音频 APP 的一个必备功能就是在播放的时候会持续缓存完整个音频,同时进度条会更新缓存进度。但是 ExoPlayer 本身并没有提供什么方便的接口去实现这个功能,使用 ExoPlayer 的大多数 APP 应该还是使用 AndroidVideoCache 这个开源库,AndroidVideoCache 的原理是通过代理的策略实现一个中间层,将网络视频请求转移到本地实现的代理服务器上,这样真正请求的数据就会被代理拿到,然后代理一边向本地写入数据,一边根据需要的数据看是读网络数据还是读本地缓存数据,从而实现数据的复用。

其实 ExoPlayer 本身就有完善的缓存逻辑,为了实现上述功能就引入 AndroidVideoCache 虽然可以更轻松地实现,但是不够优雅。下面我们来改造下 ExoPlayer 的代码,来实现缓存进度监听的功能。

首先设置下 ExoPlayer,让它能在播放音频的时候持续缓存完整个音频文件。

    object : DefaultLoadControl() {
        override fun shouldContinueLoading(playbackPositionUs: Long, bufferedDurationUs: Long, playbackSpeed: Float): Boolean {
            val shouldContinueLoading = if (urlCacheable && isNetworkConnected) {
            } else {
                super.shouldContinueLoading(playbackPositionUs, bufferedDurationUs, playbackSpeed)
            return shouldContinueLoading

然后来实现进度监听,需要修改 CacheDataSource,直接改 ExoPlayer 源码重新打包不利于后期升级维护,所以这里是拷贝了一个 CacheDataSource 类的实现,增加缓存进度回调。这里直接给出我改完的源码,大家复制到自己的工程里直接就可以用了。在复制之前,需要先把 CacheDataSource 用到的依赖引入一下。

// 引入依赖

// 这个注解也要复制放到工程里
 * Indicates that the return value of the annotated API(s) can be safely ignored.
 * This is the opposite of [CheckReturnValue]. It can be used inside classes or packages
 * annotated with `@CheckReturnValue` to exempt specific APIs from the default.
annotation class CanIgnoreReturnValue

下面是 CacheDataSource 改之后的代码,这个是我们内部播放框架的一部分(没有什么保密内容。。),框架暂时没有开源计划,下面代码已上传到 github,地址:CacheDataSource。其中CanIgnoreReturnValue 提示找不到引用,需要自己导入下。本文也放一份备用,可直接点复制代码按钮复制。

import static com.google.android.exoplayer2.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.android.exoplayer2.util.Util.castNonNull;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import com.google.android.exoplayer2.C;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.PlaybackException;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.DataSink;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.DataSource;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.DataSourceException;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.DataSpec;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.FileDataSource;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.PlaceholderDataSource;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.PriorityDataSource;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.TeeDataSource;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.TransferListener;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.Cache;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.Cache.CacheException;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.CacheDataSink;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.CacheKeyFactory;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.CacheSpan;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.ContentMetadata;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.ContentMetadataMutations;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.util.Assertions;
import com.google.android.exoplayer2.util.PriorityTaskManager;

import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import kotlin.ranges.RangesKt;

 * A {@link DataSource} that reads and writes a {@link Cache}. Requests are fulfilled from the cache
 * when possible. When data is not cached it is requested from an upstream {@link DataSource} and
 * written into the cache.
public final class CacheDataSource implements DataSource {
    public static final String TAG = "CacheDataSource";

     * {@link DataSource.Factory} for {@link CacheDataSource} instances.
    public static final class Factory implements DataSource.Factory {

        private @MonotonicNonNull Cache cache;
        private DataSource.Factory cacheReadDataSourceFactory;
        private DataSink.Factory cacheWriteDataSinkFactory;
        private CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory;
        private boolean cacheIsReadOnly;
        private DataSource.Factory upstreamDataSourceFactory;
        private PriorityTaskManager upstreamPriorityTaskManager;
        private int upstreamPriority;
        private @Flags int flags;
        private EventListener eventListener;

        public Factory() {
            cacheReadDataSourceFactory = new FileDataSource.Factory();
            cacheKeyFactory = CacheKeyFactory.DEFAULT;

