实验七 触发器
(3)掌握利用SQL Server Management Studio创建、维护触发器的方法。
if exists(select name from sysobjects where name='sc_insert' and type='TR') drop trigger sc_insert go CREATE TRIGGER sc_insert ON SC AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN declare @sno char(8),@cno char(8) select @sno=Sno , @cno=Cno from inserted if not exists(select Sno from Student where @sno=Sno) begin rollback tran print('学号不存在') end else if not exists(select Cno from Course where @cno=Cno) begin rollback tran print('课程号不存在') end END GO
(2)为Course表创建一个触发器Course_del,当删除了Course表中的一条课程信息 时,同时将表SC中相应的学生选课记录也删除。
CREATE TRIGGER Course_del ON Course AFTER DELETE AS begin transaction declare @cno char(8) select @cno=Cno from deleted delete from SC where Cno=@cno commit transaction GO
alter table Course add avg_grade int; update Course set avg_grade=( select avg(Grade) from SC where SC.Cno=Course.Cno);
CREATE TRIGGER grade_modify ON SC AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN if update(Grade) begin update Course set avg_grade=( select avg(Grade) from SC where SC.Cno=Course.Cno group by Cno) end END GO
1.测试sc_insert触发器insert into SC values('20220002','011',99)
删除外键约束alter table SC drop constraint FK__SC__Sno__6477ECF3; alter table SC drop constraint FK__SC__Cno__656C112C;
insert into SC values('20110002','006',71);
insert into SC values('20110005','001',71);
insert into SC values('20110002','011',71);
2.测试Course_del触发器delete from Course where Cno='010';
3.测试grade_modify触发器update SC set Grade=70 where Sno='20110001' and Cno='001';
创建视图create view student_view as select Student.Sno,Sname,Course.Cno,Cname,Grade from Student,Course,SC where Student.Sno=SC.Sno and Course.Cno=SC.Cno;
CREATE TRIGGER grade_modify2 ON student_view INSTEAD OF UPDATE AS BEGIN if update(Grade) begin update student_view set Grade=(select Grade from inserted) where Sno=(select Sno from inserted) and Cno=(select Cno from inserted) end END GO
--添加字段 alter table Student add getcredit tinyint; go --更新Student表 update Student set getcredit=( select sum(Credit) from Course,SC where Course.Cno=SC.Cno and Student.Sno=SC.Sno) go --创建触发器 CREATE TRIGGER ins_credit ON SC AFTER UPDATE,INSERT AS BEGIN declare @sno char(8),@credit tinyint select @sno=Sno,@credit=Credit from Course,inserted where Course.Cno=inserted.Cno and inserted.Grade>=60 update Student set getcredit=getcredit+@credit where Sno=@sno END GO
1.测试grade_modify2update student_view set Grade=50 where Sno='20110002' and Cno='001'
2.测试ins_credit触发器update SC set Grade=59 where Sno='20110001' and Cno='002';
(1)用系统存储过程sp_helptrigger查看触发器grade_modify的相关信息。sp_helptrigger 'student_view';
sp_helptext 'grade_modify2';
select name,text from sysobjects,syscomments where sysobjects.id=syscomments.id and name='grade_modify2' and type='TR'
sp_depends 'grade_modify2';
(5)将sc_insert触发器改为instead of 触发器,实现的功能不变。
drop trigger sc_insert;
CREATE TRIGGER sc_insert ON SC INSTEAD OF INSERT AS BEGIN declare @sno char(8),@cno char(8) select @sno=Sno , @cno=Cno from inserted if not exists(select Sno from Student where @sno=Sno) begin rollback tran print('学号不存在') end if not exists(select Cno from Course where @cno=Cno) begin rollback tran print('课程号不存在') end END GO
drop trigger sc_insert;
使用SQL Server Management Studio管理触发器
(1)在SQL Server Management Studio中重新创建刚删除的触发器sc_insert。
最后执行即可创建成功(2)查看触发器sc_insert 的内容。