opencv(C++)GPU、CPU 模板匹配
OpenCV: 开源计算机视觉库
本文主要关注opencv CPU版和cuda版的模板匹配算法,网上cuda版的资料不多,这里做个记录,以后用到也好有个参考。
1. opencv cuda版配置
opencv cuda版需要自己用cmake编译,编译过程并不复杂,cmake编译成vs的项目,然后用vs编译成opencv_worldXXX.dll.编译过程可参考link1,link2
- 编译后的opencv 目录
- vs项目配置,包含目录,库目录,连接器
2. 源码
- 包含cpu、gpu版的模板匹配算法demo示例,还有一个速度对比测试。
# include <opencv.hpp>
# include <iostream>
# include <time.h>
int gpuTemplateMatch(const cv::Mat &srcImage, const cv::Mat &tempImage, cv::Mat &result,
double &matchVal, cv::Point &matchLoc, int mode)
if (srcImage.empty() || tempImage.empty())
std::cout << "ERROR:In function gpuTemplateMatch: input image is empty! \n";
return -1;
cv::cuda::GpuMat d_result;
cv::cuda::GpuMat d_srcImage;
cv::cuda::GpuMat d_tempImage;
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::TemplateMatching> alg ;
switch (mode)
case 0:
//R = sum (t-Roi)^2
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), cv::TM_SQDIFF);
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc, NULL);
case 1:
//R = sum (t-Roi)^2/(sqrt(sum t^2 * sum Roi^2))
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), cv::TM_SQDIFF_NORMED);
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc, NULL);
case 2:
//R = sum t*Roi
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), cv::TM_CCORR);
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
case 3:
//R = sum t*Roi / (sqrt(sum t^2 * sum Roi^2))
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), cv::TM_CCORR_NORMED);
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
case 4:
//R = sum t1*Roi1
//t1 = t - t_mean
//Roi1 = Roi - Roi_mean
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), cv::TM_CCOEFF);
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
case 5:
//R = sum t1*Roi1 / (sqrt(sum t1^2 * sum Roi1^2))
//t1 = t - t_mean
//Roi1 = Roi - Roi_mean
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
//cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
return 0;
int cpuTemplateMatch(const cv::Mat &srcImage, const cv::Mat &tempImage, cv::Mat &result,
double &matchVal, cv::Point &matchLoc, int mode)
if (srcImage.empty() || tempImage.empty())
std::cout << "ERROR:In function cpuTemplateMatch: input image is empty! \n";
return -1;
//cv::Mat result;
int result_w = srcImage.cols - tempImage.cols;
int result_h = srcImage.rows - tempImage.rows;
if (result_w < 0 || result_h < 0)
std::cout << "ERROR:in function opencvTemplateMatch: roi image's size should be larger than tamplate's \n";
return -1;
//result.create(result_h, result_w, CV_32FC1);
switch (mode)
case 0:
//R = sum (t-Roi)^2
cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_SQDIFF);
cv::minMaxLoc(result, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc, NULL);
case 1:
//R = sum (t-Roi)^2/(sqrt(sum t^2 * sum Roi^2))
cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_SQDIFF_NORMED);
cv::minMaxLoc(result, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc, NULL);
case 2:
//R = sum t*Roi
cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_CCORR);
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
case 3:
//R = sum t*Roi / (sqrt(sum t^2 * sum Roi^2))
cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_CCORR_NORMED);
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
case 4:
//R = sum t1*Roi1
//t1 = t - t_mean
//Roi1 = Roi - Roi_mean
cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_CCOEFF);
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
case 5:
//R = sum t1*Roi1 / (sqrt(sum t1^2 * sum Roi1^2))
//t1 = t - t_mean
//Roi1 = Roi - Roi_mean
cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
cv::matchTemplate(srcImage, tempImage, result, cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
cv::minMaxLoc(result, NULL, &matchVal, NULL, &matchLoc);
return 0;
int speedTest()
std::map<int, std::string> matchMode =
/*std::string srcPath = "K:\\imageData\\totalBoard\\image2\\00000103_1-1.png";
std::string tempPath = "K:\\imageData\\totalBoard\\image2\\00000103_1-2.png";
cv::Mat srcImage = cv::imread(srcPath, 0);
cv::Mat tempImage = cv::imread(tempPath, 0);*/
cv::Mat srcImage = cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size(200,200),CV_8UC1);
cv::Mat tempImage = cv::Mat::ones(cv::Size(20, 20), CV_8UC1);
clock_t start, end;
double matchVal;
cv::Point matchLoc;
cv::Mat result;
cv::cuda::GpuMat d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result;
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::TemplateMatching> alg;
int TIMES = 10;
for (int mode = 0; mode < 6; mode++)
for (int size = 100; size < 1000; size += 100)
//resize the image
cv::resize(srcImage, srcImage, cv::Size(2000 , 2000 ));
cv::resize(tempImage, tempImage, cv::Size(size, size));
//gpu match
start = clock();
for (int times = 0; times < TIMES; times++)
gpuTemplateMatch(srcImage, tempImage, result, matchVal, matchLoc, mode);
end = clock();
auto runtime_gpu = (end - start) / TIMES * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//cpu match
start = clock();
for (int times = 0; times < TIMES; times++)
cpuTemplateMatch(srcImage, tempImage, result, matchVal, matchLoc, mode);
end = clock();