         * Sets the cache that will be used.
         * <p>Must be called before the factory is used.
         * @param cache The cache that will be used.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setCache(Cache cache) {
            this.cache = cache;
            return this;

         * Returns the cache that will be used, or {@code null} if {@link #setCache} has yet to be
         * called.
        public Cache getCache() {
            return cache;

         * Sets the {@link DataSource.Factory} for {@link DataSource DataSources} for reading from the
         * cache.
         * <p>The default is a {@link FileDataSource.Factory} in its default configuration.
         * @param cacheReadDataSourceFactory The {@link DataSource.Factory} for reading from the cache.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setCacheReadDataSourceFactory(DataSource.Factory cacheReadDataSourceFactory) {
            this.cacheReadDataSourceFactory = cacheReadDataSourceFactory;
            return this;

         * Sets the {@link DataSink.Factory} for generating {@link DataSink DataSinks} for writing data
         * to the cache. Passing {@code null} causes the cache to be read-only.
         * <p>The default is a {@link CacheDataSink.Factory} in its default configuration.
         * @param cacheWriteDataSinkFactory The {@link DataSink.Factory} for generating {@link DataSink
         *                                  DataSinks} for writing data to the cache, or {@code null} to disable writing.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setCacheWriteDataSinkFactory(
            @Nullable DataSink.Factory cacheWriteDataSinkFactory) {
            this.cacheWriteDataSinkFactory = cacheWriteDataSinkFactory;
            this.cacheIsReadOnly = cacheWriteDataSinkFactory == null;
            return this;

         * Sets the {@link CacheKeyFactory}.
         * <p>The default is {@link CacheKeyFactory#DEFAULT}.
         * @param cacheKeyFactory The {@link CacheKeyFactory}.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setCacheKeyFactory(CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory) {
            this.cacheKeyFactory = cacheKeyFactory;
            return this;

         * Returns the {@link CacheKeyFactory} that will be used.
        public CacheKeyFactory getCacheKeyFactory() {
            return cacheKeyFactory;

         * Sets the {@link DataSource.Factory} for upstream {@link DataSource DataSources}, which are
         * used to read data in the case of a cache miss.
         * <p>The default is {@code null}, and so this method must be called before the factory is used
         * in order for data to be read from upstream in the case of a cache miss.
         * @param upstreamDataSourceFactory The upstream {@link DataSource} for reading data not in the
         *                                  cache, or {@code null} to cause failure in the case of a cache miss.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setUpstreamDataSourceFactory(
            @Nullable DataSource.Factory upstreamDataSourceFactory) {
            this.upstreamDataSourceFactory = upstreamDataSourceFactory;
            return this;

         * Sets an optional {@link PriorityTaskManager} to use when requesting data from upstream.
         * <p>If set, reads from the upstream {@link DataSource} will only be allowed to proceed if
         * there are no higher priority tasks registered to the {@link PriorityTaskManager}. If there
         * exists a higher priority task then {@link PriorityTaskManager.PriorityTooLowException} will
         * be thrown instead.
         * <p>Note that requests to {@link CacheDataSource} instances are intended to be used as parts
         * of (possibly larger) tasks that are registered with the {@link PriorityTaskManager}, and
         * hence {@link CacheDataSource} does <em>not</em> register a task by itself. This must be done
         * by the surrounding code that uses the {@link CacheDataSource} instances.
         * <p>The default is {@code null}.
         * @param upstreamPriorityTaskManager The upstream {@link PriorityTaskManager}.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setUpstreamPriorityTaskManager(
            @Nullable PriorityTaskManager upstreamPriorityTaskManager) {
            this.upstreamPriorityTaskManager = upstreamPriorityTaskManager;
            return this;

         * Returns the {@link PriorityTaskManager} that will bs used when requesting data from upstream,
         * or {@code null} if there is none.
        public PriorityTaskManager getUpstreamPriorityTaskManager() {
            return upstreamPriorityTaskManager;

