• 操作系统:ubuntu22.04
  • OpenCV版本:OpenCV4.9
  • IDE:Visual Studio Code
  • 编程语言:C++11


ShapeContextDistanceExtractor是OpenCV库中的一个类,主要用于计算形状之间的相似度或距离。它是基于形状上下文(Shape Context)特征描述符的,这是一种在计算机视觉和图像处理领域广泛使用的形状匹配技术。该方法由Belongie等人在2000年代初提出,通过分析形状边界点的邻域分布来描述形状特征,进而计算形状间的相似度。






virtual float cv::ShapeDistanceExtractor::computeDistance	(
InputArray 	contour1,
InputArray 	contour2 

3.2 参数

  • 参数contour1 定义第一个形状的轮廓.
  • 参数contour2 定义第二个形状的轮廓…

4 示例代码

#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/shape.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

static vector< Point > simpleContour( const Mat& currentQuery, int n = 300 )
    vector< vector< Point > > _contoursQuery;
    vector< Point > contoursQuery;
    findContours( currentQuery, _contoursQuery, RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE );
    for ( size_t border = 0; border < _contoursQuery.size(); border++ )
        for ( size_t p = 0; p < _contoursQuery[ border ].size(); p++ )
            contoursQuery.push_back( _contoursQuery[ border ][ p ] );
    // In case actual number of points is less than n
    int dummy = 0;
    for ( int add = ( int )contoursQuery.size() - 1; add < n; add++ )
        contoursQuery.push_back( contoursQuery[ dummy++ ] );  // adding dummy values
    // 均匀采样
    cv::randShuffle( contoursQuery );
    vector< Point > cont;
    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        cont.push_back( contoursQuery[ i ] );
    return cont;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    string path = "/media/dingxin/data/study/OpenCV/sources/images/shape/";
    cv::Ptr< cv::ShapeContextDistanceExtractor > mysc = cv::createShapeContextDistanceExtractor();
    Size sz2Sh( 300, 300 );
    stringstream queryName;
    int indexQuery = 1;
    queryName << path << indexQuery << ".jpg";
    Mat query = imread( queryName.str(), IMREAD_GRAYSCALE );
    Mat queryToShow;
    resize( query, queryToShow, sz2Sh, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT );
    imshow( "QUERY", queryToShow );
    moveWindow( "TEST", 0, 0 );
    vector< Point > contQuery = simpleContour( query );
    int bestMatch             = 0;
    float bestDis             = FLT_MAX;
    for ( int ii = 1; ii <= 4; ii++ )
        if ( ii == indexQuery )
        waitKey( 30 );
        stringstream iiname;
        iiname << path << ii << ".jpg";
        cout << "name: " << iiname.str() << endl;
        Mat iiIm = imread( iiname.str(), 0 );
        Mat iiToShow;
        resize( iiIm, iiToShow, sz2Sh, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT );
        imshow( "TEST", iiToShow );
        moveWindow( "TEST", sz2Sh.width + 50, 0 );
        vector< Point > contii = simpleContour( iiIm );
        float dis              = mysc->computeDistance( contQuery, contii );
        if ( dis < bestDis )
            bestMatch = ii;
            bestDis   = dis;
        std::cout << " distance between " << queryName.str() << " and " << iiname.str() << " is: " << dis << std::endl;
    destroyWindow( "TEST" );
    stringstream bestname;
    bestname << path << bestMatch << ".jpg";
    Mat iiIm = imread( bestname.str(), 0 );
    Mat bestToShow;
    resize( iiIm, bestToShow, sz2Sh, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT );
    imshow( "BEST MATCH", bestToShow );
    moveWindow( "BEST MATCH", sz2Sh.width + 50, 0 );
    return 0;




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