c语言中的逻辑运算符_C / C ++中的逻辑运算符
逻辑运算符 (Logical Operators)
Logical operators are used to check the combinations of the two conditional expressions.
The following are the types of logical operators.
以下是逻辑运算符的类型 。
Logical AND (&&) Operator
逻辑AND( && )运算符
Logical OR (||) Operator
逻辑OR( || )运算符
Logical NOT (!) Operator
逻辑NOT( ! )运算符
1)逻辑AND(&&)运算符 (1) Logical AND (&&) Operator)
Logical AND operator represented by the symbols "&&", it works with two operands and returns 1 if both operands are true (non-zero); 0, otherwise.
逻辑AND运算符由符号“ && ”表示,它与两个操作数一起使用,如果两个操作数均为true(非零),则返回1;否则,返回1。 0,否则。
Note: Operands can be values, conditions, expressions, etc.
注意 :操作数可以是值,条件,表达式等。
operand1 && operand2
Truth table:
operand1 | operand2 | operand1 && operand2 |
Non-zero | Non-zero | 1 |
Non-zero | 0 | 0 |
0 | Non-zero | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
操作数1 | 操作数2 | 操作数1 &&操作数2 |
非零 | 非零 | 1个 |
非零 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 非零 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
C++ program to demonstrate the example of logical AND (&&) operator
C ++程序演示逻辑AND(&&)运算符的示例
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
// printing the values
cout << "a : " << a << endl;
cout << "b : " << b << endl;
cout << endl;
// Logical AND operations
cout << "(a && b) : " << (a && b) << endl;
cout << "(a && 0) : " << (a && 0) << endl;
cout << "(0 && b) : " << (0 && b) << endl;
cout << "(0 && 0) : " << (0 && 0) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "(a >= 10 && b <= 30) : " << (a >= 10 && b <= 30) << endl;
cout << "(a == 10 && b == 20) : " << (a == 10 && b == 20) << endl;
cout << "(a >= 10 && b == 30) : " << (a >= 10 && b == 30) << endl;
cout << "(a < 10 && b < 20) : " << (a < 10 && b < 20) << endl;
return 0;
a : 10
b : 20
(a && b) : 1
(a && 0) : 0
(0 && b) : 0
(0 && 0) : 0
(a >= 10 && b <= 30) : 1
(a == 10 && b == 20) : 1
(a >= 10 && b == 30) : 0
(a < 10 && b < 20) : 0
2)逻辑或(||)运算符 (2) Logical OR (||) Operator)
Logical OR operator represented with the symbols "||", it works with two operands and returns 1 if one (or both) operands are true (non-zero); 0, otherwise.
用符号“ || ”表示的逻辑“或”运算符 ,可用于两个操作数,如果一个(或两个)操作数为真(非零),则返回1;否则,返回1。 0,否则。
operand1 || operand2
Truth table:
operand1 | operand2 | operand1 && operand2 |
Non-zero | Non-zero | 1 |
Non-zero | 0 | 1 |
0 | Non-zero | 1 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
操作数1 | 操作数2 | 操作数1 &&操作数2 |
非零 | 非零 | 1个 |
非零 | 0 | 1个 |
0 | 非零 | 1个 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
C++ program to demonstrate the example of logical OR (||) operator
C ++程序演示逻辑OR(||)运算符的示例
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
// printing the values
cout << "a : " << a << endl;
cout << "b : " << b << endl;
cout << endl;
// Logical OR operations
cout << "(a || b) : " << (a || b) << endl;
cout << "(a || 0) : " << (a || 0) << endl;
cout << "(0 || b) : " << (0 || b) << endl;
cout << "(0 || 0) : " << (0 || 0) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "(a >= 10 || b <= 30) : " << (a >= 10 || b <= 30) << endl;
cout << "(a == 10 || b == 20) : " << (a == 10 || b == 20) << endl;
cout << "(a >= 10 || b == 30) : " << (a >= 10 || b == 30) << endl;
cout << "(a < 10 || b < 20) : " << (a < 10 || b < 20) << endl;
return 0;
a : 10
b : 20
(a || b) : 1
(a || 0) : 1
(0 || b) : 1
(0 || 0) : 0
(a >= 10 || b <= 30) : 1
(a == 10 || b == 20) : 1
(a >= 10 || b == 30) : 1
(a < 10 || b < 20) : 0
3)逻辑非(!)运算符 (3) Logical NOT (!) Operator)
Logical NOT operator represented by the symbols "!", it works with one operand and returns 1 if the operand is zero;0, otherwise.
逻辑NOT运算符以符号“ ! ”表示,它与一个操作数一起使用,如果操作数为零,则返回1;否则返回0。
Truth table:
operand | !operand |
Non-zero | 0 |
0 | 1 |
操作数 | !operand |
非零 | 0 |
0 | 1个 |
C++ program to demonstrate the example of logical NOT (!) operator
C ++程序演示逻辑NOT(!)运算符的示例
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 10;
int b = 0;
// printing the values
cout << "a : " << a << endl;
cout << "b : " << b << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "!a : " << !a << endl;
cout << "!b : " << !b << endl;
cout << endl;
// Logical NOT operations
cout << "!(a || b) : " << !(a || b) << endl;
cout << "!(a || 0) : " << !(a || 0) << endl;
cout << "!(0 || b) : " << !(0 || b) << endl;
cout << "!(0 || 0) : " << !(0 || 0) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "!(a >= 10 || b <= 30) : " << !(a >= 10 || b <= 30) << endl;
cout << "!(a == 10 || b == 20) : " << !(a == 10 || b == 20) << endl;
cout << "!(a >= 10 || b == 30) : " << !(a >= 10 || b == 30) << endl;
cout << "!(a < 10 || b < 20) : " << !(a < 10 || b < 20) << endl;
return 0;
a : 10
b : 0
!a : 0
!b : 1
!(a || b) : 0
!(a || 0) : 0
!(0 || b) : 1
!(0 || 0) : 1
!(a >= 10 || b <= 30) : 0
!(a == 10 || b == 20) : 0
!(a >= 10 || b == 30) : 0
!(a < 10 || b < 20) : 0
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翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/logical-operators-in-c-cpp.aspx