         * Sets the priority to use when requesting data from upstream. The priority is only used if a
         * {@link PriorityTaskManager} is set by calling {@link #setUpstreamPriorityTaskManager}.
         * <p>The default is {@link C#PRIORITY_PLAYBACK}.
         * @param upstreamPriority The priority to use when requesting data from upstream.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setUpstreamPriority(int upstreamPriority) {
            this.upstreamPriority = upstreamPriority;
            return this;

         * Sets the {@link Flags}.
         * <p>The default is {@code 0}.
         * @param flags The {@link Flags}.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setFlags(@Flags int flags) {
            this.flags = flags;
            return this;

         * Sets the {link EventListener} to which events are delivered.
         * <p>The default is {@code null}.
         * @param eventListener The {@link EventListener}.
         * @return This factory.
        public Factory setEventListener(@Nullable EventListener eventListener) {
            this.eventListener = eventListener;
            return this;

        public CacheDataSource createDataSource() {
            return createDataSourceInternal(
                upstreamDataSourceFactory != null ? upstreamDataSourceFactory.createDataSource() : null,

         * Returns an instance suitable for downloading content. The created instance is equivalent to
         * one that would be created by {@link #createDataSource()}, except:
         * <ul>
         *   <li>The {@link #FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE} is always set.
         *   <li>The task priority is overridden to be {@link C#PRIORITY_DOWNLOAD}.
         * </ul>
         * @return An instance suitable for downloading content.
        public CacheDataSource createDataSourceForDownloading() {
            return createDataSourceInternal(
                upstreamDataSourceFactory != null ? upstreamDataSourceFactory.createDataSource() : null,
                flags | FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE,

         * Returns an instance suitable for reading cached content as part of removing a download. The
         * created instance is equivalent to one that would be created by {@link #createDataSource()},
         * except:
         * <ul>
         *   <li>The upstream is overridden to be {@code null}, since when removing content we don't
         *       want to request anything that's not already cached.
         *   <li>The {@link #FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE} is always set.
         *   <li>The task priority is overridden to be {@link C#PRIORITY_DOWNLOAD}.
         * </ul>
         * @return An instance suitable for reading cached content as part of removing a download.
        public CacheDataSource createDataSourceForRemovingDownload() {
            return createDataSourceInternal(
                /* upstreamDataSource= */ null, flags | FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE, C.PRIORITY_DOWNLOAD);

        private CacheDataSource createDataSourceInternal(
            @Nullable DataSource upstreamDataSource, @Flags int flags, int upstreamPriority) {
            Cache cache = checkNotNull(this.cache);
            @Nullable DataSink cacheWriteDataSink;
            if (cacheIsReadOnly || upstreamDataSource == null) {
                cacheWriteDataSink = null;
            } else if (cacheWriteDataSinkFactory != null) {
                cacheWriteDataSink = cacheWriteDataSinkFactory.createDataSink();
            } else {
                cacheWriteDataSink = new CacheDataSink.Factory().setCache(cache).createDataSink();
            return new CacheDataSource(

     * Listener of {@link CacheDataSource} events.
    public interface EventListener {

         * Called when bytes have been read from the cache.
         * @param cacheSizeBytes  Current cache size in bytes.
         * @param cachedBytesRead Total bytes read from the cache since this method was last called.
        void onCachedBytesRead(long cacheSizeBytes, long cachedBytesRead);

        void onCachedProgress(long contentLength, long bytesCached, float percent);

         * Called when the current request ignores cache.
         * @param reason Reason cache is bypassed.
        void onCacheIgnored(@CacheIgnoredReason int reason);

     * Flags controlling the CacheDataSource's behavior. Possible flag values are {@link
     * #FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE}, {@link #FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_ON_ERROR} and {@link
        flag = true,
        value = {
    public @interface Flags {

     * A flag indicating whether we will block reads if the cache key is locked. If unset then data is
     * read from upstream if the cache key is locked, regardless of whether the data is cached.
    public static final int FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE = 1;

