# 1. 确保执行策略已更改
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

# 2. 初始化Conda
conda init powershell

# 3. 重启PowerShell

# 4. 验证Conda初始化
conda --version

# 5. 激活Conda环境
conda activate shi_labelme


GitHub 加速计划 / term / terminal
94.53 K
8.17 K
The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
最近提交(Master分支:26 天前 )
bc6f3e22 The underlying issue is that the "Pane" is used both as a model and as a UI element and so a pane loses its content as soon as it is closed, but the tree only gets reordered after the animation has finished. This PR is truly just a hotfix, because it doesn't solve this issue, it only adds checks to the function that crashes. Closes #17869 Closes #17871 ## Validation Steps Performed * `Split pane` a few times * Run the "Close all other panes" action * Doesn't crash ✅ 7 天前
6196a3d0 8 天前