auto runtime_cpu = (end - start) / TIMES * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//gpu compute only
start = clock();
for (int times = 0; times < TIMES; times++)
alg = cv::cuda::createTemplateMatching(srcImage.type(), mode);//
alg->match(d_srcImage, d_tempImage, d_result);
end = clock();
auto runtime_gpuComputing = (end - start) / TIMES * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("srcSize=[%d,%d], tempSize=[%d,%d]\n", srcImage.rows, srcImage.cols, tempImage.rows, tempImage.cols);
printf("match mode:%s\n", matchMode[mode].c_str());
printf("gpu total runtime:%d ms\n", runtime_gpu);
printf("cpu total runtime:%d ms\n",runtime_cpu);
printf("cpuT / gpuT :%3f\n", double(runtime_cpu) / double(runtime_gpu));
printf("gpu compute time:%dms\n", runtime_gpuComputing);
return 0;
int gpuTemplateMatchDemo()
std::string srcPath = "K:\\imageData\\totalBoard\\image2\\00000103_1-1.png";
std::string tempPath = "K:\\imageData\\totalBoard\\image2\\00000103_1-2.png";
cv::Mat srcImage = cv::imread(srcPath, 0);
cv::Mat tempImage = cv::imread(tempPath, 0);
double matchVal;
cv::Point matchLoc;
cv::Mat result;
int mode = 3;
gpuTemplateMatch(srcImage, tempImage, result, matchVal, matchLoc, mode);
//show result
std::cout << "matchVal = " << matchVal << std::endl;
cv::Point topLeft = matchLoc;
cv::Point bottomRight = cv::Point(topLeft.x + tempImage.cols, topLeft.y + tempImage.rows);
cv::Mat drawImage = cv::imread(srcPath);
cv::rectangle(drawImage, cv::Rect(topLeft, bottomRight), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),2);
cv::imshow("srcImage", srcImage);
cv::imshow("tempImage", tempImage);
cv::imshow("drawImage", drawImage);
//show results
cv::normalize(result, result, 0, 1, cv::NORM_MINMAX);
cv::imshow("result", result);
return 0;
int cpuTemplateMatchDemo()
//prepare image and template
std::string srcPath = "K:\\imageData\\totalBoard\\image2\\00000103_1-1.png";
std::string tempPath = "K:\\imageData\\totalBoard\\image2\\00000103_1-2.png";
cv::Mat srcImage = cv::imread(srcPath, 0);
cv::Mat tempImage = cv::imread(tempPath, 0);
double matchVal;
cv::Point matchLoc;
cv::Mat result;
int mode = 1;
cpuTemplateMatch(srcImage, tempImage, result, matchVal, matchLoc, mode);
//show result
std::cout << "matchVal = " << matchVal << std::endl;
cv::Point topLeft = matchLoc;
cv::Point bottomRight = cv::Point(topLeft.x + tempImage.cols, topLeft.y + tempImage.rows);
cv::Mat drawImage = cv::imread(srcPath);
cv::rectangle(drawImage, cv::Rect(topLeft, bottomRight), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),2);
cv::imshow("srcImage", srcImage);
cv::imshow("tempImage", tempImage);
cv::imshow("drawImage", drawImage);
//show results
cv::normalize(result, result, 0, 1, cv::NORM_MINMAX);
cv::imshow("result", result);
return 0;
int main()
return 0;
3. 结果
- demo
- 速度对比(部分结果)
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[100,100]
gpu total runtime:103 ms
cpu total runtime:106 ms
cpuT / gpuT :1.029126
gpu compute time:91ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[200,200]
gpu total runtime:103 ms
cpu total runtime:95 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.922330
gpu compute time:90ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[300,300]
gpu total runtime:101 ms
cpu total runtime:99 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.980198
gpu compute time:89ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[400,400]
gpu total runtime:101 ms
cpu total runtime:97 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.960396
gpu compute time:90ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[500,500]
gpu total runtime:100 ms
cpu total runtime:94 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.940000
gpu compute time:90ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[600,600]
gpu total runtime:111 ms
cpu total runtime:91 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.819820
gpu compute time:102ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[700,700]
gpu total runtime:111 ms
cpu total runtime:91 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.819820
gpu compute time:102ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[800,800]
gpu total runtime:110 ms
cpu total runtime:89 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.809091
gpu compute time:102ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[900,900]
gpu total runtime:108 ms
cpu total runtime:85 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.787037
gpu compute time:101ms
- 速度对比测试时的GPU状态
4. 总结
5. 2023年1月13日补充测试
- 平台
opencv 4.4.0
cuda 11.1
GPU RTX 3090
CPU i9 10900x @3.7GHZ
- 结论
在用RTX 3090测试opencv模板匹配的时候,对于比较大的图片搜索图2000 * 2000,模板300 * 300~500 * 500之间时GPU版的模板匹配的速度是CPU版的5倍左右,但是在搜索图为200 * 200,模板在20 * 20~60 * 60的情况下,CPU版的速度是GPU版的2倍左右。也就是说当搜索图和模板图都较小的情况下想用GPU加速是没用的
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[100,100]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:20 ms
cpu total runtime:129 ms
cpuT / gpuT :6.450000
gpu compute time:8ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[300,300]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:20 ms
cpu total runtime:255 ms
cpuT / gpuT :12.750000