     * A flag indicating whether the cache is bypassed following any cache related error. If set then
     * cache related exceptions may be thrown for one cycle of open, read and close calls. Subsequent
     * cycles of these calls will then bypass the cache.
    public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_ON_ERROR = 1 << 1; // 2

     * A flag indicating that the cache should be bypassed for requests whose lengths are unset. This
     * flag is provided for legacy reasons only.
    public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_FOR_UNSET_LENGTH_REQUESTS = 1 << 2; // 4

     * Reasons the cache may be ignored. One of {@link #CACHE_IGNORED_REASON_ERROR} or {@link
    // @Target list includes both 'default' targets and TYPE_USE, to ensure backwards compatibility
    // with Kotlin usages from before TYPE_USE was added.
    public @interface CacheIgnoredReason {

     * Cache not ignored.
    private static final int CACHE_NOT_IGNORED = -1;

     * Cache ignored due to a cache related error.
    public static final int CACHE_IGNORED_REASON_ERROR = 0;

     * Cache ignored due to a request with an unset length.
    public static final int CACHE_IGNORED_REASON_UNSET_LENGTH = 1;

     * Minimum number of bytes to read before checking cache for availability.
    private static final long MIN_READ_BEFORE_CHECKING_CACHE = 100 * 1024;

    private final Cache cache;
    private final DataSource cacheReadDataSource;
    private final DataSource cacheWriteDataSource;
    private final DataSource upstreamDataSource;
    private final CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory;
    private final EventListener eventListener;

    private final boolean blockOnCache;
    private final boolean ignoreCacheOnError;
    private final boolean ignoreCacheForUnsetLengthRequests;

    private Uri actualUri;
    private DataSpec requestDataSpec;
    private DataSpec currentDataSpec;
    private DataSource currentDataSource;
    private long currentDataSourceBytesRead;
    private long readPosition;
    private long bytesRemaining;
    private CacheSpan currentHoleSpan;
    private boolean seenCacheError;
    private boolean currentRequestIgnoresCache;
    private long totalCachedBytesRead;
    private long checkCachePosition;
    private long contentLength;
    private long mBytesCached;
    private long mLastBytesCached = 0L;
    private long mLastNotifyTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

     * Constructs an instance with default {@link DataSource} and {@link DataSink} instances for
     * reading and writing the cache.
     * @param cache              The cache.
     * @param upstreamDataSource A {@link DataSource} for reading data not in the cache. If null,
     *                           reading will fail if a cache miss occurs.
    public CacheDataSource(Cache cache, @Nullable DataSource upstreamDataSource) {
        this(cache, upstreamDataSource, /* flags= */ 0);

     * Constructs an instance with default {@link DataSource} and {@link DataSink} instances for
     * reading and writing the cache.
     * @param cache              The cache.
     * @param upstreamDataSource A {@link DataSource} for reading data not in the cache. If null,
     *                           reading will fail if a cache miss occurs.
     * @param flags              A combination of {@link #FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE}, {@link #FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_ON_ERROR}
     *                           and {@link #FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_FOR_UNSET_LENGTH_REQUESTS}, or 0.
    public CacheDataSource(Cache cache, @Nullable DataSource upstreamDataSource, @Flags int flags) {
            new FileDataSource(),
            new CacheDataSink(cache, CacheDataSink.DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_SIZE),
            /* eventListener= */ null);

     * Constructs an instance with arbitrary {@link DataSource} and {@link DataSink} instances for
     * reading and writing the cache. One use of this constructor is to allow data to be transformed
     * before it is written to disk.
     * @param cache               The cache.
     * @param upstreamDataSource  A {@link DataSource} for reading data not in the cache. If null,
     *                            reading will fail if a cache miss occurs.
     * @param cacheReadDataSource A {@link DataSource} for reading data from the cache.
     * @param cacheWriteDataSink  A {@link DataSink} for writing data to the cache. If null, cache is
     *                            accessed read-only.
     * @param flags               A combination of {@link #FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE}, {@link #FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_ON_ERROR}
     *                            and {@link #FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_FOR_UNSET_LENGTH_REQUESTS}, or 0.
     * @param eventListener       An optional {@link EventListener} to receive events.
    public CacheDataSource(
        Cache cache,
        @Nullable DataSource upstreamDataSource,
        DataSource cacheReadDataSource,
        @Nullable DataSink cacheWriteDataSink,
        @Flags int flags,
        @Nullable EventListener eventListener) {
            /* cacheKeyFactory= */ null);

