IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boo
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
from pypower.api import case39, runopf
import numpy as np
mpc1 = case39() #打开case39
# #发电机故障
# mpc['gen'][1, 7] = 0 #第二台发电机停运
mpc1['branch'][0, 10] = 0 #第一条线路断线
result = runopf(mpc1)
weak = np.zeros(92).reshape((46, 2))
load_pro = abs(result['branch'][:,13] / result['branch'][:,5])
for i in range(46):
if load_pro[i] >= 0.8:
weak[i][0] = i #储存存在故障的线路标号
weak[i][1] = load_pro[i] #储存存在故障的线路负载率
weak_max = np.max(weak[:, 1]) #第二级故障的负载率
weakmax_index = np.argmax(weak[:, 1])
weak_branch = weak[weakmax_index, 0] #第二级故障的线路
mpc2 = case39() #打开case39
mpc2['branch'][0, 10] = 0 #第一条线路断线
mpc2['branch'][weak_branch, 10] = 0 #第二条线路断线
result = runopf(mpc2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\First semester of Senior year\本科毕设\毕设参考论文学习笔记\", line 28, in <module>
mpc2['branch'][weak_branch, 10] = 0 #第二条线路断线
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
weak_branch = int(weak[weakmax_index, 0]) #第二级故障的线路
from pypower.api import case39, runopf
import numpy as np
mpc1 = case39() #打开case39
# #发电机故障
# mpc['gen'][1, 7] = 0 #第二台发电机停运
mpc1['branch'][0, 10] = 0 #第一条线路断线
result = runopf(mpc1)
weak = np.zeros(92).reshape((46, 2))
load_pro = abs(result['branch'][:,13] / result['branch'][:,5])
for i in range(46):
if load_pro[i] >= 0.8:
weak[i][0] = i #储存存在故障的线路标号
weak[i][1] = load_pro[i] #储存存在故障的线路负载率
weak_max = np.max(weak[:, 1]) #第二级故障的负载率
weakmax_index = np.argmax(weak[:, 1])
weak_branch = int(weak[weakmax_index, 0]) #第二级故障的线路
mpc2 = case39() #打开case39
mpc2['branch'][0, 10] = 0 #第一条线路断线
mpc2['branch'][weak_branch, 10] = 0 #第二条线路断线
result = runopf(mpc2)
C:\Users\Admin\anaconda3\envs\pppp\python.exe "C:\First semester of Senior year\本科毕设\毕设参考论文学习笔记\"
PYPOWER Version 5.1.4, 27-June-2018 -- AC Optimal Power Flow
Python Interior Point Solver - PIPS, Version 1.0, 07-Feb-2011
Converged in 0.84 seconds
Objective Function Value = 43441.32 $/hr
| System Summary |
How many? How much? P (MW) Q (MVAr)
--------------------- ------------------- ------------- -----------------
Buses 39 Total Gen Capacity 7367.0 -160.0 to 2807.0
Generators 10 On-line Capacity 7367.0 -160.0 to 2807.0
Committed Gens 10 Generation (actual) 6296.7 1409.8
Loads 21 Load 6254.2 1387.1
Fixed 21 Fixed 6254.2 1387.1
Dispatchable 0 Dispatchable 0.0 of 0.0 0.0
Shunts 0 Shunt (inj) 0.0 0.0
Branches 46 Losses (I^2 * Z) 42.46 1065.27
Transformers 12 Branch Charging (inj) - 1042.6
Inter-ties 6 Total Inter-tie Flow 673.6 192.8
Areas 3
Minimum Maximum
------------------------- --------------------------------
Voltage Magnitude 0.970 p.u. @ bus 38 1.060 p.u. @ bus 19
Voltage Angle -22.67 deg @ bus 1 8.69 deg @ bus 36
P Losses (I^2*R) - 3.65 MW @ line 29-38
Q Losses (I^2*X) - 116.45 MVAr @ line 10-32
Lambda P 8.76 $/MWh @ bus 2 19.18 $/MWh @ bus 3
Lambda Q -0.74 $/MWh @ bus 37 0.27 $/MWh @ bus 3