gpu compute time:15ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[500,500]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:20 ms
cpu total runtime:150 ms
cpuT / gpuT :7.500000
gpu compute time:10ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[700,700]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:25 ms
cpu total runtime:147 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.880000
gpu compute time:11ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[900,900]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:24 ms
cpu total runtime:150 ms
cpuT / gpuT :6.250000
gpu compute time:8ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[100,100]
gpu total runtime:21 ms
cpu total runtime:141 ms
cpuT / gpuT :6.714286
gpu compute time:21ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[300,300]
gpu total runtime:34 ms
cpu total runtime:272 ms
cpuT / gpuT :8.000000
gpu compute time:27ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[500,500]
gpu total runtime:18 ms
cpu total runtime:163 ms
cpuT / gpuT :9.055556
gpu compute time:11ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[700,700]
gpu total runtime:25 ms
cpu total runtime:159 ms
cpuT / gpuT :6.360000
gpu compute time:21ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[900,900]
gpu total runtime:33 ms
cpu total runtime:149 ms
cpuT / gpuT :4.515152
gpu compute time:10ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[100,100]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:16 ms
cpu total runtime:88 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.500000
gpu compute time:9ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[300,300]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:19 ms
cpu total runtime:225 ms
cpuT / gpuT :11.842105
gpu compute time:10ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[500,500]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:24 ms
cpu total runtime:125 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.208333
gpu compute time:19ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[700,700]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:18 ms
cpu total runtime:122 ms
cpuT / gpuT :6.777778
gpu compute time:3ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[900,900]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:12 ms
cpu total runtime:126 ms
cpuT / gpuT :10.500000
gpu compute time:5ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[100,100]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:27 ms
cpu total runtime:139 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.148148
gpu compute time:20ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[300,300]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:24 ms
cpu total runtime:264 ms
cpuT / gpuT :11.000000
gpu compute time:23ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[500,500]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:35 ms
cpu total runtime:161 ms
cpuT / gpuT :4.600000
gpu compute time:22ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[700,700]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:35 ms
cpu total runtime:154 ms
cpuT / gpuT :4.400000
gpu compute time:11ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[900,900]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:29 ms
cpu total runtime:152 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.241379
gpu compute time:10ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[100,100]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:20 ms
cpu total runtime:115 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.750000
gpu compute time:16ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[300,300]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:29 ms
cpu total runtime:244 ms
cpuT / gpuT :8.413793
gpu compute time:31ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[500,500]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:32 ms
cpu total runtime:143 ms
cpuT / gpuT :4.468750
gpu compute time:17ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[700,700]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:25 ms
cpu total runtime:138 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.520000
gpu compute time:8ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[900,900]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:20 ms
cpu total runtime:138 ms
cpuT / gpuT :6.900000
gpu compute time:8ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[100,100]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:27 ms
cpu total runtime:143 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.296296
gpu compute time:25ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[300,300]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:29 ms
cpu total runtime:275 ms
cpuT / gpuT :9.482759
gpu compute time:43ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[500,500]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:22 ms
cpu total runtime:166 ms
cpuT / gpuT :7.545455
gpu compute time:15ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[700,700]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:30 ms
