

        when conditionalExpression_01 then result_01
        when conditionalExpression_02 then result_02

        when conditionalExpression_n then result_n
        else result_default


        case expression
        when condition_01 then result_01
        when condition_02 then result_02

        when condition_n then result_n
        else result_default


  • 若条件conditionalExpression_01值为true,或表达式expression符合条件condition_01,则返回结果result_01,若该条件不满足,则继续往下判断;
  • 若条件conditionalExpression_02值为true,或表达式expression符合条件condition_02,则返回结果result_02,若该条件不满足,则继续往下判断;
  • 以此类推,若不满足上一个条件,则继续判断是否满足下一个条件;
  • 若条件conditionalExpression_n值为true,或表达式expression符合条件condition_n,则返回结果result_n,若该条件不满足,则继续往下判断;
  • 若以上条件都不满足,则返回默认值result_default,若省略默认值result_default,则返回null。



  • case when conditionalExpression_01 then result_01 end
  • case expression when condition_01 then result_01 end

        释义:当条件conditionalExpression_01true时,或expression 满足条件condition_01时,返回结果result_01,否则返回null;


  • case when conditionalExpression_01 then result_01 else result_default end
  • case expression when condition_01 then result_01 else result_default end

        释义:当条件conditionalExpression_01true时,或expression 满足条件condition_01时,返回结果result_01,否则返回result_default


  • case when conditionalExpression_01 then result_01 when conditionalExpression_02 then result_02 end
  • case expression when condition_01 then result_01 when condition_02 then result_02 end

        释义:当条件conditionalExpression_01true时,或expression 满足条件condition_01时,返回结果result_01,若不满足,则继续判断,当条件conditionalExpression_02true时,或expression 满足条件condition_02时,返回结果result_02,否则返回null


  • case when conditionalExpression_01 then result_01 when conditionalExpression_02 then result_02 else result_default end
  • case expression when condition_01 then result_01 when condition_02 then result_02 else result_default end

        释义:当条件conditionalExpression_01true时,或expression 满足条件condition_01时,返回结果result_01,若不满足,则继续判断,当条件conditionalExpression_02true时,或expression 满足条件condition_02时,返回结果result_02,否则返回result_default





-- Create table
create table T_STUDENT_SCORE
  studentid  VARCHAR2(30) not null,
  classid    VARCHAR2(30),
  score      NUMBER,
  scorelevel VARCHAR2(30)
tablespace JMMCTS
  pctfree 10
  initrans 1
  maxtrans 255
    initial 64K
    next 1M
    minextents 1
    maxextents unlimited
-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table T_STUDENT_SCORE
  is '学生考试成绩表(仅做样例使用)';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column T_STUDENT_SCORE.studentid
  is '学生id';
comment on column T_STUDENT_SCORE.classid
  is '班级id';
comment on column T_STUDENT_SCORE.score
  is '考试成绩';
comment on column T_STUDENT_SCORE.scorelevel
  is '成绩评级';
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
alter table T_STUDENT_SCORE
  add constraint PK_T_STUDENT_SCORE primary key (STUDENTID)
  using index 
  tablespace JMMCTS
  pctfree 10
  initrans 2
  maxtrans 255
    initial 64K
    next 1M
    minextents 1
    maxextents unlimited


insert into T_STUDENT_SCORE (studentid, classid, score, scorelevel)
values ('StudId01', 'ClasId01', 50, 'E');
insert into T_STUDENT_SCORE (studentid, classid, score, scorelevel)
values ('StudId02', 'ClasId01', 60, 'D');
insert into T_STUDENT_SCORE (studentid, classid, score, scorelevel)
values ('StudId03', 'ClasId01', 70, 'C');
insert into T_STUDENT_SCORE (studentid, classid, score, scorelevel)
values ('StudId04', 'ClasId02', 80, 'B');
insert into T_STUDENT_SCORE (studentid, classid, score, scorelevel)
values ('StudId05', 'ClasId02', 90, 'A');
insert into T_STUDENT_SCORE (studentid, classid, score, scorelevel)
values ('StudId06', 'ClasId02', 100, 'S');




select t.*,case when score=100 then '完美' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t

select t.*,case score when 100 then '完美' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t




 select t.*,case when score=100 then '完美' else '其他' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t

select t.*,case score when 100 then '完美' else '其他' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t




 select t.*,case when score=100 then '完美' when score=90 then '优秀' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t;

select t.*,case score when 100 then '完美' when 90 then '优秀' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t




 select t.*,case when score=100 then '完美' when score=90 then '优秀' else '其他' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t;

select t.*,case score when 100 then '完美' when 90 then '优秀' else '其他' end as fullScoreFlag from T_STUDENT_SCORE t




select * from T_STUDENT_SCORE 
order by 
 when scoreLevel='S' then 0 
 when scoreLevel='A' then 1 
 when scoreLevel='B' then 2 
 when scoreLevel='C' then 3  
 when scoreLevel='D' then 4 
else 5 end




 when scoreLevel='S' then '不错'
 when scoreLevel='A' then '不错'
 when scoreLevel='B' then '一般'
 when scoreLevel='C' then '一般'
 when scoreLevel='D' then '较差'
 when scoreLevel='E' then '较差'
 else '其他' end as scoreRemark
group by 
 when scoreLevel='S' then '不错'
 when scoreLevel='A' then '不错'
 when scoreLevel='B' then '一般'
 when scoreLevel='C' then '一般'
 when scoreLevel='D' then '较差'
 when scoreLevel='E' then '较差'
 else '其他' end





select * from T_STUDENT_SCORE where 
 when scoreLevel='S' then '不错'
 when scoreLevel='A' then '不错'
 when scoreLevel='B' then '一般'
 when scoreLevel='C' then '一般'
 when scoreLevel='D' then '较差'
 when scoreLevel='E' then '较差'
 else '其他' end)='不错'