| Bus Data |
Bus Voltage Generation Load Lambda($/MVA-hr)
# Mag(pu) Ang(deg) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P Q
----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------
1 1.052 -22.667 - - 97.60 44.20 19.127 0.002
2 1.046 -4.333 - - - - 8.764 -0.330
3 1.036 -8.286 - - 322.00 2.40 19.178 0.266
4 1.025 -10.218 - - 500.00 184.00 18.721 0.262
5 1.034 -9.895 - - - - 18.628 0.237
6 1.038 -9.181 - - - - 18.573 0.229
7 1.026 -11.916 - - 233.80 84.00 18.719 0.244
8 1.024 -12.726 - - 522.00 176.60 18.775 0.237
9 1.060 -18.051 - - 6.50 -66.60 19.004 -0.008
10 1.049 -6.280 - - - - 18.314 0.205
11 1.044 -7.260 - - - - 18.403 0.220
12 1.031 -7.137 - - 8.53 88.00 18.372 0.251
13 1.043 -6.891 - - - - 18.334 0.216
14 1.035 -8.299 - - - - 18.367 0.226
15 1.028 -8.135 - - 320.00 153.00 17.791 0.181
16 1.040 -6.509 - - 329.00 32.30 17.437 0.113
17 1.037 -7.630 - - - - 17.267 0.111
18 1.035 -8.305 - - 158.00 30.00 18.020 0.176
19 1.060 -1.771 - - - - 17.183 0.019
20 0.998 -3.152 - - 680.00 103.00 17.227 0.032
21 1.039 -3.887 - - 274.00 115.00 17.329 0.101
22 1.057 0.756 - - - - 17.150 0.044
23 1.049 0.558 - - 247.50 84.60 17.156 0.060
24 1.045 -6.321 - - 308.60 -92.20 17.431 0.099
25 1.045 -3.707 - - 224.00 47.20 9.852 -0.725
26 1.035 -6.816 - - 139.00 17.00 13.598 -0.145
27 1.030 -8.373 - - 281.00 75.50 15.343 -0.023
28 1.015 -5.339 - - 206.00 27.60 13.548 -0.066
29 1.008 -3.092 - - 283.50 26.90 13.458 -0.033
30 1.042 -0.183 425.55 140.00 - - 8.811 -0.318
31 1.029 0.000* 646.00 300.00 9.20 4.60 18.502 0.209
32 1.028 1.993 725.00 300.00 - - 18.256 0.191
33 1.011 3.477 652.00 141.08 - - 17.025 -
34 1.017 1.985 508.00 151.01 - - 17.068 -
35 1.060 5.914 687.00 245.67 - - 17.146 -
36 1.060 8.693 580.00 71.98 - - 17.057 -
37 1.016 2.501 482.73 0.00 - - 9.955 -0.737
38 0.970 3.055 650.75 -80.18 - - 13.315 -
39 1.054 -21.409 939.66 140.23 1104.00 250.00 19.093 -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Total: 6296.69 1409.80 6254.23 1387.10
| Branch Data |
Brnch From To From Bus Injection To Bus Injection Loss (I^2 * Z)
# Bus Bus P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
0 1 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
1 1 39 -97.60 -44.20 97.69 -36.86 0.086 2.15
2 2 3 498.84 33.98 -495.86 -27.22 2.982 34.64
3 2 25 -73.29 72.60 74.05 -87.62 0.759 0.93
4 2 30 -425.55 -106.58 425.55 140.00 -0.000 33.42
5 3 4 170.79 32.23 -170.42 -49.55 0.377 6.18
6 3 18 3.07 -7.41 -3.07 -15.51 0.000 0.00
7 4 5 -50.79 -72.31 50.84 58.92 0.052 0.83
8 4 14 -278.79 -62.14 279.41 57.39 0.615 9.91
9 5 6 -522.38 -113.49 522.91 115.78 0.534 6.94
10 5 8 471.54 54.57 -469.84 -46.49 1.694 23.72
11 6 7 559.16 101.69 -557.35 -86.00 1.807 27.71
12 6 11 -445.27 -38.42 446.56 38.56 1.295 15.18
13 6 31 -636.80 -179.05 636.80 295.40 -0.000 116.35
14 7 8 323.55 2.00 -323.15 -5.63 0.398 4.58
15 8 9 270.99 -124.49 -269.14 112.33 1.849 29.18
