What is OpenTelemetry?

什么是 OpenTelemetry?

A short explanation of what OpenTelemetry is and isn’t.
对 OpenTelemetry 是什么和不是什么的简短说明

OpenTelemetry is an Observability framework and toolkit designed to create and manage telemetry data such as traces, metrics, and logs. Crucially, OpenTelemetry is vendor- and tool-agnostic, meaning that it can be used with a broad variety of Observability backends, including open source tools like Jaeger and Prometheus, as well as commercial offerings.
OpenTelemetry 是一个可观测性框架和工具包,旨在创建和管理telemetry数据,例如Traces、Metrics和Logs。至关重要的是,OpenTelemetry 是与(软件)供应商或工具无关的,这意味着它可以与各种可观测性后端一起使用,包括 Jaeger和 Prometheus 等开源工具,以及商业产品。

OpenTelemetry is not an observability backend like Jaeger, Prometheus, or other commercial vendors. OpenTelemetry is focused on the generation, collection, management, and export of telemetry. A major goal of OpenTelemetry is that you can easily instrument your applications or systems, no matter their language, infrastructure, or runtime environment. Crucially, the storage and visualization of telemetry is intentionally left to other tools.
OpenTelemetry 不像Jaeger、Prometheus或其他商业(软件)供应商。OpenTelemetry专注于生成、收集、管理和导出telemetry数据。OpenTelemetry 的一个主要目标是可以轻松测量您的应用程序或系统,无论其使用何种语言, 基础结构或运行时环境。至关重要的是,telemetry数据的存储和可视化被有意留给其他工具来实现。

What is observability?


Observability is the ability to understand the internal state of a system by examining its outputs. In the context of software, this means being able to understand the internal state of a system by examining its telemetry data, which includes traces, metrics, and logs.

To make a system observable, it must be instrumented. That is, the code must emit traces, metrics, or logs. The instrumented data must then be sent to an observability backend.

Why OpenTelemetry?

为什么选择 OpenTelemetry?

With the rise of cloud computing, microservices architectures, and increasingly complex business requirements, the need for software and infrastructure observability is greater than ever.

OpenTelemetry satisfies the need for observability while following two key principles:

  1. You own the data that you generate. There’s no vendor lock-in.
  2. You only have to learn a single set of APIs and conventions.
    您只需要学习一组 API 和约定。

Both principles combined grant teams and organizations the flexibility they need in today’s modern computing world.
在当今的现代计算世界中,这两项原则都为团队和组织提供了他们所需的灵活性 。

If you want to learn more, take a look at OpenTelemetry’s mission, vision, and values.

Main OpenTelemetry components


OpenTelemetry consists of the following major components:

  • A specification for all components
  • A standard protocol that defines the shape of telemetry data
  • Semantic conventions that define a standard naming scheme for common telemetry data types
  • APIs that define how to generate telemetry data
  • Language SDKs that implement the specification, APIs, and export of telemetry data
  • A library ecosystem that implements instrumentation for common libraries and frameworks
  • Automatic instrumentation components that generate telemetry data without requiring code changes
  • The OpenTelemetry Collector, a proxy that receives, processes, and exports telemetry data
    OpenTelemetry Collector,一个接收处理和导出遥测数据的代理
  • Various other tools, such as the OpenTelemetry Operator for Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry Helm Charts, and community assets for FaaS
    各种其他工具,例如适用于 Kubernetes 的 OpenTelemetry Operator、OpenTelemetry Helm Charts 和 FaaS 的社区资产

OpenTelemetry is used by a wide variety of libraries, services and apps that have OpenTelemetry integrated to provide observability by default.

OpenTelemetry is supported by numerous vendors, many of whom provide commercial support for OpenTelemetry and contribute to the project directly.



OpenTelemetry is designed to be extensible. Some examples of how it can be extended include:

  • Adding a receiver to the OpenTelemetry Collector to support telemetry data from a custom source
    给OpenTelemetry Collector添加一个接收器(receiver),用于接收自定义源的遥测数据。
  • Loading custom instrumentation libraries into an SDK
  • Creating a distribution of an SDK or the Collector tailored to a specific use case
  • Creating a new exporter for a custom backend that doesn’t yet support the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP)
  • Creating a custom propagator for a nonstandard context propagation format

Although most users might not need to extend OpenTelemetry, the project is designed to make it possible at nearly every level.
尽管大多数用户可能不需要扩展 OpenTelemetry,但该项目是旨在使它几乎在每个级别上都可以被扩展。



OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project that is the result of a merger between two prior projects, OpenTracing and OpenCensus . Both of these projects were created to solve the same problem: the lack of a standard for how to instrument code and send telemetry data to an Observability backend. As neither project was fully able to solve the problem independently, they merged to form OpenTelemetry and combine their strengths while offering a single solution.
OpenTelemetry 是一个云原生计算基金会 (CNCF) 项目。它是之前两个项目OpenTracing和OpenCensus合并的结果。 这两个项目都是为了解决同一个问题而创建的:缺乏一套如何测量代码并将Telemetry数据发送到可观测性后端的标准。由于这两个项目都无法完全独立解决问题,它们合并形成了 OpenTelemetry,并结合了它们的优势,同时也提供了单一解决方案。

If you are currently using OpenTracing or OpenCensus, you can learn how to migrate to OpenTelemetry in the Migration guide.
如果您当前正在使用 OpenTracing 或 OpenCensus,您可以了解迁移指南中的内容以迁移到 OpenTelemetry。

What next?

Getting started — jump right in!
Learn about OpenTelemetry concepts.


