
原文链接:实战 | 使用YOLOv8 Pose实现瑜伽姿势识别

0. 介绍

        瑜伽是一种古老的运动,近年来由于其对身心健康的众多益处而广受欢迎。随着人们对瑜伽的兴趣日益浓厚,对能够准确分类瑜伽姿势的自动化系统的需求也越来越大。本文中我们将探讨如何使用 YOLOv8 Pose(一种先进的对象检测模型)对图像和视频中的瑜伽姿势进行分类。


1. YOLOv8 Pose简介

    YOLO(You Only Look Once)是一种流行的实时目标检测算法,以其速度和准确性而闻名。YOLOv8 Pose 是 YOLOv8 的扩展,专为人体姿势估计而设计。它可以实时检测和分类人体关键点,使其成为瑜伽姿势分类的理想选择。

2. 数据准备


    使用 Roboflow 的瑜伽姿势分类数据集


3. 在Google Colab上训练YOLOv8 Pose

    要在 Google Colab 上训练 YOLOv8 Pose,请按照以下步骤操作:

    A. 将您的 roboflow 数据集或手动注释的数据集上传到 Google Drive 的单独文件夹(例如 Yoga)中,以便在 Colab 中轻松访问。

    B. 创建一个新的 Colab 笔记本并安装您的 Google Drive:

from google.colab import drive

    C. 安装所需的依赖项:    ​​​​​​​

%pip install ultralytics
import ultralytics

    D. 准备YOLO 格式的数据集和标注。

    E. 为您的自定义数据集创建一个 YAML 文件(例如 data.yaml):


train: /content/drive/MyDrive/yoga_data/train/images
val: /content/drive/MyDrive/yoga_data/val/images
nc: 5 # Number of classes (yoga poses)
names: ['pose1', 'pose2', 'pose3', 'pose4', 'pose5']

    F. 开始训练YOLOv8 Pose:

!yolo train model=yolov8n.pt data=data.yaml epochs=200 imgsz=640

    从 Gdrive 中的 running/pose/train/weights/best.pt 下载模型。



4. 在本地使用自定义训练模型进行模型预测



import numpy as np
from ultralytics import YOLO
import cv2
import cvzone
import math
import time

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)  # For Video

model = YOLO("../models/yolov8n.pt")

classNames = ["Bitilasana", "Lotus Pose","Tree Pose",....
              ] #include all the class names

prev_frame_time = 0
new_frame_time = 0

while True:
    new_frame_time = time.time()
    success,img = cap.read()
    results = model(img,stream=True,verbose=False)
    for r in results:
        boxes = r.boxes
        for box in boxes:
            x1,y1,x2,y2 = box.xyxy[0]
            x1,y1,x2,y2 = int(x1),int(y1),int(x2),int(y2)

            w,h = x2-x1,y2-y1
            conf = math.ceil((box.conf[0]*100))/100
            cls = int(box.cls[0])
            cvzone.putTextRect(img,f'{classNames[cls]} {conf}',(max(0,x1),max(35,y1)),scale=1)

    fps = 1/(new_frame_time - prev_frame_time)
    prev_frame_time = new_frame_time


    或者创建单独的 conda 或 Venv 或 Pipenv 环境

pip install ultralytics

#in terminal


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load the YOLO model
model = YOLO("../models/best.pt")  #colab custom trained model 

# Perform object detection on the image
results = model(source='Yoga.jpg',save=True, conf=0.7)

#For video

results = model(source='Yoga.mp4',save=True, conf=0.7)


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load the YOLO model
model = YOLO('yolov8m-pose.pt')

# Define a class mapping dictionary
class_mapping = {
    0: 'Pose1', # The key is the class id, you may need to adjust according to your model
    # Add more mappings as needed

# Perform object detection on the image
results = model(source='Pose1.jpg')

# Replace class names with custom labels in the results
for result in results:
    for cls_id, custom_label in class_mapping.items():
        if cls_id in result.names: # check if the class id is in the results
            result.names[cls_id] = custom_label # replace the class name with the custom label

# Perform object detection on the image
results = model(source='Pose1.jpg',save=True, conf=0.7)




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