16 9 39 262.64 -45.73 -262.03 -72.91 0.618 15.45
17 10 11 443.71 83.85 -442.96 -83.82 0.744 8.00
18 10 13 281.29 99.70 -280.97 -104.16 0.327 3.51
19 10 32 -725.00 -183.55 725.00 300.00 -0.000 116.45
20 12 11 3.63 -44.45 -3.60 45.27 0.030 0.82
21 12 13 -12.16 -43.55 12.19 44.40 0.031 0.85
22 13 14 268.77 59.76 -268.14 -71.22 0.637 7.14
23 14 15 -11.27 13.83 11.29 -52.51 0.021 0.25
24 15 16 -331.29 -100.49 332.30 92.73 1.006 10.51
25 16 17 238.10 8.49 -237.73 -18.27 0.369 4.69
26 16 19 -470.97 -67.15 474.29 74.12 3.322 40.48
27 16 21 -363.95 20.66 364.94 -31.49 0.989 16.69
28 16 24 -64.48 -87.04 64.51 80.26 0.031 0.61
29 17 18 155.09 2.17 -154.93 -14.49 0.157 1.84
30 17 27 82.64 16.10 -82.54 -49.18 0.096 1.28
31 19 20 174.66 5.11 -174.45 -0.90 0.214 4.21
32 19 33 -648.95 -79.24 652.00 141.08 3.049 61.84
33 20 34 -505.55 -102.10 508.00 151.01 2.445 48.91
34 21 22 -638.94 -83.51 642.00 108.91 3.061 53.57
35 22 23 45.00 69.02 -44.95 -88.78 0.045 0.71
36 22 35 -687.00 -177.92 687.00 245.67 -0.000 67.75
37 23 24 375.93 -6.53 -373.11 11.94 2.827 44.98
38 23 36 -578.48 10.71 580.00 71.98 1.520 82.69
39 25 26 183.32 -11.94 -182.33 -35.47 0.994 10.03
40 25 37 -481.38 52.36 482.73 0.00 1.354 52.36
41 26 27 198.98 6.24 -198.46 -26.32 0.522 5.48
42 26 28 -52.51 9.04 52.72 -88.65 0.214 2.36
43 26 29 -103.14 3.19 103.88 -102.43 0.747 8.19
44 28 29 -258.72 61.05 259.71 -75.90 0.985 10.62
45 29 38 -647.09 151.43 650.75 -80.18 3.654 71.25
-------- --------
Total: 42.457 1065.27
| Generation Constraints |
Gen Bus Active Power Limits
# # Pmin mu Pmin Pg Pmax Pmax mu
---- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 31 - 0.00 646.00 646.00 5.282
2 32 - 0.00 725.00 725.00 3.456
3 33 - 0.00 652.00 652.00 3.685
4 34 - 0.00 508.00 508.00 6.608
5 35 - 0.00 687.00 687.00 3.106
6 36 - 0.00 580.00 580.00 5.157
Gen Bus Reactive Power Limits
# # Qmin mu Qmin Qg Qmax Qmax mu
--- --- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------
0 30 0.318 140.00 140.00 400.00 -
1 31 - -100.00 300.00 300.00 0.209
2 32 - 150.00 300.00 300.00 0.191
7 37 0.737 0.00 0.00 250.00 -
| Branch Flow Constraints |
Brnch From "From" End Limit "To" End To
# Bus |Sf| mu |Sf| |Smax| |St| |St| mu Bus
----- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -----
2 2 11.853 500.00 500.00 496.61 - 3
PYPOWER Version 5.1.4, 27-June-2018 -- AC Optimal Power Flow
Python Interior Point Solver - PIPS, Version 1.0, 07-Feb-2011
Converged in 1.02 seconds
Objective Function Value = 44766.34 $/hr
| System Summary |
How many? How much? P (MW) Q (MVAr)
--------------------- ------------------- ------------- -----------------
Buses 39 Total Gen Capacity 7367.0 -160.0 to 2807.0
Generators 10 On-line Capacity 7367.0 -160.0 to 2807.0
Committed Gens 10 Generation (actual) 6321.4 1614.1
Loads 21 Load 6254.2 1387.1
Fixed 21 Fixed 6254.2 1387.1
Dispatchable 0 Dispatchable 0.0 of 0.0 0.0
Shunts 0 Shunt (inj) 0.0 0.0
