


一、MOSFET的功耗(Power losses)包含几部分?



2.MOSFET loss计算详解





       在调EMC的过程中,发现AM段530KHz-1.7MHZ超标(修改前:20KHz的驱动频率,栅极的驱动电流为8mA),从波形的频点来看,超标的频率均是20KHz的整数倍。为了优化EMC效率,调节了驱动电流的大小,分为两个挡位:1. 1mA 2. 4mA,通过下图可知,1mA的时候,EMC效果是最好的,4mA的时候低频部分余量稍小。但是具体取哪个值呢?需要计算MOSFET的热,看一下能否通过最大的需求电流。



  想必平时大家计算MOSFET功率损耗的时候,只是用简单的公式:P=Id*Id*Rds(on) 计算,这只是MSOFET损耗的一部分,下面将通过精准的计算得到Total功率损耗。


一、MOSFET的功耗(Power losses)包含几部分?





  • Driver circuit changes its state from 0V to UDr, the gate voltage rises to the threshold voltage (UGS(th)), with the time-constant defined by the gate resistor and the equivalent MOSFET input capacitance
    (Ciss=CGD+CGS). Until the gate voltage reaches the UGS(th), the output does not change. 注释:pre-driver内部的图腾柱结构的上管MOSFET打开,输出电压从0变为UDr;时间常数由Rg和Ciss(输入电容)的乘积决定(对于pre-driver内部横流源的这种,充电时间计算方法见下面的具体方法)。在栅极电压达到UGS(th)之前,输出不会改变(iD=0A,UDS=UDD)。
  • After the UGS(th) has been reached, the drain current rises and takes over the load current.  During the current rise-time, the free-wheeling diode is still conducting and the drain-source voltage is UDD. 注释:当栅极电压达到UGS(th)之后,iD开始上升,在电流上升时间内,续流二极管仍然导通,漏源VDS电压为UDD
  • In order for the diode to switch off, all the minority carriers stored in it have to be removed (see fig.6D). This reverse-recovery current has to be absorbed by the MOSFET, causing additional power losses. The worst-case values of the reverse-recovery charge (Qrr) and duration (trr), which will be used in the power loss calculation, can again be read from the MOSFET datasheet. 注释:为了使二极管关闭,必须除去存储在其中的所有少数载流子(见图6D)。这种反向恢复电流必须被MOSFET吸收,造成额外的功率损耗。反向恢复电荷(Qrr)和持续时间(trr)的最坏情况值将用于功率损耗计算,可再次从MOSFET数据表中读取.
  • After the diode has been switched off, the drain-source voltage is falling from uDS=UDD to its on-state value uDS=RDSon·Ion. The Miller effect takes place and the gate-source voltage is clamped at the uGS=U(plateau) (see fig. 9). The slope of the drain-source voltage is dictated through the gate current flowing through the gate-drain capacitance (CGD=Crss). In order to calculate the voltage fall-time (tfu) with a reasonable accuracy, the non-linearity of the gate-drain capacitance has to be taken into account. The typical dependence of the gate-drain capacitance on the drain-source voltage is shown in the fig. 10. Such non-linearity can not be easily incorporated into the engineering calculations. That is why a two-point approximation is used. It is supposed that if the drain-source voltage is in the range uDS∈[UDD/2,UDD], then the gate-drain capacitance takes value of CGD1= CGD(UDD). On the other hand, if the drain-source voltage is in the range uDS∈[0V,UDD/2], then the gate-drain capacitance takes value of CGD2= CGD(RDSon·Ion). The way to determine those capacitances is shown in fig. 10. The drain-source voltage during the fall time, the two-point approximation being taken into account, is shown in fig. B with the dotted line. Since this approximation is used only to determine the voltage fall time (as well as the rise time during switch off) and the drain-source voltage is assumed to have the linear form (solid line in fig. B), it becomes clear that this analysis presents the worstcase for the switching losses calculation. 备注:二极管关闭后,漏源极电压从UDS=UDD下降到其on状态值UDS=RDS(on)·Ion。米勒效应发生,栅源电压被钳制在UGS=U(plateau)(可查datasheet)。漏源极电压的斜率由栅极电流和栅漏电容(CGD=Crss)决定。为了计算电压下降时间(tfu)在合理的精度下,必须考虑栅漏电容的非线性。给出了栅漏电容与漏源极电压的典型关系在图10中。这种非线性很难纳入工程计算中。这就是为什么使用两点近似法。假设漏源极电压在范围uDS∈[UDD/2,UDD],则栅漏电容取CGD1=CGD(UDD)。另一方面,如果漏源极电压在UDS范围内∈[0V,UDD/2],栅极-漏极电容取CGD2=CGD(RDSon·Ion)。确定这些电容的方法如图10所示。下降时间内的漏源极电压,考虑两点近似,在图B中用虚线表示。因为此近似值仅用于确定UDS电压下降时间(以及关断期间UDS的上升时间)。假设漏源极电压可用线性形式(图B中的实线),很明显,该分析呈现了最坏的情况用于开关损耗计算


2.MOSFET loss计算详解

  • Conduction loss(Pc)


  • Switching loss
    • turn on loss
    • Cgs=Ciss-Crss;而Crss=CGD,所以在Tr阶段,Cgs=997pF-20pF=977pF;
    • CGD电容的容值可以从下图中读出,
    • turn off loss
    • reverse-recovery diode
  • Driving loss






