论文写作 12: 算法伪代码 (含实例)
- 需要说明输入、输出;
- 方法 (函数) 名可写可不写, 如果被别的方法调用就必须写;
- 需要写出主要步骤的注释;
- 长度控制在 15-30 行;
- 可使用数学式子或对已有数学式子的引用;
- 不重要的步骤可以省略;
- 一般需要进行时间、空间复杂度分析, 并写出配套的 property 以及相应的表格, 以使其更标准.
- 在正文中分析伪代码的时候, 对多行引用应该用双连词符, 它会转成一个较长的连词符. 如: Lines 3–4 shows. Tables 4–6 同理. 两个并行的词连接起来 (等价词的复合), 也应该用 Serial–parallel. 参考文献的页码也应该用双连词符 pp. 87–99. multi-label 这里有个从属关系, 就应该用单连词符.
以下是该算法的 tex 源码:
\caption{Multi-label active learning through serial-parallel neural networks}
\label{algorithm: masp}
data matrix $\mathbf{X}$,
label matrix $\mathbf{Y}$ for query,
query budget $Q$,
cold-start query budget $P$,
number of representative instances $R$,
instance batch size $B_i$,
label batch size $B_l$
queried instance-label pairs $\mathbf{Q}$, prediction network $\Theta$.
\STATE Initialize the serial-parallel prediction network;
\STATE $\mathbf{Q} = \emptyset$;\\
// Stage 1. Cold start.
\STATE Compute instance representativeness according to Eq. \eqref{equation: dp-representativeness};
\STATE Select the top-$R$ representative instances to reorganize the training set $\mathbf{X}$;
\STATE Update $\mathbf{Q}$ and $\mathbf{Y}'$ by querying $B_l$ labels for each of the top $\lfloor Q / B_l \rfloor$ representative instances;
\STATE Train the prediction network using $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{Y}'$;\\
// Stage 2. Main learning process.
\STATE Compute $\hat{\mathbf{Y}}$ using the prediction network and Eq. \eqref{equation: label-prediction};
\STATE Compute label uncertainty according to Eq. \eqref{equation: label-uncertainty};
\STATE Query top-$B_i$ uncertain instance-label pairs to update $\mathbf{Q}$ and $\mathbf{Y}'$;
\STATE Update the prediction network using $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{Y}'$;\\
\UNTIL{($|\mathbf{Q}| \geq Q$)}