     * Constructs an instance with arbitrary {@link DataSource} and {@link DataSink} instances for
     * reading and writing the cache. One use of this constructor is to allow data to be transformed
     * before it is written to disk.
     * @param cache               The cache.
     * @param upstreamDataSource  A {@link DataSource} for reading data not in the cache. If null,
     *                            reading will fail if a cache miss occurs.
     * @param cacheReadDataSource A {@link DataSource} for reading data from the cache.
     * @param cacheWriteDataSink  A {@link DataSink} for writing data to the cache. If null, cache is
     *                            accessed read-only.
     * @param flags               A combination of {@link #FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE}, {@link #FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_ON_ERROR}
     *                            and {@link #FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_FOR_UNSET_LENGTH_REQUESTS}, or 0.
     * @param eventListener       An optional {@link EventListener} to receive events.
     * @param cacheKeyFactory     An optional factory for cache keys.
    public CacheDataSource(
        Cache cache,
        @Nullable DataSource upstreamDataSource,
        DataSource cacheReadDataSource,
        @Nullable DataSink cacheWriteDataSink,
        @Flags int flags,
        @Nullable EventListener eventListener,
        @Nullable CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory) {
            /* upstreamPriorityTaskManager= */ null,
            /* upstreamPriority= */ C.PRIORITY_PLAYBACK,

    private CacheDataSource(
        Cache cache,
        @Nullable DataSource upstreamDataSource,
        DataSource cacheReadDataSource,
        @Nullable DataSink cacheWriteDataSink,
        @Nullable CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory,
        @Flags int flags,
        @Nullable PriorityTaskManager upstreamPriorityTaskManager,
        int upstreamPriority,
        @Nullable EventListener eventListener) {
        this.cache = cache;
        this.cacheReadDataSource = cacheReadDataSource;
        this.cacheKeyFactory = cacheKeyFactory != null ? cacheKeyFactory : CacheKeyFactory.DEFAULT;
        this.blockOnCache = (flags & FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE) != 0;
        this.ignoreCacheOnError = (flags & FLAG_IGNORE_CACHE_ON_ERROR) != 0;
        this.ignoreCacheForUnsetLengthRequests =
        if (upstreamDataSource != null) {
            if (upstreamPriorityTaskManager != null) {
                upstreamDataSource =
                    new PriorityDataSource(
                        upstreamDataSource, upstreamPriorityTaskManager, upstreamPriority);
            this.upstreamDataSource = upstreamDataSource;
            this.cacheWriteDataSource =
                cacheWriteDataSink != null
                    ? new TeeDataSource(upstreamDataSource, cacheWriteDataSink)
                    : null;
        } else {
            this.upstreamDataSource = PlaceholderDataSource.INSTANCE;
            this.cacheWriteDataSource = null;
        this.eventListener = eventListener;

     * Returns the {@link Cache} used by this instance.
    public Cache getCache() {
        return cache;

     * Returns the {@link CacheKeyFactory} used by this instance.
    public CacheKeyFactory getCacheKeyFactory() {
        return cacheKeyFactory;

    public void addTransferListener(TransferListener transferListener) {

    public long open(DataSpec dataSpec) throws IOException {
        try {
            String key = cacheKeyFactory.buildCacheKey(dataSpec);
            DataSpec requestDataSpec = dataSpec.buildUpon().setKey(key).build();
            this.requestDataSpec = requestDataSpec;
            actualUri = getRedirectedUriOrDefault(cache, key, /* defaultUri= */ requestDataSpec.uri);
            readPosition = dataSpec.position;

