labview NI-VISION 深度学习检测缺陷
This example demonstrates the use of the Model Importer API in the Vision Development Module to perform Object detection feature for Defect Inspection application using Deep Learning.
The example uses a pre-trained model – SSD_MobilenetV1 which is trained in TensorFlow. This model is loaded using the Model Importer VI to detect defects in the images.
The example has two controls:
- Select Image Control to browse through different images.
- Minimum Score Threshold input, which determines which defects to overlay on the image display.
Hardware and Software Requirements
- LabVIEW Full Development System 64-bit 2018 or later
- Vision Development Module 2018 or later
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
- Run the Deep Learning Object Detection.VI
- Choose a specific image using the Select Image slider control
- Observe the bounding box values for the detected defects and the Score Threshold in the Detected Defects array. This array shows every defect in the selected image.
- Modify the Minimum Score Threshold to select which bounding box to overlay.
Additional Information or References
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