Branches 46 Losses (I^2 * Z) 67.13 1217.69
Transformers 12 Branch Charging (inj) - 990.7
Inter-ties 6 Total Inter-tie Flow 498.9 192.2
Areas 3
Minimum Maximum
------------------------- --------------------------------
Voltage Magnitude 0.971 p.u. @ bus 38 1.060 p.u. @ bus 2
Voltage Angle -19.47 deg @ bus 1 18.07 deg @ bus 37
P Losses (I^2*R) - 11.16 MW @ line 2-25
Q Losses (I^2*X) - 119.98 MVAr @ line 10-32
Lambda P 8.31 $/MWh @ bus 2 21.18 $/MWh @ bus 1
Lambda Q -0.89 $/MWh @ bus 2 0.20 $/MWh @ bus 12
| Bus Data |
Bus Voltage Generation Load Lambda($/MVA-hr)
# Mag(pu) Ang(deg) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P Q
----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------
1 1.058 -19.471 - - 97.60 44.20 21.184 0.002
2 1.060 13.733 - - - - 8.309 -0.895
3 1.007 -11.202 - - 322.00 2.40 20.828 0.146
4 1.005 -11.224 - - 500.00 184.00 20.831 0.196
5 1.018 -10.232 - - - - 20.782 0.180
6 1.022 -9.450 - - - - 20.734 0.173
7 1.012 -12.049 - - 233.80 84.00 20.878 0.194
8 1.012 -12.773 - - 522.00 176.60 20.929 0.189
9 1.060 -16.189 - - 6.50 -66.60 21.087 -0.000
10 1.032 -6.524 - - - - 20.534 0.148
11 1.027 -7.515 - - - - 20.605 0.163
12 1.014 -7.410 - - 8.53 88.00 20.598 0.198
13 1.026 -7.178 - - - - 20.584 0.161
14 1.017 -8.692 - - - - 20.695 0.174
15 1.013 -7.754 - - 320.00 153.00 20.630 0.156
16 1.026 -5.753 - - 329.00 32.30 20.477 0.094
17 1.015 -6.553 - - - - 20.523 0.084
18 1.010 -8.764 - - 158.00 30.00 20.669 0.116
19 1.060 -1.016 - - - - 20.185 0.039
20 1.000 -2.400 - - 680.00 103.00 20.238 0.049
21 1.030 -3.088 - - 274.00 115.00 20.352 0.088
22 1.052 1.607 - - - - 20.144 0.030
23 1.044 1.406 - - 247.50 84.60 20.152 0.049
24 1.032 -5.564 - - 308.60 -92.20 20.471 0.081
25 1.024 12.324 - - 224.00 47.20 8.802 -0.663
26 1.007 1.588 - - 139.00 17.00 13.490 -0.090
27 1.002 -3.422 - - 281.00 75.50 20.344 -0.012
28 1.001 2.989 - - 206.00 27.60 13.438 -0.041
29 0.999 5.243 - - 283.50 26.90 13.345 -0.020
30 1.056 17.595 406.39 140.00 - - 8.428 -0.863
31 1.015 0.000* 646.00 300.00 9.20 4.60 20.679 0.157
32 1.013 2.011 725.00 300.00 - - 20.491 0.137
33 1.019 4.168 652.00 199.35 - - 20.000 -
34 1.022 2.694 508.00 166.87 - - 20.051 0.006
35 1.060 6.789 687.00 282.10 - - 20.142 -
36 1.060 9.577 580.00 92.38 - - 20.038 -
37 0.996 18.069 429.49 0.00 - - 8.890 -0.672
38 0.971 11.359 645.13 -18.84 - - 13.203 -
39 1.060 -18.225 1042.36 152.20 1104.00 250.00 21.147 -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Total: 6321.36 1614.06 6254.23 1387.10
| Branch Data |
Brnch From To From Bus Injection To Bus Injection Loss (I^2 * Z)
# Bus Bus P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
0 1 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
1 1 39 -97.60 -44.20 97.69 -37.73 0.085 2.13
2 2 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
3 2 25 406.39 110.00 -395.23 -112.15 11.159 13.71
4 2 30 -406.39 -110.00 406.39 140.00 -0.000 30.00
