1.1 特点
双重差分模型 (Difference-Differences, DID)是政策评估的非实验方法中最为常用的一种方法,其中交互项是DID的灵魂。
1.2 传统DID
双重差分法是研究“处理效应”(treatment effects)的流行方法。一般来说,DID的使用场景为,在面板数据中,个体可分为两类,即受到政策冲击的“处理组”(treatment group)与未受政策影响的“控制组”(control group)。重点落在政策冲击和是否受到政策冲击,通过引入虚拟变量来实现。即:
处理组虚拟变量 beta 捕捉了处理组的组别效应(处理组与控制组的固有差别),处理期虚拟变量lambda控制了处理期的时间效应(处理期前后的固有时间趋势), X为其他控制变量,而交互项xigema 则代表了处理组在处理期的真正效应(受到政策冲击的效应),这正是我们关心的处理效应。然后进行OLS估计即可。
1.3 经典DID
经典DID是在传统DID模型上控制了个体固定效应(individual fixed effects)和时间固定效应(time fixed effects),并去除单独变量。模型如下:
(1)u 为个体固定效应。加入个体固定效应之后,就不必再放入处理组虚拟变量(treat i),否则会引起多重共线性问题。因为前者包含比后者更多的信息(前者控制到个体层面,而后者仅控制到组别层面)。
(2)入 为时间固定效应。同理,加入时间固定效应就不用再加处理期虚拟变量(post t)。否则,将导致严格多重共线性,因为前者包含比后者更多的信息(前者控制了每一期的时间效应,而后者仅控制处理期前后的时间效应)
(3)注意:估计方法依然是OLS,但须使用“聚类稳健标准误”(cluster-robust standard errors)。
1.4 异时DID
在传统与经典DID的模型设定中,一个隐含假设是,处理组的所有个体开始受到政策冲击的时间均完全相同。但有时也会遇到每位个体的处理期不完全一致的情形(heterogeneous timing);比如,某项试点政策在不同城市分批推出。此时,可使用“异时DID”(heterogeneous timing DID)。
异时DID的关键在于,既然每位个体的处理期不完全一致,则处理期虚拟变量也因个体而异,故应写为post(i,t),既依赖于个体 i,也依赖于时间 t。模型设定为如下任意一种形式:
2)识别受影响:post1(i,t) = (0,0,1,1,1)代表第1位个体从第3期开始受到政策处理;post2(i,t) = (0,0,0,1,1)代表第2位个体从第4期开始受到政策处理;post3(i,t) = (0,0,0,0,0)代表从未受到政策冲击(属于控制组)。
1.5 广义DID
以上各种DID方法均假设存在处理组与控制组的区别,但有时某项政策在全国统一铺开,此时只有处理组,并没有控制组,是否还能使用DID呢?答案是“能”,可以尝试“广义DID”(generalized DID)。
使用广义DID的重要前提是,虽然所有个体均同时受到政策冲击,但政策对于每位个体的影响力度并不相同,不妨以 intensity(i) 来表示。
其中,交互项系数为我们关注的对象。此外对于广义DID,文献中也有门槛区分组别的方法,即人为地设定一个门槛值 c,根据 变量是否超过此门槛值来定义处理组与控制组。因为将连续变量压缩为二分变量损失了不少信息,故在实践中已不多见。
1.6 异质性DID
传统的处理效应模型一般假设“同质性处理效应”(homogeneous treatment effects),即所有个体的处理效应都相同。显然,此假定太苛刻,在实践中难以成立。更为合理的假定则为“异质性处理效应”(heterogeneous treatment effects),即允许每位个体的处理效应不尽相同。具体而言:
2)模型建立上,在经典DID的模型中,再引入三重交互项 ,构建异质性DID模型。
由上式可知,对于group=0 那类处理组个体,其处理效应为 s。而对于 group=1那类处理组个体,其处理效应为(s+t) 。因而其处理效应是异质的(只要三重交互项的系数显著)。
3)推广到多雷,只要将将所有个体分为 M 类,设立 (M -1) 个类别虚拟变量。
2. DID 平行趋势检验
- 第一种的方法(图片来源于stata连享会)为:
- 第二种方式分为:代码操作和图形输出
安装命令:安装 coefplot
3 实践举例
3.1 所有个体开始受到政策冲击的时间均完全相同
连享会-倍分法DID详解 (一):传统 DID
/* 模拟数据的生成 */
clear all
set obs 60
set seed 10101
gen id = _n
// 每一个数值的数量扩大11倍,再减去前六十个观测值,即60*11-60 = 600,为60个体10年的面板数据
expand 11
drop in 1/60
bysort id : gen time = _n + 1999
xtset id time
///生成协变量x1, x2
gen x1 = rnormal(1,7)
gen x2 = rnormal(2,5)
sort time id
by time : gen ind = _n
sort id time
by id : gen T = _n
gen D = 0
replace D = 1 if id > 29
gen post = 0
replace post = 1 if time >= 2005
///将基础数据结构保存成dta文件,命名为DID_Basic_Simu.dta,默认保存在当前的 working directory 路径下
save "DID_Basic_Simu.dta",replace
3.1.1 政策效果不随时间而变DID
use "DID_Basic_Simu.dta",clear
bysort id : gen y0 = 10 + 5*x1 + 3*x2 + T +ind + rnormal()
bysort id : gen y1 = 10 + 5*x1 + 3*x2 + T +ind + rnormal() if time < 2005
bysort id : replace y1 = 10 + 5*x1 + 3*x2 + 10 + T +ind + rnormal() if time >= 2005
gen y = y0 + D*(y1-y0)
xtreg y x1 x2,fe r
predict e, ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article1_1.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
reg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time i.id,robust
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time,absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Paramerer Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 c.D#c.post)
tab time,gen(year)
reg y i.D#i.time x1 x2, vce(robust)
reghdfe y c.D#(c.year2-year10) x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
coefplot, ///
keep(c.D#c.year2 c.D#c.year3 c.D#c.year4 c.D#c.year5 c.D#c.year6 c.D#c.year7 c.D#c.year8 c.D#c.year9 c.D#c.year10) ///
coeflabels(c.D#c.year2 = "-4" ///
c.D#c.year3 = "-3" ///
c.D#c.year4 = "-2" ///
c.D#c.year5 = "-1" ///
c.D#c.year6 = "0" ///
c.D#c.year7 = "1" ///
c.D#c.year8 = "2" ///
c.D#c.year9 = "3" ///
c.D#c.year10 = "4") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article1_3.png", as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
3.1.2 政策效果随时间而变DID
use "DID_Basic_Simu.dta",clear
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if time < 2005
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + 10 + T + ind + rnormal() if time >= 2005
gen y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe r