            int reason = shouldIgnoreCacheForRequest(dataSpec);
            currentRequestIgnoresCache = reason != CACHE_NOT_IGNORED;
            if (currentRequestIgnoresCache) {

            if (currentRequestIgnoresCache) {
                bytesRemaining = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
            } else {
                bytesRemaining = ContentMetadata.getContentLength(cache.getContentMetadata(key));
                if (bytesRemaining != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                    bytesRemaining -= dataSpec.position;
                    if (bytesRemaining < 0) {
                        throw new DataSourceException(
            if (dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                bytesRemaining =
                    bytesRemaining == C.LENGTH_UNSET
                        ? dataSpec.length
                        : min(bytesRemaining, dataSpec.length);
            if (bytesRemaining > 0 || bytesRemaining == C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                openNextSource(requestDataSpec, false);
            long length = dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET ? dataSpec.length : bytesRemaining;
            return length;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw e;

    public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
        if (length == 0) {
            return 0;
        if (bytesRemaining == 0) {
            return C.RESULT_END_OF_INPUT;
        DataSpec requestDataSpec = checkNotNull(this.requestDataSpec);
        DataSpec currentDataSpec = checkNotNull(this.currentDataSpec);
        try {
            if (readPosition >= checkCachePosition) {
                openNextSource(requestDataSpec, true);
            int bytesRead = checkNotNull(currentDataSource).read(buffer, offset, length);

            if (isWritingToCache()) {
                mBytesCached += bytesRead;
            if (bytesRead != C.RESULT_END_OF_INPUT) {
                if (isReadingFromCache()) {
                    totalCachedBytesRead += bytesRead;
                readPosition += bytesRead;
                currentDataSourceBytesRead += bytesRead;
                if (bytesRemaining != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                    bytesRemaining -= bytesRead;
            } else if (isReadingFromUpstream()
                && (currentDataSpec.length == C.LENGTH_UNSET
                || currentDataSourceBytesRead < currentDataSpec.length)) {
                // We've encountered RESULT_END_OF_INPUT from the upstream DataSource at a position not
                // imposed by the current DataSpec. This must mean that we've reached the end of the
                // resource.
            } else if (bytesRemaining > 0 || bytesRemaining == C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                openNextSource(requestDataSpec, false);
                return read(buffer, offset, length);
            return bytesRead;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw e;

    public Uri getUri() {
        return actualUri;

    public Map<String, List<String>> getResponseHeaders() {
        // TODO: Implement.
        return isReadingFromUpstream()
            ? upstreamDataSource.getResponseHeaders()
            : Collections.emptyMap();

    public void close() throws IOException {
        actualUri = null;
        readPosition = 0;
        if (isWritingToCache()) {
            if (requestDataSpec != null) {
                String cacheKey = requestDataSpec.key;
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cacheKey)) {
                    long cachedBytes = cache.getCachedBytes(cacheKey, 0L, C.LENGTH_UNSET);
                    if (cachedBytes > mBytesCached) {
                        mBytesCached = cachedBytes;
        requestDataSpec = null;
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw e;

     * Opens the next source. If the cache contains data spanning the current read position then
     * {@link #cacheReadDataSource} is opened to read from it. Else {@link #upstreamDataSource} is
     * opened to read from the upstream source and write into the cache.
     * <p>There must not be a currently open source when this method is called, except in the case
     * that {@code checkCache} is true. If {@code checkCache} is true then there must be a currently
     * open source, and it must be {@link #upstreamDataSource}. It will be closed and a new source
     * opened if it's possible to switch to reading from or writing to the cache. If a switch isn't
     * possible then the current source is left unchanged.
     * @param requestDataSpec The original {@link DataSpec} to build upon for the next source.
     * @param checkCache      If true tries to switch to reading from or writing to cache instead of
     *                        reading from {@link #upstreamDataSource}, which is the currently open source.
    private void openNextSource(DataSpec requestDataSpec, boolean checkCache) throws IOException {
        @Nullable CacheSpan nextSpan;
        String key = castNonNull(requestDataSpec.key);
        if (currentRequestIgnoresCache) {
            nextSpan = null;
        } else if (blockOnCache) {
            try {
                nextSpan = cache.startReadWrite(key, readPosition, bytesRemaining);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new InterruptedIOException();
        } else {
            nextSpan = cache.startReadWriteNonBlocking(key, readPosition, bytesRemaining);

