• Gn软件是用来生成Ninja规则的,类似于Linux中的Automake、Cmake、Qmake工具;

    • Gn软件的源码地址:https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_gn
    • Gn在大型工程中好用,在小型工程中太繁琐
  • 如果你使用的是Windows + MSYS2 + MinGW64,不能安装Gn,只能使用Linux发行版,如Ubuntu。

  • Ubuntu中安装Gn

    • 不能通过apt-get install的方式安装,如果你能架梯子,可以去这个网站下载:https://gn.googlesource.com/gn/ 安装包
    • 已安装Git、GCC、Ninja、Python 3、Clang-8或以上版本
  • sudo apt-get install clang-8 安装Clang-8或以上版本编译器

  • cd /usr/bin/ 进入默认软件目录

  • sudo ln -s …/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang clang 创建链接

  • sudo ln -s …/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang++ clang++ 创建链接

  • clang --version 测试编译器

jim@ubuntu:/usr/bin$ clang --version
clang version 8.0.0-3~ubuntu18.04.2 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin

  • 在命令行中进入你想要的目录,如~/openHarmony
  • git clone git@gitee.com:openharmony/third_party_gn.git 下载Gn软件源码
    • 注意:如果用开源鸿蒙的Gn源码仓库,亲测./out/gn_unittests自测时会报错,但不影响使用,使用官方库就不会报错
  • cd third_party_gn/ 进入源码目录
  • python build/gen.py 生成Ninja编译文件,类似于Makefile文件
  • ninja -C out 编译,时间有点久,要几分钟
jim@ubuntu:~/0_Git/third_party_gn$ ninja -C out
ninja: Entering directory `out'
[297/297] LINK gn_unittests
  • ./out/gn_unittests 测试Gn软件,如果你是使用Gn官网的源码会测试正常,如果用开源鸿蒙的源码,则会出现下面报错,忽略下面报错,直接下一步
jim@ubuntu:~/0_Git/third_party_gn$ ./out/gn_unittests
[390/687] NinjaRustBinaryTargetWriterTest.TransitiveRustDeps[139769390700416:0311/003324.720801:FATAL:values.cc(239)] Check failed: is_list(). 

Aborted (core dumped)
  • sudo cp ./out/gn /usr/bin 将编译完的程序拷贝到默认程序路径,不这么做的话就需要你自己加环境变量了,make install命令也是类似的作用

  • 使用gn help查看是否安装成功

jim@ubuntu:~/0_Git/third_party_gn$ gn help

Commands (type "gn help <command>" for more help):
  analyze: Analyze which targets are affected by a list of files.
  args: Display or configure arguments declared by the build.
  check: Check header dependencies.
  clean: Cleans the output directory.
  clean_stale: Cleans the stale output files from the output directory.
  desc: Show lots of insightful information about a target or config.
  format: Format .gn files.
  gen: Generate ninja files.
  help: Does what you think.
  ls: List matching targets.
  meta: List target metadata collection results.
  outputs: Which files a source/target make.
  path: Find paths between two targets.
  refs: Find stuff referencing a target or file.

为了能让大家更好的学习鸿蒙(HarmonyOS NEXT)开发技术,这边特意整理了《鸿蒙开发学习手册》(共计890页),希望对大家有所帮助:https://qr21.cn/FV7h05



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  2. 构建第一个ArkTS应用
  3. ……


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  2. 配置文件
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  8. 学习ArkTS语言
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基于ArkTS 开发:https://qr21.cn/FV7h05

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GitHub 加速计划 / ni / ninja
a small build system with a focus on speed
最近提交(Master分支:5 个月前 )
649ec6cd Fix depfile parser to support ? 22 天前
e9033575 The `?` is actually valid on Unix filesystems, as well as on Windows when it appears at the start of the path, as in `\\?\C:\foo` or `//?/C:/foo`. Before this patch, the depfile parser considered it as whitespace and would mistakenly decompose `//?/C:/foo` into two separate paths (`//` and `/C:/foo`) which broke Ninja incremental builds. The major change in in src/depfile_parser.in.cc Note that re2c version 3.1 was used to regenerate depfile_parser.cc from that file. Fixes #2568 22 天前

