt+F2 输入gnome-terminal打开终端

Shift+Ctrl+T 打开新的标签页

Shift+Ctrl+W 关闭标签页

Shift+Ctrl+C 复制

Shift+Ctrl+V 粘贴

Alt+数字 切换至对应的标签页

Shift+Ctrl+N 打开新的终端窗口

Shift+Ctrl+Q 管壁终端窗口

Shift+Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn 左移右移标签页

Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn 切换标签页

F1 打开帮助指南

F10 激活菜单栏

F11 全屏切换

Alt+F 打开 “文件” 菜单(file)

Alt+E 打开 “编辑” 菜单(edit)

Alt+V 打开 “查看” 菜单(view)

Alt+S 打开 “搜索” 菜单(search)

Alt+T 打开 “终端” 菜单(terminal)

Alt+H 打开 “帮助” 菜单(help)

Pycharm 常用快捷键

delete: Delete

delete a word:

delete line: command+Backspace

move caret to block start: command+alt+[ with selection (+shift)

move caret to block end: command+alt+] with selection (+shift)

move caret to next word: alt+->

move caret to next word with selection: shift+alt+->

left with selection: shift+<-


GitHub 加速计划 / term / terminal
94.53 K
8.17 K
The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
最近提交(Master分支:2 个月前 )
6047f37e microsoft/vcpkg-tool#1474 now validates that the target triplet is valid. Unfortunately, `ARM64` is not valid... despite VS defaulting to it. VS 17.12 moved to the newer version of the vcpkg tool. Given that we still want to build on VS 17.12, this commit adds a local workaround. See DD-2302065 for the internal tracking bug.   See microsoft/vcpkg#42182 for the upstream fix. 1 天前
282670a0 ## Summary of the Pull Request This extends the copy command to be able to include control sequences, for use in tools that subsequently know how to parse and display that. ## References and Relevant Issues https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/15703 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments At a high level, this: - Expands the `CopyTextArgs` to have a `withControlSequences` bool. - Plumbs that bool down through many layers to where we actuall get data out of the text buffer. - Modifies the existing `TextBuffer::Serialize` to be more generic and renames it to `TextBuffer::ChunkedSerialize`. - Uses the new `ChunkedSerialize` to generate the data for the copy request. ## Validation Steps Performed To test this I've manually: - Generated some styled terminal contents, copied it with the control sequences, pasted it into a file, `cat`ed the file and seen that it looks the same. - Set `"firstWindowPreference": "persistedWindowLayout"` and validated that the contents of windows are saved and restored with styling intact. I also checked that `Invoke-OpenConsoleTests` passed. ## PR Checklist - [x] Closes #15703 - [ ] Tests added/passed - [x] Documentation updated - If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal/pull/756 - [x] Schema updated (if necessary) 3 天前