        DataSpec nextDataSpec;
        DataSource nextDataSource;
        if (nextSpan == null) {
            // The data is locked in the cache, or we're ignoring the cache. Bypass the cache and read
            // from upstream.
            nextDataSource = upstreamDataSource;
            nextDataSpec =
        } else if (nextSpan.isCached) {
            // Data is cached in a span file starting at nextSpan.position.
            Uri fileUri = Uri.fromFile(castNonNull(nextSpan.file));
            long filePositionOffset = nextSpan.position;
            long positionInFile = readPosition - filePositionOffset;
            long length = nextSpan.length - positionInFile;
            if (bytesRemaining != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                length = min(length, bytesRemaining);
            nextDataSpec =
            nextDataSource = cacheReadDataSource;
        } else {
            // Data is not cached, and data is not locked, read from upstream with cache backing.
            long length;
            if (nextSpan.isOpenEnded()) {
                length = bytesRemaining;
            } else {
                length = nextSpan.length;
                if (bytesRemaining != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
                    length = min(length, bytesRemaining);
            nextDataSpec =
            if (cacheWriteDataSource != null) {
                nextDataSource = cacheWriteDataSource;
            } else {
                nextDataSource = upstreamDataSource;
                nextSpan = null;
        checkCachePosition =
            !currentRequestIgnoresCache && nextDataSource == upstreamDataSource
                ? readPosition + MIN_READ_BEFORE_CHECKING_CACHE
                : Long.MAX_VALUE;
        if (checkCache) {
            if (nextDataSource == upstreamDataSource) {
                // Continue reading from upstream.
            // We're switching to reading from or writing to the cache.
            try {
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                if (castNonNull(nextSpan).isHoleSpan()) {
                    // Release the hole span before throwing, else we'll hold it forever.
                throw e;

        if (nextSpan != null && nextSpan.isHoleSpan()) {
            currentHoleSpan = nextSpan;
        currentDataSource = nextDataSource;
        currentDataSpec = nextDataSpec;
        currentDataSourceBytesRead = 0;
        long resolvedLength = nextDataSource.open(nextDataSpec);

        // Update bytesRemaining, actualUri and (if writing to cache) the cache metadata.
        mLastBytesCached = 0L;
        contentLength = 0L;
        ContentMetadataMutations mutations = new ContentMetadataMutations();
        if (nextDataSpec.length == C.LENGTH_UNSET && resolvedLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
            bytesRemaining = resolvedLength;
            contentLength = readPosition + bytesRemaining;
            ContentMetadataMutations.setContentLength(mutations, contentLength);
        if (isReadingFromUpstream()) {
            actualUri = nextDataSource.getUri();
            boolean isRedirected = !requestDataSpec.uri.equals(actualUri);
            ContentMetadataMutations.setRedirectedUri(mutations, isRedirected ? actualUri : null);
        if (isWritingToCache()) {
            cache.applyContentMetadataMutations(key, mutations);
        CacheSpan finalNextSpan = nextSpan;
        String cacheKey = nextDataSpec.key;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cacheKey)) {
            mBytesCached = cache.getCachedBytes(cacheKey, 0L, C.LENGTH_UNSET);
            if (contentLength <= 0L) {
                if (bytesRemaining >= 0) {
                    contentLength = readPosition + bytesRemaining;
                } else {
                    contentLength = ContentMetadata.getContentLength(cache.getContentMetadata(cacheKey));
        } else {
            mBytesCached = 0L;

    private void notifyProgressUpdate(float sampleRate) {
        long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        if (mLastBytesCached != mBytesCached && contentLength > 0L && eventListener != null && (sampleRate == 1f || elapsedRealtime - mLastNotifyTime > 100L)) {
            mLastBytesCached = mBytesCached;
            mLastNotifyTime = elapsedRealtime;
                RangesKt.coerceIn(mBytesCached / (float) contentLength, 0f, 1f)

    private void setNoBytesRemainingAndMaybeStoreLength(String key) throws IOException {
        bytesRemaining = 0;
        if (isWritingToCache()) {

