linux 的常用操作

  1. linux 本地 ssh验证连接github账号
  2. 本地仓库连接远程私有仓库
  3. push/pull操作

Connecting to Github with ssh

  1. git local configuration
    If you are using git for the first time, configure the user name and email in the device.
git config --global "username"
git config --global "useremail@xx.xx"
  1. add a ssh key
cd ~/.ssh/
ls -al ./ # check if existing SSH keys are present 
ssh-keygen  # else, generating
cat ~/.ssh/

add a new ssh key :

Connect and pull files from private repo

Prerequisites: you must have already been connected with your github account.
You can git clone private repo by ssh directly.

Connect and push files to private repo

Prerequisites: you must have already been connected with your github account.

  1. git push a file from local to remote
    The local device must already be connected with your github account before using the following the commands.
mkdir someDir  # mkdir to connect with remote repo
echo "# something for testing" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "Test the first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git remote -v  # check the remote state
git push origin main


git pull origin main # git pull remote_repo local_repo

Push file

git add yourfile
git commit -m "comment about yourfile"
git push origin main # git push remote_repo local_repo 