predict e,ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article1_1.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
reg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time i.id, r
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, r fe
eststo xtreg_fe
areg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Paramerer Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 c.D#c.post)
tab time, gen(year)
reghdfe y i.D#i.time x1 x2, vce(robust) absorb(id time)
reghdfe y c.D#(c.year2-year10) x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
coefplot, ///
keep(c.D#c.year2 c.D#c.year3 c.D#c.year4 c.D#c.year5 c.D#c.year6 c.D#c.year7 c.D#c.year8 c.D#c.year9 c.D#c.year10) ///
coeflabels(c.D#c.year2 = "-4" ///
c.D#c.year3 = "-3" ///
c.D#c.year4 = "-2" ///
c.D#c.year5 = "-1" ///
c.D#c.year6 = "0" ///
c.D#c.year7 = "1" ///
c.D#c.year8 = "2" ///
c.D#c.year9 = "3" ///
c.D#c.year10 = "4") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article1_4.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
3.2 个体受到政策冲击的时间不相同
倍分法DID详解 (二):多时点 DID (渐进DID)
所有个体开始受到政策冲击的时间均完全相同:Standard DID
个体开始受到政策冲击的时间不相同:Time-varying DID
/* 模拟数据的生成 */
clear all
set obs 60
set seed 10101
gen id =_n
/// 每一个数值的数量扩大11倍,再减去前六十个观测值,即60*11-60 = 600,为60个体10年的面板数据
expand 11
drop in 1/60
bysort id: gen time = _n+1999
xtset id time
gen x1 = rnormal(1,7)
gen x2 = rnormal(2,5)
sort time id
by time: gen ind = _n
sort id time
by id: gen T = _n
gen y = 0
gen D = 0
gen birth_date = 0
forvalues i = 1/20{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2004
replace birth_date = 2004 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 21/40{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2006
replace birth_date = 2006 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 41/60{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2008
replace birth_date = 2008 if id == `i'
///将基础数据结构保存成dta文件,命名为DID_Basic_Simu.dta,默认保存在当前的 working directory 路径下
save "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta", replace
3.2.1 政策效果不随时间而变DID
/* 政策效果不随时间而变DID */
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta",clear
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe r
predict e, ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article2_1.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
reg y c.D x1 x2 i.time i.id, r
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, r fe
eststo xtreg_fe
areg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 D)
///ESA及图示法 Time-varying DID 和 Event Study Approach 的结合
///用当前年份减去个体接受处理的年份,得到相对的时间值event,将 -4 期之前的时间归并到第 -4 期,由于部分个体没有多于 -4 期的时间
gen event = time - birth_date
replace event = -4 if event <= -4
tab event, gen(eventt)
drop eventt1
xtreg y eventt* x1 x2 i.time, r fe
coefplot, ///
keep(eventt*) ///
coeflabels(eventt2 = "-3" ///
eventt3 = "-2" ///
eventt4 = "-1" ///
eventt5 = "0" ///
eventt6 = "1" ///
eventt7 = "2" ///
eventt8 = "3" ///
eventt9 = "4" ///
eventt10 = "5") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article2_2.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
3.2.2 政策效果随时间而变DID
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta",clear
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe r
predict e, ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article2_3.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
reg y c.D x1 x2 i.time i.id, r
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, r fe
eststo xtreg_fe
areg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 D)
///ESA及图示法 Time-varying DID 和 Event Study Approach 的结合
///用当前年份减去个体接受处理的年份,得到相对的时间值event,将 -4 期之前的时间归并到第 -4 期,由于部分个体没有多于 -4 期的时间
gen event = time - birth_date
replace event = -4 if event <= -4
tab event, gen(eventt)
drop eventt1
xtreg y eventt* x1 x2 i.time, r fe
coefplot, ///
keep(eventt*) ///
coeflabels(eventt2 = "-3" ///
eventt3 = "-2" ///
eventt4 = "-1" ///
eventt5 = "0" ///
eventt6 = "1" ///
eventt7 = "2" ///
eventt8 = "3" ///
eventt9 = "4" ///
eventt10 = "5") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article2_2.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
连享会-倍分法DID详解 (一):传统 DID
倍分法DID详解 (二):多时点 DID (渐进DID)