cpu total runtime:160 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.333333
gpu compute time:27ms
srcSize=[2000,2000], tempSize=[900,900]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:30 ms
cpu total runtime:155 ms
cpuT / gpuT :5.166667
gpu compute time:13ms
matchVal = 0.999751
matchVal = 0.00049773
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[10,10]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:0 ms
cpu total runtime:3 ms
cpuT / gpuT :inf
gpu compute time:0ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[30,30]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:5 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.400000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[50,50]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:3 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.666667
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[70,70]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:1 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.250000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[90,90]
match mode:TM_SQDIFF
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:1 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.250000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[10,10]
gpu total runtime:2 ms
cpu total runtime:3 ms
cpuT / gpuT :1.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[30,30]
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[50,50]
gpu total runtime:3 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.666667
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[70,70]
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[90,90]
gpu total runtime:3 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.666667
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[10,10]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:0 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :inf
gpu compute time:0ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[30,30]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:2 ms
cpu total runtime:1 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:1ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[50,50]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:2 ms
cpu total runtime:1 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:1ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[70,70]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:2 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :1.000000
gpu compute time:1ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[90,90]
match mode:TM_CCORR
gpu total runtime:2 ms
cpu total runtime:1 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:1ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[10,10]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:1 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :2.000000
gpu compute time:1ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[30,30]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[50,50]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[70,70]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:5 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.400000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[90,90]
match mode:TM_CCORR_NORMED
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:3ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[10,10]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:2 ms
cpu total runtime:3 ms
cpuT / gpuT :1.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[30,30]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:1 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.250000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[50,50]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[70,70]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.500000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[90,90]
match mode:TM_CCOEFF
gpu total runtime:4 ms
cpu total runtime:1 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.250000
gpu compute time:2ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[10,10]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:3 ms
cpu total runtime:3 ms
cpuT / gpuT :1.000000
gpu compute time:5ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[30,30]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:7 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.285714
gpu compute time:4ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[50,50]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:5 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.400000
gpu compute time:4ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[70,70]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:5 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.400000
gpu compute time:3ms
srcSize=[200,200], tempSize=[90,90]
match mode:cv::TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
gpu total runtime:5 ms
cpu total runtime:2 ms
cpuT / gpuT :0.400000
gpu compute time:4ms
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