            ContentMetadataMutations mutations = new ContentMetadataMutations();
            ContentMetadataMutations.setContentLength(mutations, readPosition);
            cache.applyContentMetadataMutations(key, mutations);

    private static Uri getRedirectedUriOrDefault(Cache cache, String key, Uri defaultUri) {
        @Nullable Uri redirectedUri = ContentMetadata.getRedirectedUri(cache.getContentMetadata(key));
        return redirectedUri != null ? redirectedUri : defaultUri;

    private boolean isReadingFromUpstream() {
        return !isReadingFromCache();

    private boolean isBypassingCache() {
        return currentDataSource == upstreamDataSource;

    private boolean isReadingFromCache() {
        return currentDataSource == cacheReadDataSource;

    private boolean isWritingToCache() {
        return currentDataSource == cacheWriteDataSource;

    private void closeCurrentSource() throws IOException {
        if (currentDataSource == null) {
        try {
        } finally {
            currentDataSpec = null;
            currentDataSource = null;
            if (currentHoleSpan != null) {
                currentHoleSpan = null;

    private void handleBeforeThrow(Throwable exception) {
        if (isReadingFromCache() || exception instanceof CacheException) {
            seenCacheError = true;

    private int shouldIgnoreCacheForRequest(DataSpec dataSpec) {
        if (ignoreCacheOnError && seenCacheError) {
            return CACHE_IGNORED_REASON_ERROR;
        } else if (ignoreCacheForUnsetLengthRequests && dataSpec.length == C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
        } else {
            return CACHE_NOT_IGNORED;

    private void notifyCacheIgnored(@CacheIgnoredReason int reason) {
        if (eventListener != null) {

    private void notifyBytesRead() {
        if (eventListener != null && totalCachedBytesRead > 0) {
            eventListener.onCachedBytesRead(cache.getCacheSpace(), totalCachedBytesRead);
            totalCachedBytesRead = 0;

假设你有个 DataSourceManager,在里面复制如下代码,用于生成 DataSourceFactory 和设置缓存进度监听。

private var mOnProgress: ((contentLength: Long, cachedBytes: Long, percent: Float) -> Unit)? = null
private val mCacheEventListener by lazy {
    object: CacheDataSource.EventListener {
        override fun onCachedBytesRead(cacheSizeBytes: Long, cachedBytesRead: Long) {

        override fun onCachedProgress(contentLength: Long, bytesCached: Long, percent: Float) {
            mOnProgress?.invoke(contentLength, bytesCached, percent)

        override fun onCacheIgnored(reason: Int) {

// 这里我有其他 factory,所以是方法的形式,如果你只需要这一个 cacheFactory,可以用字段形式
fun getDataSourceFactory(urlCacheable: Boolean) = mCacheDataSourceFactory

fun setupCacheDataSourceFactory(cacheDirPath: String?) {
    val cache = 自己生成一个 SimpleCache
    mCacheDataSourceFactory = CacheDataSource.Factory().apply {
        setCacheWriteDataSinkFactory {
            // fragmentSize 设为 C.LENGTH_UNSET,文件不分片,想分片的话可以自己改这里

fun setCacheProcessListener(onProgress: (contentLength: Long, cachedBytes: Long, percent: Float) -> Unit) {
    mOnProgress = onProgress

然后在设置 setMediaSource 的时候设置上面的 CacheDataSourceFactory 就好了。

mDataSourceManager.setCacheProcessListener { _, _, percent ->
    // 通知 UI 更新

val mediaSource = ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(cacheDataSourceFactory, DefaultExtractorsFactory())
exoPlayer.setMediaSource(mediaSource, position)