5 3 4 2.25 -3.36 -2.25 -19.03 0.001 0.01
6 3 18 -324.25 0.96 325.39 -8.89 1.142 13.81
7 4 5 -144.04 -97.23 144.27 87.17 0.229 3.67
8 4 14 -353.71 -67.73 354.73 70.05 1.020 16.44
9 5 6 -554.68 -117.07 555.30 120.60 0.619 8.05
10 5 8 410.41 29.90 -409.10 -26.75 1.311 18.36
11 6 7 515.70 82.20 -514.13 -69.79 1.572 24.10
12 6 11 -434.20 -26.98 435.47 27.22 1.266 14.83
13 6 31 -636.80 -175.83 636.80 295.40 -0.000 119.57
14 7 8 280.33 -14.21 -280.02 9.76 0.307 3.53
15 8 9 167.12 -159.61 -166.05 135.65 1.069 16.87
16 9 39 159.55 -69.05 -159.32 -60.06 0.227 5.66
17 10 11 433.55 73.53 -432.82 -73.42 0.728 7.83
18 10 13 291.45 106.50 -291.08 -110.30 0.365 3.92
19 10 32 -725.00 -180.02 725.00 300.00 -0.000 119.98
20 12 11 2.68 -45.32 -2.64 46.20 0.032 0.88
21 12 13 -11.21 -42.68 11.24 43.52 0.031 0.83
22 13 14 279.85 66.78 -279.13 -76.70 0.718 8.06
23 14 15 -75.60 6.65 75.71 -43.00 0.111 1.34
24 15 16 -395.71 -110.00 397.17 107.51 1.464 15.29
25 16 17 172.67 110.73 -172.38 -121.02 0.290 3.69
26 16 19 -470.60 -135.54 474.19 146.09 3.581 43.64
27 16 21 -363.80 -8.78 364.81 -1.18 1.005 16.97
28 16 24 -64.44 -106.22 64.48 99.83 0.042 0.82
29 17 18 485.00 26.40 -483.39 -21.11 1.606 18.81
30 17 27 -312.62 94.61 314.01 -108.83 1.389 18.49
31 19 20 174.68 -10.33 -174.47 14.56 0.214 4.23
32 19 33 -648.87 -135.76 652.00 199.35 3.135 63.59
33 20 34 -505.53 -117.56 508.00 166.87 2.466 49.32
34 21 22 -638.81 -113.82 641.96 141.25 3.155 55.21
35 22 23 45.04 70.66 -44.99 -90.19 0.046 0.74
36 22 35 -687.00 -211.91 687.00 282.10 -0.000 70.20
37 23 24 375.95 14.46 -373.08 -7.63 2.876 45.75
38 23 36 -578.47 -8.87 580.00 92.38 1.535 83.50
39 25 26 599.60 21.85 -588.55 34.92 11.050 111.53
40 25 37 -428.37 43.10 429.49 0.00 1.115 43.10
41 26 27 599.98 -5.32 -595.01 33.33 4.969 52.18
42 26 28 -50.23 -20.48 50.36 -56.79 0.122 1.35
43 26 29 -100.19 -26.13 100.79 -70.76 0.602 6.60
44 28 29 -256.36 29.19 257.30 -43.90 0.943 10.17
45 29 38 -641.59 87.76 645.13 -18.84 3.534 68.92
-------- --------
Total: 67.133 1217.69
| Generation Constraints |
Gen Bus Active Power Limits
# # Pmin mu Pmin Pg Pmax Pmax mu
---- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 31 - 0.00 646.00 646.00 7.459
2 32 - 0.00 725.00 725.00 5.691
3 33 - 0.00 652.00 652.00 6.660
4 34 - 0.00 508.00 508.00 9.591
5 35 - 0.00 687.00 687.00 6.102
6 36 - 0.00 580.00 580.00 8.138
Gen Bus Reactive Power Limits
# # Qmin mu Qmin Qg Qmax Qmax mu
--- --- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------
0 30 0.863 140.00 140.00 400.00 -
1 31 - -100.00 300.00 300.00 0.157
2 32 - 150.00 300.00 300.00 0.137
4 34 - 0.00 166.87 167.00 0.006
7 37 0.672 0.00 0.00 250.00 -
| Branch Flow Constraints |
Brnch From "From" End Limit "To" End To
# Bus |Sf| mu |Sf| |Smax| |St| |St| mu Bus
----- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -----
39 25 4.264 600.00 600.00 589.59 - 26
41 26 6.519 600.00 600.00 595.94 - 27