

# 加载模型
session = ort.InferenceSession('yolov5n.onnx')

# 获取模型的元数据信息
metadata = session.get_modelmeta()

# 获取自定义元数据中的类别信息
custom_metadata_map = metadata.custom_metadata_map
name_class = custom_metadata_map.get("names")

fixed_json = '{' + ', '.join(f'"{k}": "{v}"' for k, v in eval(name_class.replace("'", '"')).items()) + '}'  

# 解析类别信息
names = json.loads(fixed_json)

# 获取输入信息
input_info = session.get_inputs()
node_info = input_info[0]  

# 获取输入的形状信息
net_shape = node_info.shape
count = net_shape[0]
channels = net_shape[1]
net_height = net_shape[2]
net_width = net_shape[3]

# 输出获取到的信息
print("Names:", names)
print("Count:", count)
print("Channels:", channels)
print("Net Height:", net_height)
print("Net Width:", net_width)


# 运行模型推理
outputs = session.run(None, {node_info.name: input_image})

错误信息:[ONNXRuntimeError] : 2 : INVALID_ARGUMENT : Unexpected input data type. Actual: (tensor(uint8)) , expected: (tensor(float16))


# 转换数据类型为 float16
input_image_16 = input_image.astype(np.float16)
outputs = session.run(None, {node_info.name: input_image_16})
detections = outputs[0]
detections = detections.astype(np.float32)

GitHub 加速计划 / on / onnxruntime
microsoft/onnxruntime: 是一个用于运行各种机器学习模型的开源库。适合对机器学习和深度学习有兴趣的人,特别是在开发和部署机器学习模型时需要处理各种不同框架和算子的人。特点是支持多种机器学习框架和算子,包括 TensorFlow、PyTorch、Caffe 等,具有高性能和广泛的兼容性。
最近提交(Master分支:4 个月前 )
aedb49be ### Description <!-- Describe your changes. --> Changed all support tensor type from ir 9 to ir 10. ### Motivation and Context <!-- - Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? - If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. --> - See issue https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/issues/23205 Co-authored-by: Yueqing Zhang <yueqingz@amd.com> 13 小时前
bc91f5c7 ### Description <!-- Describe your changes. --> For legacy jetson users who use jetpack 5.x, the latest TRT version is 8.5. Add version check to newer trt features to fix build on jetpack 5.x (cuda11.8+gcc11 are required) ### Motivation and Context <!-- - Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? - If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. --> 1 天前

