ImportError: DLL load failed while importing onnxruntime_pybind11_state: 找不到指定的程序。


  • 导致问题原因
当在命令窗口输入labelme命令启动时调用onnxruntime_pybind11_state DLL(动态链接库链接失败!),所以导致程序启动失败!
  • 解决方案
重新安装VC++ 2019解决
GitHub 加速计划 / on / onnxruntime
microsoft/onnxruntime: 是一个用于运行各种机器学习模型的开源库。适合对机器学习和深度学习有兴趣的人,特别是在开发和部署机器学习模型时需要处理各种不同框架和算子的人。特点是支持多种机器学习框架和算子,包括 TensorFlow、PyTorch、Caffe 等,具有高性能和广泛的兼容性。
最近提交(Master分支:4 个月前 )
73f5b0c5 ### Description Spec of LayerNormalization supports broadcasting (tensors Scale and B should be unidirectional broadcastable to tensor X). However, current implementation only allow scale and bias size to be X.shape()[axis:]. Example of input tensors that normalized with axis=2: | X shape | Scale shape | B shape | Before | After | | - | - | - | - | - | | (B, S, D) | (D) | (D) | Supported | Supported | | (B, S, D) | (1, 1, D) | (1, 1, D) | Supported | Supported | | (B, S, D) | (B, 1, D) | (B, 1, D) | Not Supported | Supported | | (B, S, D) | (1, S, D) | (1, S, D) | Not Supported | Supported | | (B, S, D) | (B, S, D) | (B, S, D) | Not Supported | Supported | Here we add limited support: axis=2; scale/bias has same shape; scale/bias/X have same number of dimensions. It could support common use case in LLM and vision models. ### Motivation and Context Support Stable Diffusion 3.x and Flux model. 2 天前
a74817ab ### Description Fixes build when specify with flag `--target onnxruntime_providers_webgpu` Otherwise the following error will occur: ``` D:\code\onnxruntime\build\Windows\Debug\_deps\onnx-src\onnx\onnx_pb.h(65,10): error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'o nnx/onnx-ml.pb.h': No such file or directory [D:\code\onnxruntime\build\Windows\Debug\onnxruntime_providers_webgpu.vcxp roj] (compiling source file '../../../onnxruntime/core/providers/webgpu/math/') ``` 2 天前

